Download Wanted Cell Organelles

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Parts Wanted Cell Organelles
Students will be able to identify the organelles in a specialized cell.
Students will be able to understand how all of the organelles function together as one unit.
1. Apply your knowledge of the cell organelles and wanted ads to create a ‘parts wanted ad’ for a
cell that is looking for a specific organelle.
2. Research a specialized cell of your choice and make sure that the ads you are creating
correlate with organelles found in the cell type. You must create 10 wanted ads for different
organelles found in the cell.
3. An example “Looking for a great opportunity to lead? Do you enjoy making decisions for
others? Is guidance your strong point? If so, we are seeking to fill a managerial position. We are
in need of a control center for a cell. Must be able to operate a cell. Should have solid experience
reading and de-coding DNA. Should exhibit strong leadership skills. Benefits include: placement
in low-stress arm cells, long life don't die; you just divide and multiply! If
interested contact The Body at 817-8WE-CELL."
4. The ad must include 3 statements about the part or need wanted.
5. Do not list the name of the organelle, other classmates will have to determine the organelle
based on your ad and the clues given. You may title your paper with the type of specialized cell
the ads are about.
7. Presentation of the ads should be on a poster or in a newspaper column format. You may use
the computer to type them up.
Evaluation Rubric (minor grade: 100 points)
Content (accurate, complete information indicating knowledge of part s and their function) - 60
points total.
Creativity (fresh and interesting approach) - 15 points total
Presentation (advertisement is neat, appealing to the eye and indicates time and effort) - 25
points total.