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NAME ____________________________________________ DATE _______________________ PERIOD _______ POINTS ______
Which of the following is NOT one of the Roman gods or
a. Jupiter
b. Apollo
c. Hades
d. Minerva
Which Roman author wrote the Aeneid?
a. Julius Caesar
b. Livy
c. Virgil
d. Octavian
Rome was able to spread its influence because of its geography.
Which of the following statements is true about Roman geography?
a. As an island in the Mediterranean, Italy was protected and
was midway between Africa and Europe.
b. Rome was located on the Italian Peninsula, which was
located at nearly the midpoint between the western and
eastern ends of the Mediterranean Sea.
c. From its position at the western end of the Mediterranean
Sea, Rome was able to control all trade entering from the
Atlantic Ocean.
d. Rome was located on a small peninsula at the point where
Asia and Europe meet, so Rome controlled the flow of trade
from the Middle East.
Before Julius Caesar became dictator of Rome, the government in
Rome can best be described as
a. A republic
b. A direct democracy
c. A monarchy
d. An oligarchy
How did Roman mythology influence modern cultures?
a. West civilizations discourage the use of mythology.
b. Many of the gods and goddesses are used today in religious
c. Planets, advertisements, and some holidays use the images
or traits of Roman gods and goddesses.
d. Roman mythology spread throughout Europe, influencing
the religious practices in those areas.
Which statement does NOT describe how the Romans
treated conquered people?
a. Some were given full Roman citizenship
b. Some people were allowed to keep their own
customs and local government
c. The conquered areas were forced to pay taxes
and acknowledge Roman leadership.
d. All males in conquered areas were forced to
become gladiators or slaves.
The 200 year period when peace, order, and prosperity
flourished in Rome is known as the
a. Pax Sinica
b. Golden Age of Augustus
c. Pax Greco
d. Pax Romana
A major contribution of the Roman Empire to western
society was the development of
a. Gunpowder
b. Sailing ships
c. Alphabet
d. Effective legal system
A major political reason for the decline of the Roman
Empire was
a. Military defeats in Africa
b. Corruption and unstable government.
c. The abolition of slavery
d. Acceptance of the Greek gods and goddesses.
This Roman dictator was very popular with the plebeians,
but the Senate members feared he was gaining too much
power. Members of the Senate assassinated him on his
way to a meeting in the Forum on March 15, 44 B.C.
Who was he?
a. Augustus Caesar
b. Julius Caesar
c. Marc Anthony
d. Tiberius Gracchus
As Rome expanded its territories, this ancient Phoenician
city located in Africa became its first enemy. What is the
name of this Phoenician city?
a. Athens
b. Phoenicia
c. Carthage
d. Sparta
Greece is to Zeus as Rome is to
a. Mars
b. Saturn
c. Apollo
d. Jupiter
The majority of the Roman population – farmers, merchants, and
artisans – belonged to this group.
a. Plebeians
b. Helots
c. Patricians
d. Slaves
Page 1 of 6
This series of wars resulted in the defeat of Carthage and in
Roman dominance of the Mediterranean. What were these wars
a. The Punic Wars
b. The Carthaginian Wars
c. The Persian Wars
d. The Roman Wars
The ancient Roman territory of Gaul was added to Roman holdings
by this general who then became a Roman dictator.
a. Octavian
b. Hadrian
c. Marcus Aurelis
d. Julius Caesar
The United States government is modeled after what Roman
government form?
a. Representative democracy
b. Direct democracy
c. Dictatorship
d. Triumvirate
The Roman culture and technology was spread to other areas
primarily as a result of
a. Trade
b. Conquest
c. Invasion
d. Travel
The eastern portion of the Roman Empire became known as
a. Justinian’s Empire
b. The Byzantine Empire
c. The Eastern Empire
d. Constantine’s Empire
Under the Twelve Tables, this western concept of law was
developed. What is that concept?
a. The right to a lawyer
b. The right to a speedy trial
c. The accused is innocent until proven guilty.
d. All people are equal before the law.
Constantine ended the persecution of the Christians with what
a. Edict of Constantine
b. Edict of Nicaea
c. Rock Edict
d. Edict of Milan
The Roman Republic ended for all the following EXCEPT
a. High unemployment
b. Inflation
c. Increased trade
d. Barbarian invasion
This family of languages developed from the Latin
spoken by the Romans.
a. Romance
b. Germanic
c. Hebrew
d. English
All of the following are examples of Roman architecture
Developed from Hebrew teachings
New Testament
Belief in life after death
Early church councils establish doctrine
Spread by apostles
24. The above statements refer to which religion that started
during the Roman Empire?
a. Judaism
b. Hinduism
c. Christianity
d. Zoroasterism
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Which of the following statements about Christianity is NOT true?
a. Christianity developed from Judaism
b. Christ’s teachings are contained in the Old Testament of
the Bible
c. Christians were persecuted by the Romans.
d. Christians were loyal first to the Church not the Roman
The Romans opposed the Christians for all of the following reasons
a. Christians refused to worship the emperor as a god.
b. The Christians refused to serve in the Roman army.
c. The Christians renamed the Roman gods.
d. Christians taught theirs was the only true faith.
What was the written law codes of the Roman Republic called?
a. Twelve Tables
b. Twelve Commands
c. Golden Rules
d. Twelve Laws
Constantine built a new capital at the site of the old city of
Byzantium. What were the advantages of this city’s location?
a. It was on an island, near the origins of Christianity, and
controlled the crossroads of trade.
b. It was an easily defended peninsula, far from invading
barbarians, close to the origins of Christianity, and controlled
the passage between Europe and Asia.
c. It was located on the Balkan Peninsula in Greece, near the
origins of Christianity, and at the crossroads of trade.
d. Byzantium was located in the Middle East in Nazareth
where Christ lived, and the city was easy to defend.
The Carthaginian general who invaded Italy during the second
Punic War.
a. Hannibal
b. Scipio
c. Anthony
d. Pompey
What was the name of the legendary founder of the city of Rome?
a. Remus
b. Romulus
c. Caesar
d. Octavian
The Pax Romana is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Uniform system of money
b. Decline in trade
c. Safe travel across empire
d. Uniform rule of law
The Romans adopted their polytheistic religion from what group?
a. Etruscans
b. Minoans
c. Greeks
d. Egyptians
Rome became the dominant force in the Mediterranean
after its victory in the Punic Wars over
a. Spain
b. Great Britain
c. Gaul
d. Carthage
As the Roman Empire declined, which of the following
a. The Roman citizens rushed to the defense of
b. The military became highly organized and focused
on defending the western and northern frontiers.
c. Diocletian divided the empire into an eastern and
western half.
d. The influence of the Catholic Church increased.
There were two major social classes in ancient Rome.
The ______ were wealthy and well born and the ______
were the poorer members of society.
a. Patricians, Plebeians
b. Hittites, Mennonites
c. Phoenicians, Christians
d. Romans, Gauls
The Christian religion was spread throughout the Roman
Empire by:
a. Abraham
b. Paul
c. Muhammad
d. Caesar
The foundation of modern democracy was derived
(adopted) from:
a. The New Testament
b. The Roman Republic
c. The Laws of Rome
d. The Roman Empire
What was the name of the large market and meeting
place in Rome?
a. the Agora
b. the Pantheon
c. the Forum
d. the Acropolis
The Roman Republic collapsed because of civil war over
the power of Julius Caesar and
a. Devaluation of Roman currency
b. Unstable civil service
c. Belief in polytheism
d. Lack of technological advances.
Page 3 of 6
Of the following maps, which shows the greatest extent
of the Roman Empire?
Use the above chart to answer the following three questions.
After Julius Caesar’s death, how much time elapsed before
Augustus became ruler of the Roman Empire?
a. 17 years
b. 74 years
c. 76 years
d. 38 years
How long did Augustus rule the Roman Empire?
a. 13 years
b. 41 years
c. 61 years
d. 44 years
Who ended the Roman civil war with his victory over Cleopatra and
Marc Anthony?
a. Julius Caesar
b. Octavian
c. Hadrian
d. Pompey
What is the name of the book that contains the teachings of Jesus?
a. Talmud
b. Old Testament
c. New Testament
d. Torah
Who murdered Julius Caesar after fearing he would gain too much
power at their expense?
a. the poor
b. the Legions
c. members of the Senate
d. an angry mob
Of the following, who would have citizenship rights in ancient
a. Patrician and Plebeian women
b. All foreigners
c. Slaves
d. Patrician and Plebeian men
Which of the following geographical aspects DID NOT
make it easier to unify Italy?
a. No small, isolated valleys
b. Thousands of rocky islands
c. Broad, fertile plains for settlements
d. Apennine Mountains were not very rugged
Page 4 of 6
Under which of the following categories would you find the Aeneid?
a. Government and Law
b. Art and Architecture
c. Poetry and Literature
d. Society and Culture
On the above map, which letter indicates the location of the city of
a. A
b. C
c. E
d. F
Which letter indicates the Northern most area added to the Roman
Empire by Julius Caesar?
a. A
b. C
c. D
d. B
The area labeled B was called what by the Romans?
a. Gaul
b. Thrace
c. France
d. Lydia
Belief in one God
Jesus as the Son of God
Belief in life after death
Equality of all people before God
The above are teaching of which of the following?
a. Moses
b. Muhammad
c. Buddha
d. Jesus
According to the above map, what mountain ranges did
the Carthaginians cross to invade Italy?
a. Pyrenees and Tarus
b. Pyrenees and Alps
c. Alps and Apennines
d. Carpathian and Alps
The baths built in Rome were similar to that of which
earlier civilization?
a. Harappan
b. Greeks
c. Egyptians
d. Persian
Which of the following correctly matches Greek and
Roman names for a god or goddess?
a. Hera – Aphrodite
b. Zeus – Jupiter
c. Apollo – Hades
d. Athena – Venus
The Romans are remembered most for their
achievements in
a. Agriculture and literature
b. Government and engineering
c. Mining and metal production
d. Innovative science and philosophy
How did Julius Caesar undermine the Roman republic?
a. By changing the law
b. By falling in love with Cleopatra
c. Through defeats in Gaul
d. By expanding his power beyond those given a
military leader
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Start of the Punic Wars
264 B.C.
44 B.C.
27 B.C.
Assassination of Julius Caesar
Octavian accepts title of Augustus
Death of Marcus Aurelius
A.D. 180
Constantine ends persecution of
Christians with the Edict of Milan
A.D. 313
The above picture is an example of the style of architecture used
by the
a. Greeks
b. Romans
c. Egyptians
d. Chinese
Which of the following ended the period of the
Roman republic?
a. Augustus Caesar
b. Attila
c. Julius Caesar
d. Constantine
Like the Greeks, the Romans eased their shortage
of farmland and other resources through
a. Piracy
b. Alien citizenship
c. Foreign trade
d. Colonization
Which of the following government bodies had the
most power during the Roman Republic?
a. Consuls
b. Senate
c. Magistrates
d. Tribunes
The Roman army defeated Attila the Hun in A.D. 451, but the price
for this victory was
a. Increased tensions among the social classes.
b. Roman cooperation with the Visigoths and other Germanic
c. Declining trade, frequent civil war, and loss of faith in the
d. The assassination of Julius Caesar
A.D. 476
Germanic tribes overthrow the
emperor of Rome
Which number on the Timeline above marks the period of
the Pax Romana?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
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