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Study Guide for Conceptual Physics
I. Metric units
a. Know how to convert metric quantities. For example – concert 5 cm to meters.
1) 10 g = ____________ kg
2) .3 cm = ____________m
3) 42 Dm = ___________ cm
b. Know the value of each metric prefix – for example – what is a millimeter?
1/100 of meter or 1/1000 of a meter etc.
II. SI units
Know the SI units for the following
a.. velocity
b. acceleration
c. mass
d. distance
e. work
f. energy
g. time
h. force
III. Scientific Notation
Know how to put a large number into scientific notation and know how to convert
a number in scientific notion back into a real number.
a. 1200000000 is __________________ in scientific notation
b. .0000024 is ______________________ in scientific notation
c. 64 X 106 is ______________________ in a real number
d. 1.23 X 10 -8 is ___________________ in a real number
Scientific Method
a. Know the steps in the scientific method and be able to recognize them in a
b. Know the difference between hypothesis, scientific law and scientific
V. 1 D motion definitions
instantaneous speed
average speed
scalar vs vector quantities
Problems 1 D motion
a = vf – vi/t
v = d/t
a. A train travels 6 meters in the first second of travel, 6 meters again during the
second second of travel, and 6 meters again during the third second. What is the
b. A car starts from rest and after 7 seconds it is moving at 42 m/s. What is the
car’s average acceleration?
c. A Dave is driving down to the shore. He car is moving at 50 m/s when he
sees a cop. He hits the brakes and brings his car’s speed down to 30 m/s. in 10 seconds.
What is his de-acceleration?
Free Fall problems v=gt
d = ½ gt2
g = 9.8 m/s2
a. If you drop a feather and a coin at the same time in a tube filled with air,
which will reach the bottom of the tube first?
b. A ball tossed vertically upward and reaches its highest point, and then falls
back to its starting point. During this time the acceleration of the ball is?
c. A ball is thrown straight up. At the top of its path its instantaneous speed is?
d. A ball is thrown upwards and caught when it comes back down. In the absence
of air resistance, the speed of the ball when caught would be?
VI. 2 D motion
A. Concepts
1) vertical velocity –
2) horizontal velocity
3) angles of projection vs distance
Problems x = Vx t
y = Vyt – ½ gt2
V2 = Vx2 + Vy2
1. A cannonball is launched from the ground at an angle of 30 degrees above the
horizontal and a speed of 30 m/s. Ideally (no air resistance) the ball will land on the
ground with a speed of
2. A football punt goes 50 meters downfield. If it is in the air for 10 seconds, what was
its initial horizontal velocity (vx?
3. A ball is thrown at an angle. At its highest point, its vertical velocity and acceleration
a. velocity
b. acceleration
4. An arrow is shot at a horizontal velocity of 20 m/s and is in the air for 2
VII Force and Motion
Know the following definitions and be able to apply to problems
a. weight
b. normal force
c. push pull force
d. frictional force
e. coefficient of friction
f. equilibrium
g. net force
h. terminal velocity
i. gravity
Newton’s 3 laws of motion – know the laws and be able to apply them
w = mg
f = ma
Ff =  Fn
A 5-N force and a 30-N force act in the same direction on an object. What is
the net force on the object?
2. A 15-N force and a 45-N force act on an object in opposite directions. What is
the net force on the object?
3. 40. How much does a 3.0-kg bag of bolts weigh?
4. A 15kg cart is being pulled with a force of 30N but is not moving. Label all
the forces and their values acting on this cart.
5. A girl pulls on a 10-kg wagon with a constant force of 40 N. The coefficient
of friction is .2 . What is the wagon's weight, normal force, friction and
VIII Work and Energy
Know the following definitions and be able to apply them to problems and their units.
a. kinetic energy
b. potential energy
c. power
d. work
KE = ½ mv2
PE = mgh
1. I lift a box of books up on a closet shelf that is 5 meters high. I exert force of
15N ? How much work have I done?
2. Brian does 30J of work pushing his car. He pushes his car 10 meters. How
much force does he exert on his car?
3. A30kg rock sits at the top of a hill which is 15 meters high. How much potential
energy does it have?
4. When this rock gets to the bottom of the hill, what is it’s velocity right before it stops?
5. A machine does 10J of work in 5 seconds. How much power does it have?
6. A lawn mower with 50w of power mows one row of lawn in 60 seconds. How much
work did it do in the same time frame?
Momentum and Collisions P = mv Elastic Collision
Inelastic collision
m1v1i + m2v2i = m1v1f + m2v2f
m1v1i + m2v2i = (m1 + m2) vf
Know the following definitions and be able to apply them and know their units
a. momentum
b. elastic collision
c. inelastic collisions
1. A 25kg bowling ball is rolled down the alley with a velocity of 5m/s. What is
the ball’s momentum?
2. A 30 kg dog runs and jumps into a 10kg wagon which is at rest. If the dog’s velocity
is 10 m/s what is the final velocity of the dog and wagon?
3. A 5kg soccer ball moving at 10 m/s hits another soccer ball at rest. Both soccer balls
have a mass of 3kg. What is the total momentum before the elastic collision and after the