Download Quiz #3 - Digestive Physiology

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Quiz #3 - Digestive Physiology
Name: ___________________________________
Types of receptors
1. Receptor that registers the stretch of the organ wall by food in the lumen
2. Receptor that registers the solute concentration and pH of chyme
3. Receptor that registers the presence of end products of digestion
4. These 3 types of receptors are activated by the ________________________________
branch of the autonomic nervous system.
1. aids in defecation
2. causes bile to be a yellow-green color
3. enzyme produced only by infants to help with milk digestion
4. enzyme that begins digestion of starches in mouth
5. gives feces the brown color
6. increases strength of colon contractions and softens the stool
7. portion of medulla oblongata that regulates the vomiting response
8. semisolid products delivered to the rectum for excretion
 amylase
 feces
 urobilinogen
 bilinogen
 fiber
 Valsalva
 emetic center
 rennin
Short Answer/Fill in the Blank Information
1. Describe the 3 events that happen to help route food from mouth into stomach.
2. List the substances found in saliva that help protect/heal us.
3. List the 2 commonly ingested substances that can be absorbed directly from
stomach into the blood.
4. Your large intestine bacteria produce vitamins ______ and ______ to help you.
5. Describe a cleft palate and the serious problems it causes a baby.
6. Describe plasticity and the benefits it provides.
7. List the two main functions of bile.
8. Food stays in stomach __________ hours then goes on a ____________ hour
journey through small intestine and then the residue stays in the colon
approximately ___________________ hours.
9. Long, slow moving powerful contractions of the colon called
_________________________ occur ________________ times daily usually
_________________________ or ________________ eating.