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Hip Hop and Islam
There are a lot of different music genres. Research has come to show that the Arab world
has had a great influence in the lyrics and poetry that has been found in a lot of music that we
listen today. Jazz, Blues, R’n’B and even Hip-hop all have some imprint of the Almadiyah
movement.Hip-hop music is an arguably one of the most dominant genres of music today. For a
long time, it was majorly associated with the African-American. It is important to notice that at
the very beginning of Hip-hop, a lot of artists from African-American Community were
practicing Muslims. At its inception, there was a lot of Islamic influence to what Hip-hop was at
that time.
The Hip-hop music and culture are mostly associated with Black Americans and AfroCaribbean communities. Nonetheless, it has grown not only in popularity but also in influence.
This allowed them to command a following from different parts of the world. During Hip-hop’s
infancy, some Black Americans had taken up Islam. In turn, they combined Islamic influence
with their lyric prowess to express issues that affecting the black community. Since then, Hiphop has grown into a popular music genre with a wide following across the world. This proposal
of the paper will provide an overview of various ways in which Islam influences Hip-hop culture
and explores the diverse group of people live in Harlem. It includes their everyday mannerisms,
lifestyle, dialect, car choice, music preference, events, record stores and expanded marketability.
The term Hip-hop is basically the cultural movement. Rap could be a form of Hip-hop
culture, as well as breakdancing, DJs, and their dress codes. It means the whole culture. It has
become a synonym for popular culture.
Hip-hop is not a phenomenon. As it enters its fifth decade in existence, Hip-hop is still alive.
History - Birth of Hip-hop
Look back to the year 1973, Hip-hop as a cultural movement that first emerged in the
South Bronx and developed slowly throughout the decade. It existed as a musical, social and
cultural localized youth phenomenon and performance art form confined to the Bronx and
Harlem until 1979.An aficionado of Hip-hop once said in his interview” the Bronx in the late 70s
was the American poster child for urban decay.” The youth living in the are at the time” came
from poverty and conquered the world” through Hip-hop.
Afrika Bambataa and Universal Zuzu Nation
Afrika Bambaataa, who is the pioneering musician and the leader of Hip-hop cultural
movement. The founder of the Zuzu Nation (An organization of men, women, and youth which
was founded in the United States by Afrika Bambaataa.)
Afrika Bambaataa claims that “The Universal Zulu Nation brought together the elements of
peace, unity, love and having fun.” During the late 70s, Zuzu Nation members inspired by the
teaching of Elijah Muhammad, Dr. York, the civil rights movement, the human rights movement,
and many others. The members of the Universal Zulu Nation believe in the one god, who is
called Allah.Their missions are brought some activity that is positive and gives back to the black
community. Bambaataa brought together the four components of Hip hip culture.(Djing, MCing,
Bboying, and graffiti) Therefore, Hip-hop music is the form of their expression.
They also learned how to write, produce, publish, perform and promote their own music.
Bambaataa uses a philosophy of not misguiding youth, simply highlighting the facts that
allowing people to draw their own conclusions. Bambaattaa started his first block parties and it
catalyzed the South Bronx youth, for an amount of time contributing to a more peaceful gang
culture. Because of the financial crisis in the city of New York, the organization, however,
becomes one of the New York City ’s largest and most feared gangs. The Bronx becomes the
scene of violent.
Kool Dj Heric A.K.A Clive Campbell
Clive Campbell can be claimed his life story that closely associated with Hip-hop culture.
He made many contributions. For example, he established hip-hop musical foundation with its
invention of breakbeats and turntable scratching.And he collected funk and soul records and
transformed into instruments that created new sounds through back spinning and scratching. He
also threw block parties named “ Park Jams” which created the new way to make dance parties
have more fun.
Although his story has been told and retold and sold many times, it is difficult to extract
the truth from the myths. Recently, he has been criticized his role of Hip-hop culture by the
member(Amir Quadeer Shakir) of Universal Zuzu Nation.Kool Herc has been told that although
he was deejaying for 40years, he has nothing to do with the term Hip-hop. He was the one who
invited by the founder Afrika Bambaataa.
Gangsta rap started off in the 1980s with rappers like Ice-T and Schoolly D. It got
popular with the groups like N.W.A. The content of gangster rap has also elicited different
criticisms from different groups. Gangsta rap presented themes of crime, racism, promiscuity,
drugs, street violence and serial killing among other negative images in the lyrics. The gangs
were criticized by the administration at the time. The Bush and Clinton administrations criticized
the genre of music because it led to a rampant rise in violent crimes in young African Americans.
It is not clear if Islam had an influence in the growth of gangs and gangsta rap. However, it is
critical that it is noted that Islam has different subcultures that interpret the scriptures differently.
Islam preaches peace and the themes that were propagated by the gangs did not reflect the
influence of Islam.
Rapping and lyrics
Poetic injection
Traditional Islamic books of philosophy and law, chief among them being the Quran,
were written in poetry. The main reason for using the poetic style is to make it easy for Muslims
to memorize various sections of the books. Similarly, Hip-hop music is poetic in nature. Because
of this similarity, a loud recital of that Islamic texts sounds like rapping; the basic of Hip-hop
music. This similarity extends to the message within the lines. In both Islamic and Hip-hop
poetry, few but powerful lines contain a lot of meanings. Mos Def, an American Hip-hop artist,
illustrates in his interview with Alim when he says that Hip-hop is a vehicle for transferring
information, just like a poem would do.
Additionally, both Islamic texts and Hip-hop music contain a distinct rhyme scheme,
which helps to set the musical tone. This musical tone is further enhanced with rhythmical beats.
These beats have a connection with Islam in the sense that drumbeats are used to help young
Muslims memories the poetic verses.
Isla has given hip-hop its flavor since its inception into the rap culture. During the times
of Afrika Bambaata to the modern era of Jurassic 5 and Mos def, Muslim rappers have
continued to show an influence into the creative ability to present rap as a poetic discourse. The
modern century has seen Islam rappers change their identity to a avoid a public uproar about
their influence in terror. One member of a Muslim rap group asserts that it is difficult for them to
present Islam beliefs in a society that has been proliferated with a negative attitude towards
Islam. One group has been forced to change the name from Jihad to other names because of the
modern misinterpretation of the role of Islam in rap music.
Islam has given rap its poetic influence as the traditional books in Islam were written in a
poetic style. Islam has led to the use of the traditional tactics of memorization to indulge with
the contemporary rap music. The role of Islam in giving rap its poetic edge cannot be ignored
even as hip hop continues to evolve. In the African American community, the significance of
islam had already been felt in the type of rap music that was evident at the time. According to
Akil of Jurassic 5, Islam has an influence on hip hop as it gives the music its cultural identity.
The Islamic effect on rap cannot be ignored because it has injected a poetic value and
beats into the contemporary forms of music.
Islam came into the US through the era of the slave trade. Most African slaves were of the
Islamic culture and as they settled into the American culture, they would find ways of ensuring
that they incorporate music into their lives. Islam slowly gained prominence in the rap society.
Islam is evident I the numerous references that rappers often use in their lyrics.
Album covers and design.
The group rapper’s delight is one of the oldest groups that has helped give Hip Hop its
value in the contemporary music. The group which was the creation of the sugar Hill Records is
attributed with the conception of the careers of the sugar hill gang and grandmaster Flash. The
album covers of the Hip Hop music show concepts of Islam teaching as some of the artistes
include graffiti that indicates an Islamic influence in the rap industry.
Rap evolved from South Bronx and some of the organizations that were founded at the
time include the Nation of Gods, which is the culmination of an Islamic rap influence on the
music industry. Islam has not just given rap music its poetic signature and rhythm, it has also
transformed into the presence of album covers and designs. The names that are used in most of
the rap groups still indicate a strong correlation between Islam and rap music. The album covers
always indicate the presence of Islam influence in the Hip-hop culture. Hip Hop was a mode of
communicating Islam teachings, and it was reflected on the album designs as well.
Early hip hop culture was a representation of the beliefs of the Islamic rappers, the beliefs
and teachings were sent out through rap music by some of the popular MCs of the conscious-rap
Rakim and Big Daddy Kane used the video graphics and designs to send out the Islam message
to the people.
Life style and social stereotype
Political injected.
Islam has been a platform for the Hip Hop lifestyle. However, the respect that Islam
received when Hip Hop was conceived in South Bronx. The Islamic influence on Hip Hop
culture was evident in the Islam concepts and teachings that the artistes propagated in history.
The Islamic concept and teachings are still evident even in the lyrics of the contemporary rap
music. Islam is not driven by material goods and sexuality, the Islamic concept and teachings
had a role on the Hip Hop culture in the inception of the rap music. The role of Islam in music is
still evident in the traditional rap music and rhythms. Islam has evolved, and rap music has also
evolved into a different culture that has incorporated different religious beliefs. The Hip hop
artistes have decided new rap styles and genres that are changing the traditional rap music.
The Jurassic 5 rap group represents the typical Islamic beliefs that are embedded in the
lyrics. Al-Hakim warns that most of the artistes in the Hip Hop industry may not represent the
Islamic beliefs, and people should be careful not to tag some of the contemporary music as
reflective of the Islamic beliefs. The Jurassic 5 gives the fans a taste of Islamic teachings and
preaching. However, Ted Swedenburg argues that many fans do not even notice that some of the
lyrics are based on Islamic teachings.
Al-Hakim says that Hip Hop has evolved into different genres in rap music.
The role of the Islamic culture in music lyrics and literature indicate a broad difference to the
demands of the fans. However, as the role of Islam in the society and music industry increases,
politics has also been part of the contemporary rap music. As politics and the social beliefs
continue to infiltrate the music industry, the Islamic influence in music is seen as the culmination
of terror against the American citizens. Contemporary music has been labeled as a tool in which
young muslims are radicalized to believe in thinking that there is a holy war against the
Americans. The political influence in rap music has been a widespread catapult effect of the
September 11th attacks on US soil. Since the attack, the muslim influence in music is treated
with a more strict approach by the authorities. Music started from a humble background but has
since evolved into a tool in which propaganda and radicalization can be spread. The role of
music and Islam influence has made it difficult to determine the distinct role of Islam in the
contemporary society.
Def Jam Recordings and the Russell Simmons Empire.
The Russel Simmons empire is built on rap artists and music built on hip hop. The Russel
Simmons Empire is a creation of the Def Jam records in the 1980s. The record label has helped
launched a number of talented musicians into the competitive American music industry. Russel
has worked with artists such as Run-D.M.C and the Beastie boys. Music has evolved since the
era of Def Jam records, and Simmons has created an empire out of the mainstream music
During the 1980s, Simmons was known for his ability to propel young talented hip hop artists
into stars. He worked hard to ensure that Run-D.M.C made it to the limelight and were an
integral part of the development of rap music.
The Def Jam recordings started off as an American recording label that was
predominantly engaged in Hip Hop artists and franchise. The recording label is one of the many
dominant recording labels that have helped stretch the influence of Hip Hop in the world. It is
another recording label that was co founded by Russel Simmons and Rick Rubin in 1983. The
two recording labels were integral in the upbringing of the African American artistes. The young
talents could not finance their way to the international scene without the support of Rubin and
Russels at the time. Hip Hop grew exponentially as it continued to attract a variety of audiences
to the Hip Hop culture. Islam’s contribution and influence to the traditional rap music could not
be overruled in the period. In addition, Islam influenced how the rhythm and beats of the music
were produced into a captivating beat. The Jurassic 5 group is one of the groups that use the rap
culture to instigate messages that have been derived from the scriptures. Despite the fact that
many people fail to identify the correlation between the words and the messages that are hidden
in the lyrics. Islam still has an influence on the cultures that are present in the contemporary
music industry.
The Expanded Marketability of Hip Hop Culture
Hip Hop has grown from a traditional African American beginning to a universal and
multi-faceted genre that accepts different age groups and races.
The role of Hip Hop has evolved over the years as the artists are slowly becoming advertisement
pillars rather than the traditional intention of music. The artistes were a symbol of a society’s
culture and problems. The society would look up to the artistes and identify societal cultures that
incorporate the dressing styles. The artistes wore baggy jeans and timberland boots as a classic
symbol of fashion. As the hip hop culture evolved, the dressing and fashion demands also
evolved with the changing times.
Marketability of the Hip Hop music has been difficult, but the society has engrossed itself
in trying to imitate their local stars and how they dress and speak. The dialects have changed,
and the rap styles have also evolved. Rap is no longer the property of the African Americans but
rather a property of all the racial groups in the world. The hip hop culture has spread into the
world as artists continue to be icons and produce labels that are celebrated all over the globe. Hip
Hop artistes are engaged in brand promotion and sales of customized wear to their fans.
The role of Islam in the transformation of Hip Hop culture cannot go unnoticed as the
society continues to enjoy the product of rap music. The role of Islam must be appreciated, and
politics should not kill the fact that Islam has directly contributed to the rise of a hip hop culture
in America and all over the world. Hip Hop must embrace its roots and avoid propagating some
of the obscenity that is currently visible in the videos and the dances that accompany the music
production. The contemporary rappers should identify with the people and give the people the
proper direction just like rap music had intended.
Rap was supposed to present demands for equality and not a platform to brew a battle or show
off themes of riches and drug addiction.