Introduction to Earthquake Engineering and Seismic Codes
... During the 1995 Hyogo-ken-nanbu (Kobe) Earthquake, several buildings suffered from midstory collapse (Fig.1.4), which is rather rare earthquake damage. The reason of the damage is considered that those buildings were designed using an old seismic code, in which the distribution of seismic forces had ...
... During the 1995 Hyogo-ken-nanbu (Kobe) Earthquake, several buildings suffered from midstory collapse (Fig.1.4), which is rather rare earthquake damage. The reason of the damage is considered that those buildings were designed using an old seismic code, in which the distribution of seismic forces had ...
Mathematics and architecture
Mathematics and architecture are related, since, as with other arts, architects use mathematics to shape and sometimes to decorate buildings.In ancient Greece, buildings were laid out with specific proportions. In Islamic architecture, geometric shapes and geometric tiling patterns are used. The pyramids of ancient Egypt have mathematical proportions. Hindu temples have a fractal-like structure where parts resemble the whole.In Renaissance architecture, symmetry and proportion were deliberately emphasized.In the twentieth century, styles such as modern architecture and Deconstructivism explored different geometries to achieve desired effects.