Download The Earth`s Asthenosphere – Plasticity Lab

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Name: _______________________________________
Period: _____
“Modeling Plasticity“Activity
Problem: Do some materials have properties of both liquids and solids?
Purpose: Model the plasticity of the Earth’s mantle (Asthenosphere).
Materials: cornstarch, water, cup, wax paper, craft stick, pipette and beaker of water
1. Measure 2 large spoonfuls of cornstarch into cup.
2. Using the pipette, add water to the cornstarch. Stir the mixture.
3. Continue adding water, one pipette full at a time. When the mixture becomes difficult to stir, stop
adding water. DO NOT ADD TOO MUCH WATER!
4. Pour the mixture into your hand and observe it.
Does the mixture behave like a solid, liquid, or gas? _____________
5. Try to roll the mixture into a ball and press down on it.
Does the mixture behave like a solid, liquid, or gas? _____________
1. In which phase of matter is the water?
2. In which phase of mater is the cornstarch? ___________________
3. Which procedure in the activity could represent to the mantle under pressure?
4. Why is the Earth’s mantle said to have plasticity?
5. If the Earth’s mantle did not have plasticity, how would the surface of the Earth be different?
6. What part of the mantle is this activity modeling?
7. What are some limitations of this model?
Science 8 – Earth’s Crust in Motion