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Homework #4
SUR 110
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _______________________________________
Define the Following Terms:
1) CPU:
2) Dispersive Electrode: for return of current
3) Electrons: a stable negatively charged elementary particle with a small mass that
is a fundamental constituent of matter and orbits the nucleus of an atom
4) Atoms: the smallest portion into which an element can be divided and still retain
its properties, made up of a dense, positively charged nucleus surrounded by a
system of electrons
5) Element: chemistry any substance that cannot be broken down into a simpler one
by a chemical reaction. Elements consist of atoms with the same number of
protons in their nuclei, and 92 occur naturally on Earth
6) Generator: a machine or device that is used to convert mechanical energy, such as
that provided by the combustion of fuel or by wind or water, into electricity
7) Voltage: electric potential expressed in volts
8) Free Electrons: an electron that is not bonded to an atom or molecule and so is
free to move under external electric or magnetic fields
9) Inertia: physics the property of a body by which it remains at rest or continues
moving in a straight line unless acted upon by a directional force
10) Load: electricity the amount of electrical power that is drawn from a line or
11) Mass: physics the property of an object that is a measure of its inertia, the amount
of matter it contains, and its influence in a gravitational field.
12) Articulated: made up of two or more sections connected by a joint that can pivot
13) Degrees of Rotation: The degrees of rotation a robot arm moves around it’s axis.
14) Degrees of Freedom: In an unconstrained dynamic or other system, the number of
independent variables required to specify completely the state of the system at a
given moment. A.K.A. how many ways a robotic arm can move
15) Manipulators: robot arms; to move, operate, or handle something, especially a
machine or mechanical parts
16) Binaural Hearing: relating to both ears or the perception of sound by both ears
17) Telechir: to remotely control a robot
18) Sensitivity: the ability to detect light
19) Force: physics a physical influence that tends to change the position of an object
with mass, equal to the rate of change in momentum of the object.
20) Velocity: the rate of change in the position of an object as it moves in a particular
21) Mechanics: the branch of physics and mathematics that deals with the effect of
energy and forces on systems
22) Kinematics: a branch of physics that deals with the motion of a body or system
without reference to force and mass
23) Dynamics: physics the branch of mechanics that deals with motion and the way in
which forces produce motion
24) Position: the place where somebody or something is, especially in relation to
other things
25) Displacement: the amount of fluid such as water that is forced to move by an
object floating on or submerged in it, often used as a measure of a ship's size; the
movement of something from its usual or correct place
26) Speed: rate of movement irrespective of direction. It is equal either to distance
traveled divided by travel time, or to rate of change of distance with respect to
27) Gravity: the attraction due to gravitation that the Earth or another astronomical
object exerts on an object on or near its surface
28) Newton’s First Law: Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight
line unless it is made to change its state by the action of an external force.
29) Newton’s Second Law: Force is equal to acceleration produced in unit mass.”
30) Newton’s Third Law: The law of action and reaction or opposing forces). For every
force there is an equal and opposite force
31) Work: the physical or mental effort directed at doing or making something
32) Potential Energy: the energy that a body or system has stored because of its
position in an electric, magnetic, or gravitational field, or because of its
configuration. Symbol VE
33) Hooke’s Law: The restoring force on an object is directly proportional to the
displacement of the object from its equilibrium position
34) Boyle’s Law: The Pressure–Volume Relationship—For a given amount of gas at a
constant temperature, the volume and pressure are inversely proportional
35) Temperature: the degree of heat as an inherent quality of objects expressed as
hotness or coldness relative to something else
36) Conduction: the passage of energy, particularly heat or electricity, through
37) Convection: circulatory movement in a liquid or gas, resulting from regions of
different temperatures and different densities rising and falling in response to
38) Radiation: energy emitted in the form of particles by substances such as uranium
and plutonium, whose atoms are not stable and are spontaneously decaying. This
energy can be converted into electric power, but it can also cause severe or fatal
health problems to people who are exposed to it.
39) Simple Harmonic Motion: refers to the periodic motion of an object acting under
the influence of a linear restoring force. The motion is characterized by an
oscillation about an equilibrium position such that the acceleration vector of the
object is constantly changing, always directed toward its equilibrium position, and
directly proportional to its displacement from equilibrium.
40) Doppler Effect: a perceived change in the frequency of a wave as the distance
between the source and the observer changes. For example, the sound of a siren
on a moving vehicle appears to change as it approaches and passes an observer.