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Hitler’s Invasion of Europe
- A plebiscite (vote) is held in the Saar, 91% of the
citizens vote to join Germany.
- Rhineland, Hitler gambles and with a small ill equipped
force, successfully invades both former territories with
little to no resistance from the French.
- Hitler successfully effected Anchluss, or union with
Austria through a vote. This union was met with little
Austrian resistance.
- Neville Chamberlain (Prime Minister of Britain)
attempts to appease Hitler in order to stop the Nazi’s
from continuing their invasion of Europe.
- The Munich Pact: In order to appease Hitler
Chamberlain met with Hitler and both agree that Hitler
will gain control of the Sudetenland territory as long as
he ceases his expansion through Europe.
- Hitler hoped to use the invasion of the Sudetenland as a
chance to show off his army and was angry that
Chamberlain allowed him to take it peacefully.
- Non-aggression Pact: Hitler signs a pact with Stalin of
the Soviet Union promising not to attack each other.
Britain and France are horrified.
- Hitler ignores the Munich Pact and invades the rest of
Czechoslovakia. With no help from the western
countries, Czechoslovakia is simply outnumbered.
- France and Britain warns Hitler that if he continues to
expand, they would declare war.
- Hitler ignores this threat and begins his invasion of
Sept 3, 1939
- Britain and France declare war.
Sept 10, 1939
- Canada declares war.
The Phony War
- Between the end of September 1939 and May 1940 was
a period known as a phony war where each side
mobilized their troops but did not attack.
- The Nazi’s invaded Norway and Denmark during this
period of time to establish a naval port and blockade
the Baltic Sea.
- The Nazi’s also invaded the Netherlands in one week
and Belgium in two days and began their invasion of
France through Belgium avoiding Frances defences
known as the Maginot Line.