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Changes to the Biodiversity Web Page …
Replace all of the text under Goals as follows:
Component: Biological Diversity
Biodiversity studies at the Andrews Forest LTER seek to identify the patterns of biological diversity in
our forested landscapes; identify the mechanisms that give rise to these patterns; model and predict how
disturbance, land use, and climate change will affect these patterns and relationships; and elucidate how
various aspects of biological diversity influence ecosystem function.
Past and current research on biodiversity at the Andrews Forest encompasses many components of our
forests at a range of spatial and temporal scales. Examples include:
species inventories at varying spatial scaleswithin stands, stream reaches, watersheds, and
successional studies of terrestrial and aquatic organisms using chronosequences or permanent
plots/stream reaches;
examination of diversity patterns along environmental gradients;
application of stand and habitat-association models to examine effects of management or natural
landscape and regional studies of species, cover type, and community diversity;
landscape susceptibility to invasion by exotics; and
functional relationships between species and ecosystem processes such as carbon flux.
Future biodiversity research will build upon existing work to broaden the spatial and temporal domains of
inquiry; to address questions related to patterns of, and controls on, temporal variability; and to explore
potential linkages among trophic levels (see Andrews Forest LTER Biodiversity Research).
I have added several links and changed names of most links as shown
Text for each of these sections follows later in this document
Andrews Forest LTER Biodiversity Research
Biodiversity Projects Involving Insects and Other Arthropods
Caterpillars of the Pacific Northwest
Newly Described Species at Andrews Experimental Forest
The Flora of the Andrews Forest
Ecology of Epiphytic Lichens
Controls on Flowering in Forest Understory Herbs
Fungal Sporocarp Collections From the H. J. Andrews LTER Site
Here is the new list of personnel (presumably you have email addresses for all)
Halpern, Charles B.
Key Personnel
Garman, Steven L.
Johnson, Sherri
Miller, Jeffrey C.
Smith, Jane E.
Acker, Steven A.
Anthony, Robert G.
Ashkenas, Linda
Gregory, Stanley V.
Lattin, John D.
Li, Judy
Luoma, Daniel L.
McCune, Bruce P.
McKee, A.
Moldenke, Andrew R.
Molina, Randy J.
Schowalter, Timothy D.
Spies, Thomas A.
Sundberg, Scott
Graduate Students
Lindh, Briana
Ross, Dana
Add links highlighted in yellow
Other Links
Andy Moldenke's Entomology Page
Caterpillars of the Pacific Northwest
Epiphytes and Forest Management (
Bruce McCune's website (
Replace old Abstract and text with this (drop previous subheadings and authors but see my
new “authorship” line)
Date: February 5, 2002
Andrews Forest LTER Biodiversity Research
Original text by A. McKee, J. D. Lattin, S. Garman, S. Acker, and S. Gregory with updates and
modifications by C. B. Halpern, J. C. Miller, S. Garman, J. Smith, and M. Harmon.
Past and Current Research
Research at the Andrews Forest LTER program centers around the general question,
How do land use, natural disturbances, and climate change affect three key ecosystem
properties: carbon dynamics, biodiversity, and hydrology?
The fundamental goals of biodiversity-related research at Andrews are to understand the mechanisms that
underlie patterns of biological diversity in our landscape and to model and predict how land use,
disturbance, and climate change will affect these patterns and relationships. We are also interested in
relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem function. Past and current research in the area of
biological diversity includes:
 species inventories at stand, stream reach, and landscape scales;
 landscape and regional studies of species, cover-type, and community diversity;
 studies of succession in terrestrial and aquatic systems using permanent plots/stream reaches,
experimental manipulations, and chronosequences;
 examination of compositional and diversity patterns along environmental gradients;
 changes in forest structural diversity with consideration of tree biomass, size, and condition, as well
as horizontal and vertical spatial heterogeneity;
 effects of forest management on biological diversity;
 application of stand and habitat-association models to examine effects of management or natural
 landscape susceptibility to invasion by exotics;
 controls of overstory conditions on flowering of understory plants;
 functional relationships between species and ecosystem processes such as carbon flux.
Examples of many of these types of studies are described below.
Many studies at Andrews have given rise to species lists at the stand, stream reach, and landscape scale.
These compilations can be accessed and downloaded through our Andrews LTER home page
( Species lists have been used for studies as diverse as comparing
the richness of different communities and habitat types (Zobel et al. 1976), or tracking the recovery of
aquatic community diversity after disturbance (Lamberti et al. 1991).
Plant successional studies have used chronosequences or permanent plots to examine trends in species
richness and diversity. Schoonmaker and McKee (1989) examined changes in vascular plant species
diversity over 40 years of succession following logging and burning using a chronosequence of sites.
They found that species diversity (H') peaks before species richness (no. of species/area), and both
measures decline following closure of the tree canopy. Long-term data from permanent plots in WS01
and WS03 have been used to examine the roles of initial composition, disturbance intensity, and species’
life histories in the recovery of plant diversity following timber harvest (Halpern 1988, Halpern 1989,
Halpern and Franklin 1990, Halpern et al. 1992a, Halpern and Spies 1995). Subsequent species-removal
experiments have been used to study the importance of species’ interactions during early succession
(Halpern et al. 1992b, Halpern et al. 1997). These permanent successional plots (some now ca. 40 yr old)
continue to be sampled as part of our long-term measurements program (see Future Directions).
Franklin and colleagues summarized the current state of knowledge about the biodiversity of old-growth
forests in 1981 (Franklin et al. 1981), before the recent round of studies. Neitlich (1993) used a
chronosequence approach in his Masters thesis to describe patterns of lichen diversity through time.
Schowalter (1989, 1995) used both chronosequence and permanent plot data to describe canopy arthropod
community structure and diversity through succession. He found that canopy arthropod communities in
young coniferous stands differed dramatically from old-growth communities. In young stands, foliage
feeding species increased in abundance relative to predatory species. However, young stands that
included a few residual mature and old-growth trees were more similar to old-growth stands in canopy
arthropod composition than they were to young stands.
Numerous aquatic diversity studies have been conducted, examining different trophic groups such as fish,
insects, algae (Gregory et al. 1989, Gregory and Wildman 1994). Lamberti et al. (1991) provide a
description of aquatic succession of insect and algal communities following a debris flow using
permanent plots along stream reaches. They found a rapid recovery of diversity in algae and insects, as
well as in ecosystem functions such as primary production.
Other studies have examined species diversity and community structure along environmental gradients.
Minshall et al. (1983) looked at changes of selected species groups along a continuum of river sizes.
Zobel et al. (1976) looked at plant species richness along gradients of temperature and moisture in the
Cascades, and found that maximum species richness of vascular plants was bimodal, peaking at the hot,
dry and cool, moist ends of the gradient. Peck et al. (1995) used many of the same plots as Zobel et al.
(1976) to examine moss species diversity on trees and down logs, finding that moss diversity increased
with temperature. Sillett's Ph.D. research (1995) examined the diversity of lichen species along
elevational gradients, as well as the gradients within individual canopies (see Ecology of Epiphytic
Lichens). Ohmann's Ph.D. research (Ohmann 1996, Ohmann and Spies 1998) examined the
distributional and diversity patterns of woody plants using forest inventory data for the entire state of
Oregon (>2400 field plots across natural and seminatural forests and woodlands). This work supports a
conceptual model of multiscale controls on vegetation distribution, and suggests that the local structure of
woody plant communities results from both regional and local processes.
Other studies have used habitat-association models to predict or explain species diversity at both stand
and landscape scales (Garman et al. 1992, Hansen et al. 1993a,b). Using results of similar studies,
Hansen et al. (1991) suggested ways of conserving biodiversity in managed forests. Perendes’
dissertation research (1997) examined the susceptibility of landscapes to invasion by non-native plant
species. She found that exotics are widely distributed along roads, streams and trails in the Andrews,
with distributions strongly correlated with light levels and disturbance. Road use and proximity to
clearcuts interact with moisture and temperature to limit exotic abundance at higher elevations, while seed
size and dispersal appear to control fine-scale patchiness of exotic plants.
Finally, we are examining the functional relationships between species and ecosystem processes or
structure. Harmon has been studying the effects of species mixes on carbon dynamics at scales from
stand to region (Harmon et al. 1990, 1995). Some results are intuitively obvious, e.g., longer-lived
species that are more decay resistant will produce stands characterized by greater biomass/carbon than
those dominated by shorter-lived, more rapidly decaying species. Garman has been modifying a stand
model, ZELIG, to look at changes in stand structure with different species under different management
Future Directions
A number of the studies described above will continue as part of our basic LTER research program. In
addition, we will begin to develop a more integrated view of biological diversity by examining variation
in the abundance and diversity of multiple trophic at the same locations, as they vary annually in response
to climate and other factors. Given the importance of competition, trophic interactions, and habitat
structure in shaping biotic communities, we feel this integration should lead to greater mechanistic
understanding of the controls on biodiversity in our forests. We will also designate a special area within
the Andrew Forest (the old-growth watershed at Mack Creek) as an “all-taxa study area,” with the aim of
establishing as complete an understanding as possible of species presence, abundance, and trophic
relationships. In the sections that follow, we provide an overview of some of our planned studies.
Declines in plant diversity during forest canopy closure (C. B. Halpern). The interaction between the
forest canopy and understory plant diversity and abundance has been a long-term interest at Andrews.
Long-term data from permanent plots in WS01 and 03 have been used to examine the roles of initial
composition, disturbance intensity, and species’ life histories in shaping early successional patterns in
these forests (Halpern 1988, Halpern 1989, Halpern and Franklin 1990, Halpern and Spies 1995).
Subsequent field experiments have been used to study the importance of species’ interactions during this
time (Halpern et al. 1997). We will continue to sample these plots during LTER5 (with measurements
now extending to 40 yr), to explore spatial and temporal variability in the decline of understory
communities with stand closure (ca. 25-40 yr). Current models of understory decline are based on
chronosequence and retrospective analyseswe are aware of no studies in the region that use repeated
measurements of permanent plots to quantify and interpret these changes. We will examine (1) rates and
patterns of understory decline with a focus on species turnover and loss of biomass; (2) stand
characteristics (e.g., canopy cover, tree density, basal area) that are most strongly correlated with these
declines, and (3) the degree to which temporal patterns are mediated by local environment (aspect,
topographic position, site productivity), disturbance history (stand-initiating and subsequent
disturbances), or initial composition.
Insect biodiversity (J. C. Miller). We will continue our studies of insect biodiversity and abundance.
Arthropods comprise the majority of species at Andrews (86%) (Parsons et al. 1991). As in LTER4 our
emphasis will be on Lepidoptera, as they are diverse (12% of all taxa), major grazers (Hammond and
Miller 1998), important prey, and responsive to changes in habitat and climate. We will sample from
three sites representing the range of climates and forest ages present on the Andrews: (1) low elevation
(400 m, WS02); (2) mid elevation (1000 m, Mack Creek); and (3) high elevation (1400 m, Frissell
Ridge). At each site we will sample both young (25-30 yr) and old forest (>150 yr) habitats. These sites
will overlap with the proposed “all-taxa study area” (see below). Moths at each site will be sampled on
one night every other week, from May-September, by deploying UV blacklights. We will quantify the
consistency in patterns of species abundance and synchrony in population trends at and among sample
sites. Abundance data will be correlated with weekly temperature and rainfall data.
Temporal variability within and among trophic groups (C. B. Halpern, J. C. Miller, S. Garman, J.
Smith). Considerable attention has been devoted to the spatial distributions and successional dynamics of
forest organisms in the Pacific Northwest. However, we have limited understanding of the patterns and
correlates of biotic variability at finer temporal scales. For example, it is often assumed that forest
understory communities are fairly stable in old-growth forests, but that populations of ectomycorrhizal
fungi, insects, and small mammals exhibit high inter-annual variation. For most organisms, however, we
have limited empirical data to quantify these patterns and there is only a cursory understanding of the
degree to which temporal variability is shaped by changes in climate, local environment, and/or biotic
interactions. In LTER5 we will begin to explore patterns and potential mechanisms of temporal
variability of plants and lepidoterans, and, as funding permits, we will consider other taxonomic groups of
fundamental importance (e.g., small mammals and ectomycorrhizal fungi). Our goals are to:
quantify the magnitude, timing, and direction of temporal variability in taxa representing
different trophic levels;
identify for each group the characteristics (e.g., population density, diversity, abundance,
morphological or reproductive traits, life histories) that show the greatest sensitivity to annual
changes in climate;
document the spatial coherence of variability within and among trophic levels; and
quantify the extent to which temporal variation is mediated by environmental stress (associated
with elevation) and forest structure (expressed through differences in microclimatic amelioration
in young and old forest).
We expect to see diverse patterns of temporal variability and “spatial coherence” within and among
trophic levels, reflecting in part, the degree to which environmental stress (and local amelioration of
stress by forest structure) shape population- and community-level processes. Some attributes will be
fairly sensitive to annual changes in climate while others will show little variability over the period of
observation (Table 1).
Table 1. Examples of the relative magnitude of temporal variability hypothesized for
various species- and community-level attributes of understory plants, ectomycorrhizal
fungi, lepidopterans, and small mammals.
Trophic level
Understory plants
Vascular plants
Ectomycorrhizal fungi
Hypogeous sporocarps
Epigeous sporocarps
Root symbionts in CWD
Small mammals
All species
Relative temporal
Species richness
Total above-ground biomass
Annual biomass production
Species richness
Total biomass
Annual biomass production
very low
Species richness
Species richness
Species richness
Total species richness
Species richness of individual
functional groups
Individual abundance
Adult phenology
Species richness
Species evenness
Mean adult mass
very low
very low
Individual species
Ground squirrels
Ratio juveniles:total
Relative density
Relative density
Relative density
To explore these questions of temporal variability, we will establish replicate sampling locations in low
and high elevation sites in both young (35 yr) and old forests (>150 yr). Each elevation-by-forest age
“treatment” will be sampled with three spatially distinct plots (replicates), yielding a total of 12
“experimental units.” Sampling of understory plants, lepidopterans, and other taxa will be conducted at
each location, at a frequency and with the sampling scheme most appropriate for each group. Additional
measurements of resource availability (light and soil moisture) and seasonal or annual trends in
precipitation and temperature will be taken in concert with biological measurements or extracted from
meteorological records at Andrews.
An “all-taxa study area” at Andrews. We have made great strides toward understanding the
distribution and abundance of many taxa within the Andrews landscape. However, to increase
understanding of biological diversity and trophic interactions at smaller spatial scales, we have designated
the old-growth watershed at Mack Creek as an “all-taxa study area.” A wealth of information for aquatic
and terrestrial species exists for this location because it has been a focal point for IBP, River Continuum,
LINX1, and riparian studies. As a first synthesis, we will compile all existing biodiversity records for this
location. We will then examine under-sampled taxa and those suspected of changing since the last
measurement. We will also encourage new investigators who are interested in specific taxa,
communities, or other biodiversity-related questions to include Mack Creek as a study site. Finally, we
will use natural abundance of 13C and 15N to begin to examine trophic relationships among taxa; an initial
study might sample multiple taxa representing different trophic levels.
Questions about biodiversity research in the Andrews LTER program can be directed to Charlie Halpern
([email protected]) or Jeffrey Miller ([email protected])
Literature Cited
Cohen, W. B., D. O. Wallin, M. E. Harmon, P. Sollins, C. Daly, and W. K. Ferrell. 1992. Modeling the
effect of land use on carbon storage in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. Pages 1023-1026 in R.
Williamson (editor). Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
May 26-29, 1992, Houston, TX. IEEE, New York.
Franklin, J., K. Cromack, Jr., W. Denison, A. McKee, C. Maser, J. Sedell, F. Swanson and G. Juday.
1981. Ecological characteristics of old-growth Douglas-fir forests. USDA Forest Service General
Technical Report PNW-118.
Garman, S. L., A. J. Hansen, D. L. Urban, and P. F. Lee. 1992. Alternative silvicultural practices and
diversity of animal habitat in western Oregon: a computer simulation approach. Pages 777-781 in P.
Luker (editor). Proceedings of the 1992 Summer Simulation Conference, The Society for Computer
Simulation, Reno. July, 1992. Reno, Nevada.
Garman, S. G., K. McGarigal, and M. Hunter. In preparation. HABPATCH, a model for predicting
habitat for bird species in the Pacific Northwest: a test of concept. (Contact S. Garman, Department of
Forest Science, Oregon State University).
Gregory, S. V., G. A. Lamberti, and K. M. Moore. 1989. Influence of valley landforms on stream
ecosystems. Pages 3-8 in D. L. Abel (Technical coordinator). Proceedings of the California riparian
systems conference; protection, management and restoration for the 1990s, 22-24 September 1988,
Davis, CA. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PSW-110.
Gregory, S., and R. Wildman. 1994. Aquatic ecosystem restoration project, Quartz Creek, Willamette
National Forest, Five-Year Report. Oregon State University, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife,
Corvallis Oregon. 72 pp.
Gregory, S. V., F. J. Swanson, W. A. McKee, and K. W. Cummins. 1991. An ecosystem perspective of
riparian zones. BioScience 41: 540-551.
Halpern, C. B. 1988. Early successional pathways and the resistance and resilience of forest
communities. Ecology 69: 1703-1715.
Halpern, C. B. 1989. Early successional patterns of forest species: interactions of life history traits and
disturbance. Ecology 70:704-720.
Halpern, C. B., and J. F. Franklin. 1990. Physiognomic development of Pseudotsuga forests in
relation to initial structure and disturbance intensity. Journal of Vegetation Science 1:475-482.
Halpern, C. B., J. F. Franklin, and A. McKee. 1992a. Changes in plant species diversity after harvest of
Douglas-fir forests. Northwest Environmental Journal 8(1): 205-207.
Halpern, C. B., J. A. Antos, K. Cromack, Jr., and A. M. Olson. 1992b. Species' interactions and plant
diversity during secondary succession. The Northwest Environmental Journal 8:203-205.
Halpern, C. B., and T. A. Spies. 1995. Plant species diversity in natural and managed forests of the
Pacific Northwest. Ecological Applications 5: 913-934.
Hammond, P. C., and J. C. Miller. 1998. Comparison of the biodiversity of Lepidoptera within three
forested ecosystems. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 91(3): 323-328.
Hansen, A. J., S. L. Garman, B. Marks, and D. L. Urban. 1993a. An approach for managing vertebrate
diversity across multiple-use landscapes. Ecological Applications 3: 481-496.
Hansen, A., R. Vega, A. McKee, and A. Moldenke. 1993b. Ecological processes linking forest structure
and avian diversity in western Oregon. In T. Boyle (editor). Biodiversity, temperate ecosystems, and
global change. Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Montbello, Quebec, Canada.
17-19 August 1993. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Harmon, M. E., W. K. Ferrell, and J. F. Franklin. 1990. Effects on carbon storage of conversion of oldgrowth forests to young forests. Science 247:699-702.
Harmon, M. E., B. J. Marks, and N. M. R. Hejeebu. 1995. A user's guide to STANDCARB, version 1.0:
a model to simulate the carbon stores of forest stands. Pacific Forest Trust, Booneville, CA.
Lamberti, G. A., S. V. Gregory, L. R. Ashkenas, R. C. Wildman, and K. M .S. Moore. 1991. Stream
ecosystem recovery following a catastrophic debris flow. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic
Sciences 48:196-208.
McGarigal, K. and B. J. Marks. 1995. FRAGSTATS: Spatial pattern analysis program for quantifying
landscape structure. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PNW-GTR-351.
Neitlich, P. N. 1993. Lichen abundance and biodiversity along a chronosequence from young managed
stands to ancient forest. M. S. Thesis, Department of Botany, University of Vermont. 90 p.
Ohmann, J. L. 1996. Regional gradient analysis and spatial pattern of woody plant communities in
Oregon. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
196 p.
Ohmann, J. L., and T. A. Spies. 1998. Regional gradient analysis and spatial pattern of woody plant
communities of Oregon forests. Ecological Monographs 68: 151-182.
Parendes, L. A. 1997. Spatial patterns of invasion by exotic plants in a forested landscape. Ph.D.
Dissertation. Department of Geosciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 208 p.
Parsons, G. L.,G. Cassis, A. R. Moldenke, J. D. Lattin, N. H. Anderson, J. C. Miller, P. Hammond, and T.
D. Schowalter. 1991. Invertebrates of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Western Cascade
Range, Oregon. V: An annotated list of insects and other arthropods. USDA Forest Service General
Technical Report, PNW-GTR-290.
Peck, J. E., S. A. Acker, and W. A. McKee. 1995. Autecology of mosses in coniferous forests in the
central western Cascades of Oregon. Northwest Science 69: 184-190.
Schoonmaker, P., and A. McKee. 1989. Species composition and diversity during secondary succession
of coniferous forests in the western Cascade Mountains of Oregon. Forest Science 43 (4):960-979.
Schowalter, T. D. 1989. Canopy arthropod community structure and herbivory in old-growth and
regenerating forests in western Oregon. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 19: 318-322.
Schowalter, T. D. 1995. Canopy invertebrate community response to disturbance and consequences of
herbivory in temperate and tropical forests. Selbyana 16(1): 41-48.
Sillett, S. C. 1995. Canopy epiphyte studies in the central Oregon Cascades: Implications for the
management of Douglas-fir forests. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology,
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
Spies, T. A., W. J. Ripple, and G. A. Bradshaw. 1994. Dynamics and pattern of a managed conifer forest
landscape in Oregon. Ecological Applications 4: 555-568.
Zobel, D. B., A. McKee, G. M. Hawk, and C. T. Dyrness. 1976. Relationships of environment to
composition, structure and diversity of forest communities of the central western Cascades of Oregon.
Ecological Monographs 46(2): 135-156.
Date: 5 February 2002
Biodiversity Projects Involving Insects And Other Arthropods
Original text by J. D. Lattin with updates from J. C. Miller and J. Halaj
Systematic Entomology Laboratory
Department of Entomology
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
The H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest LTER site (HJA) has a long history of work on the biological
diversity of insects and other arthropods. Some of these efforts reach back to the days of the International
Biological Programme (IBP), a decade before the official start of the LTER program in 1980. The
publication by Parsons et al. (1991) that documented over 3,400 species of insects and other arthropods
had its beginnings as a by-product of insect work begun in the 1960s. The growth of the arthropod data
set was built chiefly upon the various projects involving aquatic insects (N. H. Anderson and his many
students) and those associated with trees (W. Nagel and his students). There was some work done on the
litter-soil fauna, largely with the Acarina (G.W. Krantz). Gradually our knowledge of the insects and
other arthropods increased. My own involvement began in 1976 when I joined the HJA science team and
began to bring together the information gathered during the preceding years and added the information
resulting from a number of new efforts. Many of my own students made significant contributions to this
data base and continue to do so.
We did an analysis of the vertebrates, vascular plants, and arthropods of the HJA in 1990 (Asquith, et al.
1990). There were 143 species of vertebrates, 460 species of vascular plants and 3,402 arthropodsthe
latter representing 84% of the biodiversity of those three groups of animals and plants. For this reason,
any discussion of biological diversity must include the arthropods. Further, we believe that their
abundance of species and of individuals make them ideal biological probes of a variety of environmental
We have worked with many public and private agencies over the years. Gradually the arthropods have
become regular components of many of their studies as the utility of such inclusions were recognized.
The extensive data base on the arthropods of the HJA played a major role in this recognitionseveral
examples will suffice. Entomologists were members of several science teams during the massive effort
on the Northern Spotted Owl. This involvement continues today. The arthropod information provided
part of the scientific base for the biological and ecological concerns surrounding the proposed
introduction of raw logs into the Pacific Northwest that began in 1990. The diversity and importance of
microarthropods in nutrient cycling in the litter-soil layer is now well recognized, chiefly because of the
extensive efforts of A. R. Moldenke and his group. A similar effort was made with aquatic insects by N.
H. Anderson and his students and continues today with the "stream team" under the guidance of S.
Gregory. Arthropods are now established as major components of many aspects of the forested
ecosystem research (Lattin 1993).
The 1991 publication (Parsons, et al. 1991) documenting over 3,400 species of insects and other
arthropods has been added to the HJA home page and is available in its entirety as a stand-alone file.
New electronic data bases are being established for several insect orders based upon the 1991 publication.
These data bases will be updated regularly and will be available via the HJA home page. Significant
additions are being added because of recent and current sampling efforts, including the
Hemiptera:Homoptera-Aphididae (50 spp. added), Hemiptera:Heteroptera, Lepidoptera (150 spp. added)
and the Aranae. Other major taxa will be added as appropriate.
Litter-soil arthropods (A. R. Moldenke). Great progress has been made on the composition and function
of the microarthropods found in the litter/soil layers in the conifer forests of the Pacific Northwest. This
effort has been led by A. R. Moldenke and colleagues. Starting with a series of grab-samples (G. Cassis),
it progressed through a highly concentrated sampling effort at the lower elevations (G. L. Parsons), and
then focused on selected habitat analysis. The result of these time-consuming efforts is perhaps one of the
best known litter and soil biota in the United States. This information has led to a much better
understanding of the role these organisms play in forest ecosystems.
Canopy arthropods (T. D. Schowalter). T. D. Schowalter continues his studies of the canopy
arthropods, not only on the HJA but at a number of other sites as well. He is especially interested in the
changes in biological diversity through succession in the coniferous forests of the PNW. He has detected
shifts in faunal composition and species abundance as succession takes place. Schowalter has a longstanding interest in the impacts of various types of disturbance on canopy arthropods through time.
Lepidoptera project (J. C. Miller, P. Hammond). Emphasis has been placed upon the species-rich
Lepidoptera for several years at Andrews Forest. About 300 species have been reared, host plants
determined, and associated parasites reared when present. Almost 450 Oregon species have now been
reared. One hundred and sixty five additional species of moths and butterflies have been added to the
1991 data base (507 species) for a total approaching 665 species as of 2001. The studies on moths and
caterpillars initially performed at Andrews (Hammond and Miller 1998 ) were expanded to other
locations in western Oregon and have resulted in two books: Caterpillars of Pacific Northwest Forests
and Woodlands (Miller 1995) and Moths of Pacific Northwest Forests and Woodlands (Miller and
Hammond 2000).
Butterfly project (D. Ross, J. C. Miller, P. Hammond). About 180 species of butterflies are found in
Oregon. Remarkably, almost half of these occur at Andrews. An intensive program of sampling for
butterflies across the highly dissected landscape of the Andrews occurred between 1994 and 1996. Maps
have been created for each species on the site. Four sets of highly contrasting ¼-sections (of butterfly
species richness) received special attention, including a thorough botanical survey of each ¼-section.
Sections with higher floral species richness supported higher butterfly species richness.
Moth monitoring project (J. C. Miller, P. Hammond). An extensive and intensive 3-yr sampling
program for moths via black light traps was conducted between 1994 and 1996. Two additional studies
were conducted between 1997 and 2001. The first focused on host plant relationships of caterpillars
throughout the watershed; the second compared moth abundance and species richness in young, postharvest forests in which conifer regeneration was either rapid or slow. Future studies of moths will be
conducted at long-term monitoring sites to assess temporal variability within and among years.
Coleoptera in riparian systems (G. Brenner). A study of Coleoptera in the riparian zone was recently
completed (Brenner 2000). Results indicated that the riparian zone could be defined by the assemblage of
beetle species (in contrast to the upslope biota). Ten transects across the riparian zone were sampled four
times each year for two years. The timing of this effort proved quite fortuitous as it provided an
opportunity to examine the effects of a 100-yr flood event (winter 1995-1996) on the riparian fauna; a
series of parallel transects were established and sampled, and data analysis is in progress.
Ground dwelling beetles and vegetation succession over a 17-year period (W.H. Heyborne and J. C.
Miller). Inventory and monitoring of biodiversity is one technique used for measuring the effects of
forest management. Because bio-inventory studies are expensive, indicator species are often used as
surrogates for the entire biotic community. Insects may be useful as indicator species. The purpose of
this study was to inventory the ground dwelling beetles of the Andrews Forest and to use species
abundance to assess the impact of forest management. Beetle communities were compared over time (17
yr) and across variously aged stands and associated plant communities to determine the effects of clearcut
logging. Pitfall traps were used at 37 sites to collect ground dwelling Coleoptera over a 3-wk period
during the summer months of 1982, 1983, and 1999. We collected a total of 11,191 individuals; these
consisted of 224 species representing 49 families.
Collections were analyzed using univariate and multivariate statistical techniques. Beetle communities
differed significantly among the four forest successional stages sampled: (1) herb-early shrub, (2) shrubtree, (3) tree canopy closure, and (4) old growth. Distinctions were particularly strong for the herb-early
shrub and old-growth stages, with more overlap among the mid-seral stands. Overall, beetles were more
abundant in old-growth, but species diversity was highest in clearcut sites. Composition of beetle
communities also changed significantly over the 17-yr period (1982-1999). Composition in old-growth
stands was relatively stable, but relatively dynamic in early seral stands showing changes that paralleled
the successional development of the vegetation. In the 17 yr between sampling events, stands initially
classified as herb-early shrub (later classified as shrub-tree) contained beetle assemblages more similar to
the trees stages sampled in 1982. Repeated sampling has provided an estimate of the time necessary for
beetle communities to regain some of their “old-growth” characteristics after major disturbance.
Continued monitoring of these stands would further contribute to our understanding of the succession and
recovery of beetle communities
Arboreal spiders (J. Halaj). A four-year study of the ecology of arboreal spiders and other arthropod
groups has been completed. Initial surveys of arboreal communities in western Oregon found that spiders
were among the most abundant and diverse predators in forest canopies, based on a collection of over
7,000 individuals of 15 families, 46 genera and at least 62 species. Web-building families were dominant
in coastal areas, whereas hunting spiders were a major group further inland (Halaj et al. 1996).
Observations made during this study also revealed significantly lower densities of arboreal spiders in
areas with increased foraging of ants, suggesting a competitive interaction between these predators. This
hypothesis was tested by an experimental removal of ants from Douglas-fir canopies with sticky barriers
on tree trunks. As predicted, removal of ants caused almost a 2-fold increase in abundance of hunting
spiders (mainly jumping spiders of the family Salticidae). Observations suggested that the underlying
mechanism of this interaction was interference competition caused by ant foraging and aphid-tending
activities (Halaj et al. 1997).
A second phase of research focused on how habitat structure and prey availability influence the
community composition of these predators. Arthropods were collected from several tree species
including red alder (Alnus rubra), western redcedar (Thuja plicata), western hemlock (Tsuga
heterophylla), noble fir (Abies procera) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). A variety of structural
attributes of foliage were also measured (e.g., needle density, branch width, etc.) and correlated with
arthropod abundance. The aim was to investigate several host-tree species with different foliage structure
simultaneously to identify possible general characteristics (qualities) of arthropod habitats across a wide
range of structural conditions. The results of this work showed that structurally more complex tree
species such as Douglas-fir and noble fir supported the most diverse spider assemblages. Biomass of
twigs alone accounted for almost 70% and 60% of the variation in total spider abundance and species
richness, respectively, across a wide range of arboreal habitats. These results suggest that the complexity
of spider foraging habitat, and to a lesser degree prey availability, limit arboreal spiders (Halaj et al.
The habitat structure hypothesis was further tested in an experimental study in which the foliage of
Douglas-fir trees was altered (e.g., removal of needles, thinning) to create a gradient of habitat structural
conditions. Habitat manipulations had significant positive and negative effects on the abundance and
diversity of spiders and other arboreal arthropods (Halaj et al. 2000). Overall results of the two
experimental studies indicate that arboreal spider communities are under a strong bottom-up influence of
habitat structural complexity. In contrast, top-down and lateral effects such as predation on spiders by
ants, or their mutual interference, appear less important. However, only well designed factorial
experiments in future studies can assess the relative contribution of different community-structuring
effects in this arboreal system (Halaj 1996, Halaj et al. 2000).
The Hemiptera:Heteroptera of the Andrews Forest (J. D. Lattin). Lattin is writing a book on the 210
species of the true bugs known to occur on this 6,400 ha old-growth forested site. Each species will be
considered and the accumulated knowledge summarized. It is hoped that it will provide the basis for
similar efforts elsewhere (a joint effort with John Haarstad at Cedar Creek LTER is underway).
Long-term monitoring of Hemiptera:Heteroptera (J. D. Lattin). Monitoring sites of selected, groundinhabiting Hemiptera:Heteroptera on the HJA was established in conjunction with the moth sites during
1996. Special attention has been given to the seed-eating family Lygaeidae. Thirty-five species,
representing 22 genera, have been documented thus far. We believe that these insects will be useful taxa
for long-term monitoring. The family is well-represented at many other localities, including at least two
other LTER sites.
Reviews for the Oregon Natural Heritage Program (J. C. Miller). The Andrews Biodiversity group
has participated in a major collaboration with the Oregon Natural Heritage Program to review all of the
insect taxa of the state for possible classification as sensitive species. Our Andrews database has been
central to this project. A by-product of this effort is the gradual compilation of a complete list of the
insects of Oregon under the direction of J.C. Miller.
Literature Cited
Asquith, A., J. D. Lattin, and A. R. Moldenke. 1990. Arthropods: The invisible diversity. The
Northwest Environmental Journal 6:404-405.
Brenner, G. 2000. Riparian and adjacent upslope beetle communities along a third order stream in the
Western Cascade Mountain Range, Oregon. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Entomology, Oregon
State University, Corvallis, OR.
Halaj, J. 1996. Abundance and community composition of arboreal spiders: the relative importance of
habitat structure, prey availability and competition. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Entomology,
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
Halaj, J., D. W. Ross, R. R. Mason, T. R. Torgersen, and A. R. Moldenke. 1996. Geographic variation in
arboreal spider (Araneae) communities on Douglas-fir in western Oregon. Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Halaj, J., D. W. Ross, and A. R. Moldenke. 1997. Negative effects of ant foraging on spiders in
Douglas-fir canopies. Oecologia 109:313-322.
Halaj, J., D. W. Ross, and A. R. Moldenke. 1998. Habitat structure and prey availability as predictors of
the abundance and community organization of spiders in western Oregon forest canopies. Journal of
Arachnology 26:203-220.
Halaj, J., D. W. Ross, and A. R. Moldenke. 2000. Importance of habitat structure to the arthropod food
web in Douglas-fir canopies. Oikos 90:139-152.
Hammond, P. C., and J. C. Miller. 1998. Comparison of the biodiversity of Lepidoptera within three
forested ecosystems. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 91: 323-328.
Lattin, J. D. 1993. Arthropod diversity and conservation in old-growth northwest forests. American
Zoologist 33:578-587.
Miller, J. C., and P. C. Hammond. 2000. Macromoths of Northwest Forests and Woodlands. USDA,
USFS, FTET 98-18.
Miller, J. C. 1995. Caterpillars of Pacific Northwest Forests and Woodlands. USDA, USFS, FHM-NC06-95.
Parsons, G. L., G. Cassis, A. R. Moldenke, J. D. Lattin, N. H. Anderson, J. C. Miller, P. Hammond, and
T. D. Schowalter. 1991. Invertebrates of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Western Cascade
Range, Oregon. V: An annotated list of insects and other arthropods. USDA Forest Service General
Technical Report PNW-GTR-290.
This section has new titles and is reformatted into a table. Genus, species now in italics
Newly Described Species at H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest
Genus, species
Paraleuctra andersoni Harper & Wildman
Kleidocerys n.sp.
Trapezonotus n.sp.
Dichaetocoris n.sp.
Eurychilopterella n.sp.
Lopidea n.sp. near johnstoni Knight
Phytocoris nobilis Stonedahl
Polymerus castilleja Schwartz
Oropus microphthalmus Chandler
Omalorphanus aenigma Campbell & Chandler
BRACHYCENTRIDAE Micrasema oregona Denning
Hydropsyche andersoni Denning
Lacinipolia n.sp. near pensilis (Grote)
Mesogona rubra Hammond & Crabo
Xestia finatimis LaFontaine
Axymyiia n.sp.
Chaetocladius n.sp.
Eukiefferiella n.sp.
Orthocladius n.sp.
Pagastia n.sp.
Trichonta n.sp.
Triphleba n.sp.
Symphoromyia n.sp. near kinkaidi Aldrich
Parasimulium n.sp
Platycheirus nearcticus Vockeroth
Uzelia n.sp.
Onychiurus voegtlini Christiansen & Bellinger
New genus, new species
Metaphidippus n.sp.
New genus, new species
New genus, new species
I changed the title of Sundberg’s contribution .. asked for updates but received none.
H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest Floristic Studies
Dr. Scott Sundberg
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
Oregon State University
The H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest (AEF), with its broad elevational range and wide variety of
habitats, is botanically diverse. 570 vascular plant species, subspecies and varieties (taxa) have been
observed in the AEF. This represents approximately 12.8 percent of the vascular plant taxa found outside
of cultivation in Oregon. The AEF taxa are classified in 76 families and 570 genera. Approximately 11.3
percent of vascular plant taxa are non-native aliens, which is lower than the 18.1 percent alien taxa found
in the state. For the past four years I have been inventorying the vascular plants of the AEF and curating
the collection of vascular plant vouchers in the AEF herbarium. The goal is to produce a comprehensive
list of vascular plants in paper and electronic forms, document their presence with voucher specimens,
and improve the herbarium for use by AEF researchers.
In 1971 J.F. Franklin and C.T. Dyrness published A Checklist of Vascular Plants on the H.J. Andrews
Experimental Forest, Western Oregon, which listed all vascular plants known in the AEF at the time.
Arthur McKee and I are currently revising this list to include recent discoveries and to update its
nomenclature. Plant nomenclature has changed a great deal during the twenty-seven years since the
checklist was published and 20 to 25% of the names on their list do not reflect current taxonomic
concepts. In addition, alternate systems of nomenclature exist. Nomenclature may differ among Oregon
floras, the PLANTS database maintained by the NRCS and the Oregon Vascular Plant Checklist
(currently being written at OSU). To address the confusion about plant names in the AEF, we are listing
the name currently accepted for the Oregon Vascular Plant Checklist and if needed, providing alternate
names from the PLANTS database and other sources. The checklist is maintained in a Paradox relational
database that includes fields for accepted name, authority, voucher citations, habitat, life form (herb,
shrub, etc.) and abundance in the AEF. The finished list will also include for each taxon one or two
common names, plant origin (native or introduced), selected synonyms, and miscellaneous notes from the
Oregon Vascular Plant Checklist. The PLANTS "symbol," the abbreviation of its name, will also be
included. So far, nomenclature of approximately 80% of the plant taxa on the AEF list has been revised.
While nomenclature of the AEF list is being revised, work is progressing on the Oregon checklist, for
which approximately 50% of the taxa have been reviewed. Pending completion of the Oregon list,
nomenclature of AEF taxa is being determined by evaluating alternate treatments in floras and taxonomic
monographs. A "crosswalk" table is also being produced that will more efficiently enable us to determine
the corresponding names accepted in the PLANTS database.
Concurrently with revising the checklist I am annotating and curating voucher specimens. Most AEF
plant taxa are represented in one or more of three sets of voucher specimens. An intensive effort was
made from 1958 to 1971 by Franklin and Dyrness to collect vouchers for their checklist. The checklist
cites vouchers for approximately 77% of the 480 taxa they listed. Herm Fitz and Susan McAlister
collected a second set from 1977 to 1979. Their vouchers of 445 taxa from AEF and about 26 additional
localities complement well the earlier collections. I collected a third set of vouchers from 1995 to 1997,
approximately 230 of which will be deposited at OSU and 100 at AEF herbarium. Fitz, McAlister and I
have so far found over ninety new records for the AEF, including several recent arrivals of noxious
We are currently of curating all specimens in the AEF herbarium and collections made at the AEF that are
at OSU. Fitz and McAlister collections have been transferred to single-fold folders, grouped by major
plant categories (ferns and fern allies, gymnosperms, monocots and dicots) and sorted alphabetically. The
specimens have been repaired and strengthened by additional gluing. Specimens have been frozen to kill
insects. Although no living insects were found, insects have damaged some specimens in the past. A
new, insect-tight herbarium cabinet has been ordered and all specimens will be frozen once more before
being filed.
Identifications have been confirmed and nomenclature revised for approximately 70% of the specimens in
the AEF herbarium, including specimens collected by Fitz and McAlister as well as the earlier collections
by Franklin, Dyrness, and others that are filed in three-ring binders. Annotations reflect currently
accepted names in the Oregon Vascular Plant Checklist and in the PLANTS database, respectively. In
addition, specimens collected in the AEF have been pulled out of the OSU Herbarium. About 70% of
these have also been annotated and are being refiled. In the next few months I will finish reidentifying
voucher specimens from the AEF and OSU herbaria. The electronic checklist will be finished shortly
after this and could then be put on the Internet. Nomenclature of some genera will remain in flux while
the Oregon Vascular Plant Checklist is being finalized, but I anticipate few changes in the final list.
Scott Sundberg
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
Oregon State Univ.
2082 Cordley Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331
(541) 737-4338
[email protected]
New addition.
Ecology of Epiphytic Lichens
Bruce McCune
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
Oregon State University
We have focused on the relationship between forest management practices and epiphytic lichens. One of
the most surprising and telling results in the course of this research was that old-growth associated lichens
transplanted to younger forests often grow as well or better than in old forests. This was found for
Lobaria oregana (Sillett and McCune 1998, Sillett et al. 2000a), Lobaria pulmonaria (Sillett et al.
2000a), and Pseudocyphellaria rainierensis (Sillett and McCune 1998). Lobaria oregana and probably
many other lichens are associated with old-growth forests not because they cannot thrive in younger
forests, but rather because they are dispersal-limited. We demonstrated this experimentally for Lobaria
oregana (Sillett et al. 2000a, 2000b)
Remnant trees are important for fostering epiphytes in young stands. The evidence includes correlations
between remnant trees and old-growth components of lichen biodiversity and higher biomass of oldgrowth associated species in mature stands with remnants, as compared with adjoining stands without
remnants (Peck and McCune 1997a). Young stands with remnant trees typically have lower biomass of
epiphytes than comparable mature and old-growth stands (Berryman and McCune, in preparation). We
therefore expect that the functional contributions of lichens will be substantially less in a landscape matrix
of young stands with old-tree retention than in a landscape of predominantly mature and old-growth
What's new?
We are developing nonparametric multivariate habitat models for epiphytic lichens using a new method
allied to kernel analysis. After building models for some of the common, important epiphytic lichen
species (e.g., Lobaria oregana) we are attempting to model of occurrence of rare species. To do this we
are drawing on data from hundreds of plots throughout the west slope of the Cascades in Oregon, then
applying these results to project the consequences of various management scenarios in the Blue River
watershed. Participants include Erin Martin, Bruce McCune, John Cissel, and Shanti Berryman. Shanti
Berryman and Bruce McCune have nearly completed gradient models of epiphytic lichen diversity,
composition, and biomass in the Blue River Landscape.
Literature Cited
Peck, J. E., and B. McCune. 1997a. Effects of green tree retention on epiphytic lichen communities: A
retrospective approach. Ecological Applications 7:1181-1187.
Sillett, S. C., and T. Goward. 1998. Ecology and conservation of Pseudocyphellaria rainierensis, a
Pacific Northwest endemic lichen. Pages 377-388 in M. G. Glenn, R. C. Harris, R. Dirig, and M. S.
Cole (editors). Lichenographa Thomsoniana: North American lichenology in honor of John W.
Thomson. Mycotaxon, Ithaca, New York, USA.
Sillett, S. C., and B. McCune. 1998. Survival and growth of cyanolichen transplants in Douglas-fir forest
canopies. Bryologist 101:21-31.
Sillett, S. C., B. McCune, J. E. Peck, T. R. Rambo, and A. Ruchty. 2000a. Dispersal limitations of
epiphytic lichens result in species dependent on old-growth forests. Ecological Applications 10:789799.
Sillett, S. C., B. McCune, J. E. Peck, and T. R. Rambo. 2000b. Four years of epiphyte colonization in
Douglas-fir forest canopies. Bryologist 103:661-669.
New addition.
Controls on Flowering In Forest Understory Herbs
Briana Lindh
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
Oregon State University
Young coniferous forests in the Pacific Northwest are often thought to have uniformly impoverished herb
layers. Under this perception, silvicultural thinning of these stands may be critical to development of the
diverse herb layer characteristic of older forests. I am interested in how much variation there is within
and among young stands in the quality of habitat for understory herbs. My research questions include:
 How much do understory herbs flower in young forests?
 In these forests, does flowering occur only under a subset of stand conditions (e.g., natural gaps)?
 Does the frequency of flowering or the species that flower differ significantly between young and
older forests?
Flowering may serve as an indicator of habitat suitability in young forests. I am conducting my field
studies in proximity to the permanent successional plots in Watersheds 1, 2, and 3, where there is
considerable variation in environment and overstory structure. Future field work will include a larger
sample of young stands at the H. J. Andrews Forest.
New addition.
Fungal Sporocarp Collections From the H. J. Andrews LTER Site
Jane Smith
USDA Forest Service
PNW Research Station
Corvallis, Oregon
Sporocarps of hypogeous and epigeous ectomycorrhizal fungi were collected from the H.J. Andrews
Forest in three replicate stands in each of three age classes (young, rotation-age, and old-growth) of
Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco dominated stands. Sporocarp collections were obtained over four
fall and three spring seasons. Two hundred and sixty-three species or species groups (48 hypogeous, 215
epigeous) within 51 genera (25 epigeous, 26 hypogeous) were recorded over the course of the study from
4590 (1069 hypogeous, 3521 epigeous) collections (Smith et al. submitted). Forty-one of the genera
belonged to the Basidiomycotina, 9 to the Ascomycotina, and 1 to the Zygomycotina. The greatest
number of collections belonged to the genera Cortinarius, Inocybe, and Russula, (508, 1022, and 739
respectively), and accounted for 49% of the total collections, and about 52% of the total species. Many
taxonomic groups belonging to these genera are not adequately monographed for the western United
States, and our collections likely reflect many undescribed species. Thirty-six percent of our species or
species groups were unique to a particular age class: 50 to stands of old-growth, 19 to rotation-age, and 25
to young forest.
See new data bases to add in yellow highlight below
H. J. Andrews Studies Catalog
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Research Categories
Biological Diversity
Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics
Forest Stream Interactions
Hydrology and Sediment Dynamics
Vegetation Succession
Biological Diversity
Invertebrates of the H. J. Andrews Forest: An annotated List of Insects
and Other Arthropods
PI: Lattin, John
Vascular plants on the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest and nearby
Research Natural Areas
PI: McKee, W. Arthur
Bird Species List for the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest and Upper
McKenzie River Basin
PI: McKee, W. Arthur
Amphibians and Reptiles of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest
PI: Beatty, Joseph
Mammals of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest
PI: Anthony, Robert
Fish in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest
PI: Gregory, Stan
Benthic Algal Species in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest
PI: Gregory, Stan
Mosses of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest
PI: Peck, JeriLynn
Riparian Bryophyte List of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest
PI: Jonsson, B.
Epiphytes of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Watershed 10
PI: Carroll, George
Epiphytic Macrolichens in and around the H.J. Andrews Experimental
PI: Neitlich, Peter
Macroinvertebrates of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest
PI: Gregory, Stan
Aquatic Invertebrates of Lookout Creek in the H.J. Andrews Experimental
PI: Gregory, Stan
Mycorrhizal Belowground Fungi of the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest
PI: Gregory, Stan
add the following yellow highlighted items:
Post-Logging Community Structure and Biomass Accumulation in Watershed 10
PI: Halpern, Charles B.
Dynamics of montane and subalpine meadows in the Three Sisters Wilderness Area/Biosphere Reserve
PI: Halpern, Charles B.
Plant Biomass Dynamics Following Logging and Burning in the HJ Andrews Watersheds 1 and 3
PI: Halpern, Charles B.
Plant succession in upland plots in the devastated zone at Mount St. Helen
PI: Halpern, Charles B.
Species Interactions During Succession
PI: Halpern, Charles B.
WE008 (metadata only)
Willamette NF: Young Stand Thinning and Diversity Study:
Ground-dwelling Vertebrates, Birds, Habitat Data
PI: Garman, Steve
WE021 (metadata only)
Blue River Watershed Stream Amphibians
PI: Hunter, Matt
WE022 (metadata only)
Blue River Landscape Study Stream Amphibian Monitoring
PI: Hunter, Matt
WE024 (metadata only)
Blue River Watershed Herpetile Observations
PI: Hunter, Matt
Monitoring Small Mammal and Amphibian Abundances on the Willamette NF
Long-Term Ecosystem Productivity (LTEP) Experiments
PI: Garman, Steve
Vertebrate-Habitat Relationships: Logistic Regression Models
PI: Garman, Steve