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Graphic Organizer for Chapter 2 Review
Problem # 3
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Partner’s answer
Explain or list the steps required to graph the problem. It should be clear enough so that even Mrs.
Thompson, a social studies teacher, would be able to complete a similar problem!
If this problem was an inequality such as y < -1/4x – 3, I would need to…
Graphic Organizer for Chapter 2 Review
Problem # 9
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Partner’s answer
We believe the correct answer is
Explain or list the steps required to solve the problem. It should be clear enough so that even Mr, Lyons,
an English teacher, would be able to complete a similar problem!
Find the
using the formula m =
Part b
How would the slope be changed if you reversed your x and y values in step one of this problem?
Instead of (3.5, 605), you used (605, 3.5).
Graphic Organizer for Chapter 2 Review
Problem # 16
My answer
We believe the correct answer is
Partner’s answer
List the four steps required to graph the problem. It should be clear enough so that even a stranger
would be able to complete a similar problem!
In the future when I encounter a similar problem, I will remember to…
Graphic Organizer for Chapter 2 Review
Problem # 20
My answer
We believe the correct answer is
Partner’s answer
Describe the steps involved in finding the equation for this line. The description should be clear enough
so that anyone would be able to complete a similar problem!
How would this equation be changed if you were looking for an equation for a line perpendicular to the
original line?
Graphic Organizer for Chapter 2 Review
Problem # 7
My answer
We believe the correct answer is
Partner’s answer
This direct variation problem involves 3 separate steps. Please list the steps required to solve a direct
variation problem.
In the future when I encounter a similar direct variation problem I will remember to…