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1.The skills needed for riding a bicycle are stored as
2. Flashbulb memories are so vivid because they
3. Computers and people both handle information using the processes of
4. A visual code helps a person remember a fact by
5. We can more easily remember bits of information by organizing them into mental representations of the world
6. Which of the following is NOT one of Schacter’s seven sins of memory?
Rehearsal --the conscious repetition of information you want to remember- is part of
Psychologists involved in the study of memories of abuse tend to disagree about which of the following
9. Studying for a test in the same room in which it will be held may result in a better grade because of
10. When we are tested immediately after viewing a list of words, we tend to recall the first and last items more
readily than those in the middle. This tendency is called the _________ effect.
11. The first stage of memory is
12. Which of the following is NOT a good suggestion for improving your memory?
13. The average person can hold in short-term memory a list of
14. According to Sigmund Freud, repression is a reaction to
In order to remember information for a long period of time, facts must be
16. Attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced, heard about, read about, or imagined is called
_____________, which along with the misinformation effect, is at the heart of many false memories.
17. The easiest of the three basic memory tasks is (what you’re doing in this test)
You recognize a face in a crowd, but you can’t recall how you know this person. This is an example of
19. Most people forget things because of the normal processes of
20. People do not reliably recall happenings of any sort from their first 3 years--a phenomenon call
21. A person trying to learn the vocabulary of a foreign language can remember the foreign words by
22. The process of forming mental images as we encode information in memory is called
23. ______________, or short-term memory, has a limited capacity of 7±2 and short duration (20 seconds).
24. Experiments show that the hour before sleep is a good time to memorize information because
25. The psychological terms for taking in information, retaining it, and later getting it back out are
26. Sigmund Freud believed that we block painful or unacceptable memories from consciousness, through a
mechanism called
27. Ebbinghaus’ “forgetting curve” shows that after an initial decline, memory for new information tends to
28. In what order do our brains process an external event into a memory that can last a lifetime?
29. Children may be accurate eyewitnesses if
30. The tendency to alter information as we encode it, and to fill in gaps when we try to recall something, is known
31. In __________ the person must retrieve information using effort, as in a fill-in-the blank test.
32. Memories are held in storage by a web of associations called __________ that help retrieve memory.
____ 33. The hour before sleep is a good time to commit information to memory.
____ 34. Memory aids (for example, those that use imagery and mnemonic devices for organization) are no more
useful than simple rehearsal of information.
____ 35. Memory storage is never automatic; it always takes effort.
____ 36. Children typically will repress any memory of having seen one of their parents being murdered.
____ 37. It is best to copy text from slides and textbooks verbatim (word for word as it is written), rather than put
the material into your own words and create associations for new material.
____ 38. When people go around a circle saying their names, their poorest memories are for what was said by the
person just before them.
____ 39. Although our capacity for storing information is large, we are still limited in the number of permanent
memories we can form.
____ 40. Children, teenagers and adults are capable of constructing false memories from stories they are told.
____ 41. Only a few people have any type of photographic memory.
____ 42. When people learn something while in a certain context, they recall it best when they are in that same
____ 43. Our experiences are etched on our brain, just as the groves on a tape receive and retain recorded
____ 44. How confident eyewitnesses are about what they saw is an important predictor of their accuracy.