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November 2004
Paper I (Physiology, Microbiology, Biochemistry)
Answer All Questions
Give the correct answer
Time : 2 Hrs
Marks : 100
Section – A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
1. The average pH of urine is
a) 5.6
b) 6.0
c) 6.4
d) 6.8
2. The following are present in the circulating blood except
a) Prothrombin
b) Fibrinogen
c) Thrombin
d) Albumin
e) Globulin
3. Creatinine is formed from creatine phosphate by a process involving
a) Dehydration
b) Loss of phosphate
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above
4. The most potent gluconeogenic hormone is
a) Glucocorticoid
b) Glucagon
c) Epinephrine
d) Insulin
5. The amino acid required for thyroxine synthesis is
a) Phenylalanine
b) Tyrosine
c) Tryptophan
d) Histidine
6. Bone formation mineralization is controlled mainly by
b) PTH & TRH
c) PTH & Calcitonin
d) Calcitonin & TRH
7. Which of the following hormones is involved in increased reabsorption of water from renal
tubular epithelial cells?
a) Insulin
b) Glucagon
c) Vasopressin
d) Epinephrine
8. Acetobacter acetii is involved in the fermentation of
a) Bread
b) Pickle
c) Vinegar
d) Alcohol
9. Complete destruction of micro organism by heat treatment is
a) Pasteurization
b) Sterilization
c) Blanching
d) UHT
10. The thermoduric bacteria which survive pasteurization of milk is
a) Micrococci
b) Listeria monocytogenes
c) Pseudomonas flourescens
d) Alcalienes
1. Fill in the blanks (10 x 1 = 10 marks)
a) Two commonly used curing agents are __________________ and _________________
b) The rate of RBC production in bone marrow is controlled by _____________________
c) Chlorine used to treat contaminated or polluted water lines is _______________ ppm
d) ____________________________ is a major transport form of ammonia.
e) Food intoxications caused by bacteria are _________________ and _______________
f) The lipoprotein that features prominently in reverse cholesterol transport is __________
g) Portion of pancreas which serve the endocrine function is ____________________
h) Preservation of microbial growth by freezing is due to ______________ of cytoplasmic
i) Holes in Swiss cheese are due to ____________________ microbe
j) Controlled fermentation of pickles is due to _______________ bacteria.
(10 x 1 = 10 marks)
2. State whether the following statements are “True” or “False”.
a) Fatty acyl CoA dehydrogenase needs FAD as a cofactor.
b) Aspartic acid is formed from oxaloacetate by transamination.
c) Blood changes in Pernicious Anaemia are Microcytic hyperchromic & MCV decreases.
d) Pseudomonas is a mesophyllic microbe.
e) Optimum pH for bacterial growth is 5.5 – 6.5.
f) Staphylococcus aureus is usually found in food rich in fat and sugar.
g) For optimal absorption of sugars from intestines, the presence of both sodium and
potassium is essential.
h) The typical yoghurt starter is a mixture of streptococcus thermophilus and lactobacillus
delbrueckii sub sp : bulgaricus.
The hepatocytes secrete 900 ml per day of bile into the bile canaliculi.
The heart and brain are the main storage organs for manganese.
(5 x 2 = 10 marks)
3. Explain the following terms.
a) RNA editing
b) Gene therapy
c) Putrefaction
d) Dill pickle
e) Osmophilic bacteria
(2 x 2 = 4 marks)
4. Differentiate between
a) Exotoxin and Endotoxin
b) DNA and RNA
5. Match the following
Folic acid
Pyridoxal phosphate
(6 marks)
6. Match the following
(5 marks)
i. Glucagon
ii. Calcitonin
iii. ACTH
iv. Epinephrine
v. ADH
7. Match the following
Scarlet fever
Typhoid fever
Bacillary dysentery
Metabolic process
Pentose phosphate pathway
Calcium metabolism
DNA synthesis
Oxidation of fatty acids
Increase serum calcium
Synthesis of steroid hormone from
Increases BMR
Increases blood glucose levels
Lowers serum calcium
Promotes water reabsorption by kidneys
(5 marks)
Shigella sonnei
Camphylobacter jejuni
Clostridium botulinum salmonella typhi
Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcus pyogens
(2 X 15 = 30 marks)
Answer any TWO questions:
1. Describe the regulation (homeostasis) of blood glucose and add a note on the role of
hormones in the homeostasis of blood glucose.
2. Discuss the synthesis and functions of thyroxine. What would be the abnormalities seen
during the hyper and hypo secretions of the hormone?
3. Define antioxidant nutrients. Discuss briefly the role of major antioxidant nutrients. Describe
in brief the physiology of aging.
November 2004
Paper II (Nutrition, Dietetics, Food Service Mgt.)
Answer All Questions
Give the correct answer
Time : 2 Hrs
Marks : 100
Section – A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
1. Natural non-caloric recently launched worldwide sweetener
a) Aspartame
b) Stugar
c) Sorbitol
d) Equal
e) Saccharine
f) Acesulfame - K
2. Preferred mode of feeding a child with acute pancreatitis
a) Oral
b) Nasogastric
c) Parenteral
d) Nasojejunal
3. Type of protein to be used for jejunal feeds
a) Intact
b) Whey
c) Casein
d) Peptides
e) Soyalecithin
4. Which of the following is the richest source of Alpha linolenic acid
a) Salmon
b) Soyaben
c) Flax seeds
d) Wheat
5. Flavinoids are phytochemicals that enhance the effectiveness of
a) Vitamin D
b) Vitamin C
c) Vitamin A
d) Vitamin K
6. Which of the following substances found in grains and palm oil inhibit breast cancer
a) Thiamine
b) Tocopherols
c) Fatty acids
d) Riboflavin
7. The requirement of which Vitamin increases with increased intake of PUFA
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin D
c) Vitamin E
d) Vitamin K
8. Microwave cooking involves the use of
a) Moist heat
b) Dry heat
c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d) Neither ‘a’ or ‘b’
9. Danger Zone with regard to holding of food is
a) 5 C to 50 C
b) 10 C to 65 C
c) 10 C to 62 C
d) 5 C to 62 C
10. The acceptable standard of bacterial count for dish washed utensils is
a) Less than 50
b) Less than 100
c) Less than 150
d) Less than 200
(50 marks)
1. (a) What is Ponderal Index? Give its formula.
(b) Define hypertriglyceridemia and give the dietary principles of management.
(c) Give the effect of different cooking methods on glycemic response and fibre content
of foods.
(d) What should be the reduction in calories per day to result in 1 kg weight loss per
month? Show the calculations.
(4 x 5 = 20 marks)
2. (a) Give the IDA – RD website address
(b) What is the volume of ECF in adults and infants?
(c) What is Acrolein?
(d) Define Frankfort plane
(e) What is meant by ‘work flow’ in food service?
(5 x 2 = 10 marks)
3. Expand the following
(a) ICMR
(b) DCCT
(d) SOAP
(e) FIFO
4. Fill in the Blanks
(5 x 1 = 5 marks)
(a) Bacterial fermentation of soluble fibre in the gut produces _________________ and
(b) Refeeding syndrome is characterized by _________________ and ______________
(c) HbA1c of 9.2% indicates blood sugars in the range of ____________ to _________
(d) For food preparation rooms, walls of glazed tiles to a height of ___________ to
___________ are recommended
(e) Financial management covers two basic aspects : ______________ accounting and
____________ accounting
(5 x 2 = 10 marks)
5. Work out the selling prices of the following items maintaining food cost at 60%
(a) Baked custard 200 ml.
(b) Chicken masala 100 g.
(5 marks)
(2 X 15 = 30 marks)
Answer any Two questions:
1. Plan and calculate the diet for enteral feed for a man (age: 45 years, height: 160 cm,
weight: 72 kgs) in hepatic coma. Give a list of foods to include and avoid.
2. A 46-year old Male, having Diabetes Mellitus for the past 5 years, below knee
amputation, and having renal failure has been referred to the dietitian. He is on 3 doses of
6 U of regular insulin and undergoing Haemodialysis twice a week.
Parameters: weight – 86 kg, height – 163 cm, Glucose PL AC – 150 mg%, Glucose PL
PC – 235 mg%, Serum Creatinine – 7.1 mg%, Urinary output – 600 ml.
Give the detailed nutritional care plans.
3. The following individual was referred to the dietitian for nutritional care:
55 year – old Female, having DM for the last 15 years, weight – 43, height – 5 ft, pulse –
80/min, B.P. – 160/100 mmHg, pallor - +ve, pedal oedema - +, FBS – 165 mg%,
Cholesterol – 233 mg%, TG 480 mg%, HDL 40 mg%, Na – 138 mEq/L, K-5.1 mEq/L,
Hb – 8 g%
Give the detailed nutritional care plans.
Note: Marks for question 2 and 3 will divided as follows:
Assessment & nutritive goals
Nutritive prescription
Diet plan and calculation
5 marks
3 marks
7 marks