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A quantitative framework for gene-gene interactions in genome-wide studies
Indika Rajapakse and Lue Ping Zhao
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave N M2-B500
Seattle, WA 98109
Understanding complex genetic diseases requires characterization of the genetic
architecture affecting disease susceptibility. This includes identifying genes involved and
determining the degree to which they affect disease risk.
We have developed a saturated gene-gene interaction model with explicit analytical
solutions in a simple mathematical framework. This model can be used to represent all
two locus models. Furthermore, we have obtained solutions to a three locus model and
extended this mathematical framework to a multiple locus case. The saturated model can
be used to identify important interactions as a first step in whole genome-wide data
analysis. This will significantly alleviate computational burden, as the model requires
only simple algebraic manipulation to obtain solutions.