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BIOL 2402
Sample Test 1
MULTIPLE CHOICE (Choose the best answer for the following questions)
40 Points
1. In general, the response of target cells to endocrine stimulation is _______ than their
response to nervous stimulation.
A. faster and briefer
B. slower and more prolonged
C. more accurate
D. more restricted to a small area of the body
E. more intense
2. Hormonal secretion can be regulated by
A. the action of a substance other than a hormone.
B. the nervous system.
C. other hormones.
D. All of these choices are correct.
E. None of these choices is correct.
3. The role of cAMP when it acts as an intracellular mediator in cells is to
A. bind to and activate protein kinase.
B. activate genes in the nucleus to produce mRNA.
C. directly activate structural enzymes in the cytoplasm of the target cell.
D. catalyze a cascade reaction that ultimately activates genes on the DNA.
E. control levels of calcium in the cell.
4. Which of the following occurs when a hormone binds to an intracellular receptor?
A. activation of cyclic AMP
B. activation of mRNA synthesis
C. increased lipid synthesis by ribosomes
D. opens membrane channels
E. alters membrane permeability
5. Steroid hormones
A. bind to membrane receptors.
B. diffuse easily through the plasma membrane.
C. act by activating cAMP.
D. are inactivated by phosphodiesterase.
E. are water soluble.
6. The TH is derived from a(n)
A. protein
B. glycoprotein
C. amino acid
D. steroid
E. fatty acid
7. The hormone melatonin is derived from a(n)?
A. protein
B. glycoprotein
C. amino acid
D. steroid
F. fatty acid
8. The rate of secretion of parathyroid hormone increases when
A. serum calcium levels increase.
B. serum calcium levels decrease.
C. serum levels of TSH decrease.
D. serum levels of TSH increase.
E. serum levels of sodium levels increase.
9. Overall, PTH _____ blood phosphate levels.
A. increases
B. decreases
C. elevates
D. enhances
E. has no effect on
10. An injection of epinephrine would
A. increase heart rate, increase blood pressure, and increase gastric tract motility.
B. decrease heart rate, decrease blood pressure, and increase gastric tract motility.
C. increase heart rate, increase blood pressure, and decrease gastric tract motility.
D. decrease heart rate, decrease gastric motility, and increase blood pressure.
E. have no effect on the heart or the GI tract.
11. The major secretory products of the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex are
A. glucocorticoids.
B. mineralocorticoids.
C. androgens.
D. catecholamines.
E. cortisol and ADH.
12. A tumor in the adrenal cortex causes excessively high levels of aldosterone. The high
aldosterone levels cause
A. hyponatremia.
B. acidosis.
C. hypokalemia.
D. hypocalcemia.
E. hyperkalemia.
13. The zona fasciculata of the adrenal glands secretes the hormone
A. androstenedione.
B. aldosterone.
C. cortisol.
D. epinephrine.
14. Which of the following will decrease glucocorticoid secretion by the adrenal cortex?
A. hypoglycemia and stress
B. increased CRH production
C. increased plasma levels of cortisol
D. increased plasma levels of ACTH
E. decreased plasma levels of cortisol
15. Which of the following situations might be the result of hypersecretion of
A. weight loss
B. hypoglycemia
C. depression of the immune response
D. increased plasma levels of ACTH
E. proteins and fats are unused
16. If both ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) and cortisol levels increase, which of
the following would occur?
A. ACTH production is increased even more by positive feedback.
B. High cortisol levels will begin to cause ACTH levels to decline.
C. High ACTH levels will begin to cause cortisol levels to decline.
D. Aldosterone levels will increase.
E. None of these choices are correct.
17. Adrenal androgens
A. are produced in the adrenal medulla.
B. stimulate growth of pubic hair in females.
C. reduce the inflammatory response.
D. cause reabsorption of potassium ions by the kidney.
E. decrease the sex drive.
18. High blood glucose levels cause an increased secretion of
A. insulin.
B. calcitonin.
C. erythropoietin.
D. glucagon.
E. GH.
19. When blood sugar levels decrease,
A. insulin and glucagon secretion increase.
B. insulin and glucagon secretion decrease.
C. insulin secretion increases; glucagon secretion decreases.
D. insulin secretion decreases; glucagon secretion increases.
E. there is no change in insulin or glucagon levels.
20. Which of the following occurs when insulin molecules bind to their receptors on
target cells?
A. increased mRNA synthesis in the target cells
B. minimal uptake of glucose by target cells
C. phosphorylation of proteins in the nuclear membrane in the target cells
D. increased numbers of active transport molecules for glucose
E. stimulates mitosis
21. Glucagon primarily influences cells of the
A. brain.
B. liver.
C. kidneys.
D. skeletal muscle.
E. pancreas.
22. In gluconeogenesis
A. glucose is used for energy.
B. glycogen is broken down to glucose.
C. glucose is formed from amino acids.
D. glycogen is synthesized from excess glucose.
E. glucose is formed from fatty acids.
23. Which of the following would affect blood glucose levels?
A. fat content of a meal
B. gastrointestinal hormones
C. breakdown of glycogen
D. aldosterone production
E. protein content of a meal
24. Releasing hormones
A. travel on axons to the posterior pituitary.
B. increase anterior pituitary secretion .
C. cause action potentials to be generated by anterior pituitary cells.
D. are produced in the pars distalis.
E. decrease secretions of the anterior pituitary
25. ADH is secreted in response to
A. overhydration.
B. increased volume of the body fluids.
C. increased osmotic pressure of the body fluids.
D. high blood pressure.
E. increased blood volume.
26. The hypothalamohypophysial tract connects the hypothalamus to the
A. anterior pituitary.
B. posterior pituitary.
C. pineal gland
D. adenohypophysis.
E. infundibulum.
27. Which of the following hormones is synthesized by the hypothalamus?
E. T3 and T4
28. Urine volume ____ when ADH secretion decreases.
A. increases
B. decreases
C. is not affected
D. declines
E. None of these choices is correct.
29. Growth hormone
A. increases amino acid uptake in cells.
B. decreases the use of fat as an energy source.
C. decreases the synthesis and storage of glycogen.
D. increases the use of glucose for energy.
E. facilitates the uptake of glucose by cells.
30. If growth hormone (GH) secretion is deficient in a newborn, the child will
A. develop acromegaly as an adult.
B. mature sexually at an earlier age.
C. be in constant danger of dehydration.
D. probably experience reduced bone growth.
E. probably experience increased bone growth.
31. Removal of the anterior pituitary would affect the functioning of the
A. thyroid gland.
B. pancreas isles of Langerhans in the pancreas.
C. parathyroid gland.
D. adrenal medulla.
E. kidney.
32. The nervous system regulates the secretion of each of these hormones EXCEPT
A. oxytocin.
D. epinephrine.
E. vasopressin.
33. Which of the following would apply to the description of a thyroid follicle?
A. walls contain a single layer of parafollicular cells
B. center is called the isthmus
C. stores thyroid hormone
D. small capillary networks
E. is a solid ball of cells
34. Which of the following ions is necessary for thyroid hormone production?
A. potassium
B. calcium
C. iodine
D. sodium
E. chlorine
35. In the blood,
A. most T3 and T4 molecules are found bound to thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG).
B. T3 and T4 are rapidly metabolized.
C. T3 is converted into T4.
D. T3 but not T4 is bound to TSH.
E. most thyroid hormones are transported in a free form.
36. Thyroid hormone interacts with its target tissue by
A. using the intracellular mediator system.
B. binding to a membrane bound receptor.
C. increasing iodine uptake in the target cells.
D. releasing thyroglobulin.
E. binding to receptor molecules in the nucleus.
37. John Smith works outdoors in the winter at a ski resort. His thyroid hormone levels
A. lower in the winter to conserve body heat.
B. higher in the winter to increase body temperature.
C. lowered in the summer after his job to decrease body temperature.
D. increased in the summer after his job to increase body temperature.
E. unaffected by his job.
38. Increased metabolic activity and weight loss are associated with
A. lack of iodine in the diet.
B. hyperthyroidism.
C. too little TSH.
D. cretinism.
E. hypothyroidism.
39. Which of the following is a local hormone rather than a circulating
a. mineralocorticoids
b. gonadotropins
c. prostaglandins
d. epinephrine
e. glococorticoids
40. Which of the following substances does not activate aldosterone?
a. renin-angiotensin II
b. low sodium concentrations
c. atrial natriuretic peptide
d. ACTH in high concentrations
e. low blood pressure
TRUE AND FALSE (Fill in A if the answer is TRUE and B if the answer is FALSE)
20 Points
Paracrine signals are hormones.
Oxytocin is produced by the posterior pituitary.
GH increases blood glucose levels.
In Graves disease, TH concentrations are low.
In Addison’s disease, weight gain usually occurs.
PTH is produced by oxyphil cells of the parathyroid.
Glucagon is produced by alpha cells of the pancreas.
SAD is caused by hypersecretion of melatonin.
Diabetes insipidis is due to hypersecretion ADH.
LH is a tropic hormone.
FILL IN THE BLANK (Write the word to complete the sentence)
20 Points
51. A hormone responsible for reabsorption of sodium is
52. Name 1 hormone responsible for increasing blood glucose concentrations.
53. Name 1 hormone responsible for elevating blood pressure.
54. Hypersecretion of ______________________ can cause hirsutism in
55. Atrial natriuretic peptide is produced by the _____________________.
56. Presence of glucose in urine is called _____________________.
57. CRH stimulates release of which hormone? _____________________
58. An example of a water soluble hormone is ___________________.
59. Low concentrations of glucose in the bloodstream is called
60. An example of a second messenger is _______________________.
DISCUSSION (Answer any 2 questions)
20 Points
1. What is the function of T3/T4? Specifically, what part of the thyroid are these
hormones secreted? What is a goiter? What is myxedema and cretinism? What
diseases are caused by hyposecretion and hypersecretion of T3 and T4?
2. What is the function of the thymus gland?
3. What is the relationship between the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary and
the posterior pituitary?
4. What is the function of hGH? What is dwarfism, gigantism, acromegaly?
Determine if these conditions are caused by hypersecretion of hyposecretion of
5. What is the function of LH? FSH?
There will be a bonus question on the test. The answers to the practice test will be in a
separate file.
Good Luck!
The acutal test has
40 multiple choice
15 true and false
10 fill in the blank
3 discussion questions
1 list the answer
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