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Class VIII
Time: 3 hrs
Bluebells International
Exit Test -2011
Set A
Max.Marks: 100
Syllabus: - Square roots and Cube roots, Unitary method, Exponents, Special products, Lines and
angles, Statistics, Simple Linear Equations, Circles, Factorization, Simplification of algebraic
Expressions, Time and Work, Simple Interest
 All questions are compulsory.
 Q1 to Q10 are multiple choice questions of 1 mark each, Q11 to Q15 are multiple choice
questions of 2 marks each, Q16 to Q25 are 3 marks each, Q26 to Q30 are 4 marks each, Q31 to
Q36 are 6 marks each.
 No steps to be shown for multiple choice questions and logical questions.
1) √37249=193, then √3.7249 =?
a) 1.93
b) 19.3
2) (16/81)-3/4 =?
a) 9/2
b) 2/9
c) 1930
c) 8/27
d) none of these
d) 27/8
3) The angle formed between the bisectors of two adjacent supplementary angles is
a) 45°
b) 180°
c) 30°
d) 90°
4) Through any given sets of four points P, Q, R, S it is possible to draw
(a) atmost one circle
c) exactly two circles
(b) exactly one circle
d) exactly three circles
5) If two angles are complementary of each other, then each angle is
(a) obtuse angle
b) right angle
(c) acute angle
d) supplementary angle
6) The sum of two numbers is 15 and difference of their squares is 15. The difference of numbers is
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 4
(d) 6
7) The simple Interest at x% for x years will be Rs x on a sum of
(a) Rs x
(b) Rs 100x
(c) Rs 100/x
(d) Rs 100/x2
8) A chord of a circle divides the whole circular region into two parts called ____________
(a) sector
(b) segments
(c) semicircular region
(d) quadrants
9) Angles forming a linear pair can be
(a) Both acute angles
(b) Both obtuse angles
(c) Either acute angles or obtuse angles
(d) One acute angles or obtuse angles
10) The median of 7, 11, 20, 6, 3, 16, 15, 23, 12 is
(a) 3
(b) 12
(c) 11
(d) 15
11) On a scale of a map, 0.6 cm represents If the distance between two points on the map is
80.5 cm the actual distance between these points is
(a) 9 km
(b) 72.5 km
(c) 190.75 km
(d) 885.5 km
12) If 9√x = √12 +√147, the value of x is
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
13) If x and y vary indirectly, complete the table
14) If m men can do a work in r days then the number of days taken by m+n men to do it is
(a) m +n
(b) m(m+n)
(c) (m+n)r
(d) mr
15) The width of each of 9 classes in a frequency distribution is 2.5 and the lowest class boundary of the
lowest class is 10.6. Which one of the following is the upper class boundary of the highest class?
(a) 35.6
(b) 33.1
(c) 30.6
(d) 28.1
16) A can do a piece of work in 20 days; B can do it in 12 days. B worked at it for 9 days. In how many
days A alone can finish the remaining work?
17) Simplify: (24 × 152)1/2 × (451/3)6
32 × 251/2 × 2251/2
18) Find the least square number divisible by each one of the numbers 8,9,10.
19) Factorise: 5(3x-4y) 2 – 20(2 x-y) 2
20) 9 years hence, a girl will be 3 times as old as she was 9 years ago. How old is she now?
21) Find x if l m and o p
22) Find value of 27x3 + 64y3 +36xy (3x+4y) when x=5 and y=-3.
23) Find cube root of 4.096.
24) Find the angle which is 25o less than 4 times its complement.
25) Factorise:
-5x2 - x + 4
26) If a2+1/a2 =3, find the value of a3 + 1/a3
27) A certain sum amounts to Rs 5916 in 3 years and to Rs 6960 in 5 years at simple Interest. Find the
sum and rate% per annum.
28) If 3 men or 4 women can build a wall in 43 days, then in how many days can 7 men and 5 women
build this wall?
A can do a piece of work in 10 days, B can do it in 12 days and C in 15 days. All begin together. But A
leaves the work after 2 days and B leaves three days before the completion of work. How long did the
work last?
29) Solve:
30) Find the angles marked with variables
In the above figure O is the centre of the circle.
31) The following data shows the number of accidents that have occurred during a month in 30 cities.
Prepare a frequency distribution and find the arithmetic mean.
Also answer the following questions:
(a) What is the maximum occurrence of accidents?
(c) What is the range?
32) ( i) A is now 9 years older than B. In 10 years, A will be twice as old as B was 10 years ago. Find their
present ages.
(ii)Solve: 7y/5=y-4
A boat travels 30 km upstream in a river in the same period of time as it takes to travel 50 km
downstream. If the rate of stream be 5 kmph, find the speed of the boat in still water.
33) Simplify
x2 -5x +6
x2 -3x+2
x2 -8x+15
34) If 14 typists typing 6 hours a day take 12 days to type the manuscript of a book, then how many days
will 4 typists working 7 hours a day take to do the same job?
35) (a) From the four positions of a dice given below, find the color which is opposite to yellow ?
A. Violet
B. Red
C. Rose
D. Blue
(b) Four positions of a dice are shown below. Which number of the face will be opposite to the face with
number 3?
B. 2
C. 4
(c) I.Harsh and Sushila are good at dramatics and computer science.
II. Anju and Harsh are good at computer science and physics.
III. Anju, Jyoti and Namrata are good at physics and history.
IV. Namrata and Anju are good at physics and mathematics.
V. Jyoti and Sushila are good at history and dramatics.
Who is good at physics, history and mathematics, but not in computer science?
a. Anju
b. Harsh
c. Namrata
d. Jyoti
e. Sushila