Seismic Assessment of Existing Buildings Using Nonlinear Static
... been studied by a limited number of authors. This fact limits the application of NSPs to assess current existing structures, the majority of which are irregular in plan. Existing studies on this topic usually focus on the evaluation of a single NSP. In order to obtain useful elements of comparison b ...
... been studied by a limited number of authors. This fact limits the application of NSPs to assess current existing structures, the majority of which are irregular in plan. Existing studies on this topic usually focus on the evaluation of a single NSP. In order to obtain useful elements of comparison b ...
the “art of building” (baukunst) of mies van der
... evidenced in correlation between Mies’ evolving framing forms for spatial openness to nature and verbal description of each built space. It is proposed that Mies, during his lifelong career, experienced two periods of critical awareness through which he realized an ideal type of tectonic buildings: ...
... evidenced in correlation between Mies’ evolving framing forms for spatial openness to nature and verbal description of each built space. It is proposed that Mies, during his lifelong career, experienced two periods of critical awareness through which he realized an ideal type of tectonic buildings: ...
lateral load design of tall buildings
... evaluate the possibility of damage to non-structural elements. Furthermore, 5-year and 10-year horizontal accelerations are calculated at the top occupied floors to evaluate the human comfort. Secondly, a comparison of the adopted lateral load resisting systems is carried out from the viewpoint of f ...
... evaluate the possibility of damage to non-structural elements. Furthermore, 5-year and 10-year horizontal accelerations are calculated at the top occupied floors to evaluate the human comfort. Secondly, a comparison of the adopted lateral load resisting systems is carried out from the viewpoint of f ...
Height - Housing Regulation Database
... 2.44 STORY - That portion of a building contained between any floor and the floor or roof next above it, but not including any portion so contained if more than one-half of such portion vertically is below the average finished grade of the ground adjoining such building. 2.45 HALF-STORY - That porti ...
... 2.44 STORY - That portion of a building contained between any floor and the floor or roof next above it, but not including any portion so contained if more than one-half of such portion vertically is below the average finished grade of the ground adjoining such building. 2.45 HALF-STORY - That porti ...
Section 1 - New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering Inc.
... Assessment of the structural performance of e xisting buildings is a challenging task. Each building has unique charact eristics and it is often difficult to determine with confidence the extent and quality of structural components and materials. These NZSEE Recommendations provide authoritative and ...
... Assessment of the structural performance of e xisting buildings is a challenging task. Each building has unique charact eristics and it is often difficult to determine with confidence the extent and quality of structural components and materials. These NZSEE Recommendations provide authoritative and ...
here - New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering Inc.
... could be earthquake-prone. All but small residential buildings are now covered by the new definition. Territorial Authorities have been required by the Act to adopt policies on earthquakeprone buildings. Most of these require evaluations of the likely structural performance of buildings that could b ...
... could be earthquake-prone. All but small residential buildings are now covered by the new definition. Territorial Authorities have been required by the Act to adopt policies on earthquakeprone buildings. Most of these require evaluations of the likely structural performance of buildings that could b ...
Mathematics and architecture

Mathematics and architecture are related, since, as with other arts, architects use mathematics to shape and sometimes to decorate buildings.In ancient Greece, buildings were laid out with specific proportions. In Islamic architecture, geometric shapes and geometric tiling patterns are used. The pyramids of ancient Egypt have mathematical proportions. Hindu temples have a fractal-like structure where parts resemble the whole.In Renaissance architecture, symmetry and proportion were deliberately emphasized.In the twentieth century, styles such as modern architecture and Deconstructivism explored different geometries to achieve desired effects.