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Chapter 14: Evolution: A History and a Process
Section Goal: The student will summarize ideas from Darwin’s time that influenced his work, identify some
key observations from Darwin’s voyage that led to his theory and describe the two main points of Darwin’s
1. Evolution2. Adaptation3. Descent with Modification4. Natural SelectionConcept 14.1 Darwin Developed a Theory of Evolution
I. Idea’s From Darwin’s Time
A. _________________________ is all of the changes that have transformed life over time
B. In the mid 1700’s _____________________ suggested that the Earth is older than ______________
years old
C. In the early 1800’s _______________________ developed the idea of Inheritance of Acquired
II. The Voyage of the Beagle
A. In 1831 The HMS Beagle left ______________ for a five year voyage around the world
B. Darwin studied the ________________, ___________, &__________________ he encountered
III. Darwin’s Observations
A. Darwin maintained extensive journals of his observations, studies and thoughts
B. Darwin noticed the animals and plants he observed were __________________________________
C. Darwin was especially intrigued by the Galapagos Islands because of ________________________
IV. Ideas from Geology
A. Darwin read books from _________________________ that proposed Earth’s features today could
be explained by __________________________ processes
B. From this Darwin made two conclusions
1. The Earth must be _____________________
2. Slow and gradual processes occurring over vast amounts of _______ could cause tremendous
V. Darwin Publishes His Theory
A. Over many years after his return, Darwin developed his theory based on ______________,
_______________, and ideas
B. In 1844 Darwin wrote a 200 page essay that outlined his idea
C. In 1856 Darwin released his findings to the public in the book
VI. Darwin’s Two Main Points
A. Darwin’s first point was that the _____________ of organisms living on Earth today descended from
ancestral species, _______________________________
B. Darwin’s second main point was that________________ ___________________ is the mechanism
for evolution
Lesson Reflection:
 Using page 296 in your book, complete the handout Pathway to a Theory.
Lesson Assessment:
1. How did the work of Lyell and Malthus influence Darwin as he developed his theory of evolution?
2. What characteristics of the Galápagos Islands were particularly important for Darwin?
3. What is natural selection?
4. Which of the following is an adaptation: the sharp teeth of a house cat, or a scar on the cat's ear? Explain.
Summary of Key concepts: Summary of Key Concepts for 14. 1
Technology/Application/Connection to real-world:
 Solving the Puzzle Activity w/handout
 NOVA video: Darwin’s Darkest Hour