Download 2016-17 Class Syllabus - Mr. Reich`s Class Website

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Coral Gables Senior High School
Home of the Cavs
Mr. Reich
AP/IB World Literature
Email: [email protected]
Location: Room 2133
Course Objectives: This course promotes academic excellence in World Literature through
enriched, global experiences in reading, writing, speaking, viewing, and listening. Further, this
course provides instruction in critical analysis of major literary genres. Composition instruction
focuses on using the writing process in creative, logical and critical modes. Formal speaking is
introduced. This is a college preparatory course designed to meet Florida Bright Futures
requirements in Language Arts. Students will be expected to…
Use reading strategies effectively to construct historical and thematic meaning from a
canon of literary texts that are high quality, complex and rigorous
Select and use appropriate speaking, listening, and viewing skills to clarify and interpret
meaning in both formal and informal situations
Understand the common features of a variety of literary forms
Demonstrate understanding and use of appropriate language for effective visual, oral, and
written communication
Select and use a variety of electronic media to create, retrieve, and verify information
Participate in strategic, diverse activities focused on vocabulary enrichment
Understand an author's craft, style, structure and purpose to write and rewrite formal, extended
analyses and timed, in-class responses. The course requires:
1. Writing to understand: Informal, exploratory writing activities that enable students to
discover what they think
2. Writing to explain: Expository, analytical essays in which textual details are used to
develop an extended explanation/interpretation of the meanings of a literary text
3. Writing to evaluate: Analytical, argumentative essays in which textual details are used
to make and explain judgments about a work's artistry and quality, and its social and
cultural values
Ultimate Goal of The Course:
Achieve a mastery of literary analysis that can be exhibited on the AP Literature Test, the IB
World Literature Paper and the IB Internal Oral Presentation.
Required Materials:
 A 3 ring binder or spiral notebook that you can keep consecutive daily class notes
and journal entries for the entire year. Something like 100-150 pages should be
enough if you use both sides of the paper. If you only use one side of paper 200250 would be better. The notebook should be divided into 75% Notes and 25%
 An electronic device such as a smart phone, tablet or laptop for reading
assignments in class as the vast majority of assignments will be digital.
The below texts will be used in accordance with the IB requirements as well as preparation for
the AP Test. Texts in bold are available for free online but if you are in IB and are considering
using a work for your World Literature paper you are strongly advised to purchase a copy of
your own for annotation purposes.
Medea, Euripides
The Sound of Waves, Mishima
Hamlet, Shakespeare
Metamorphosis and other stories, Kafka
The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini
Heart of Darkness, Conrad
The Importance of Being Earnest, Wilde
World Lit Paper- Choose from:
Medea, Euripides
Metamorphosis and one other story, Kafka
The Sound of Waves, Mishima
Oral Presentation-Choose from:
Hamlet, Shakespeare
The Kite Runner, Hosseini
Heart of Darkness, Conrad
The Importance of Being Earnest, Wilde
Various poems and shorts stories to support and reinforce skills in the effective
analysis of literature and interpretation of literary terms.
Methods of Instruction:
Socratic Seminars
Class Discussion / Interactive Orals
Small group work/collaborative learning
Formal and Informal Assessments
Grading Categories, Weights and Number of Assignments Per Year:
7 Interactive Oral Presentations (4.0 x 1) (As part of a group)
7 Reflective Statements (4.0 x 1)
3 World Literature Essays (4.0 x 10) IB Fully Scored / AP Segment Scored
3 Full AP Practice Tests (4.0 x 1 then 2 then 4) Will be curved
5+ Mini AP Practice Tests (Some at 4.0 x 1 some as Classwork or Journals)
3 Full AP Practice Essays, One of Prose, another of Poetry and a third of a chosen
work to align with the AP test of which 2 will be segment scored and 1 Full
Multiple AP Practice Essays (Some at 4.0 x 1 some as Classwork or Journals)
Multiple Reading Quizzes (4.0 x 1 or 2)
Multiple AP Vocabulary Quizzes (4.0 x 2)
Multiple Literary Technique Quizzes (4.0 x 2) and Tests (4.0 x 4)
~ 8 Random Journal Checks (4.0 x 2)
Journal Entries must always be up-to-date and in class, I will pick a random date
to check them twice each 9 weeks. You will lose one letter grade for each missing
or incomplete journal. If you do not have your journal you will get a 0. All
journals must be at least 1 page in length and reference at least 2 AOK’s and 2
WOK’s. If there is one empty line at the bottom of the page it is considered
incomplete. Checks will be by quarter so I will not check previous quarter’s
entries. ***All journal prompts will be posted on Edmodo
~ 8 Random Class Notes checks (4.0 x 2)
Class notes must always be up-to-date and in class, I will randomly check random
dates in your notes twice per 9 weeks. You will lose one letter grade for each
missing or incomplete day of Class Notes. Class Notes must have at least the
agenda for the day and a ¼ page of notes or drawings pertaining to the subject
matter of the day. An incomplete day will constitute a 0 in the gradebook this
assignment is A or F only. ***All daily agendas will be posted on Edmodo
~ 20 Weekly Participation Grades (4.0 x 1)
Please click here to see Mr. Reich’s Weekly Participation Guide or go to to find it.
Is that enough? Don’t Worry it seems much worse than it actually is 