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Body systems review
A body system means two or more different organs that work together to do the same job. There are 10
major organ systems in the human body.
Skeletal System – provides support for the whole body and protects delicate organs; the major
organs in the system are bones, cartilage, tendons and ligaments
Muscular System – provides movement of the body, and movement of materials through some
organs, like the stomach and intestine; the major organs in the system are skeletal, cardiac and
smooth muscles
Circulatory System – transports blood throughout the body; the major organs in the system are
the heart, blood vessels and blood
Nervous System – Tissue that carries messages by electrical signals to and from the brain; the
major organs in the system are the brain, spinal cord and nerves
Respiratory System – takes in oxygen and lets out carbon dioxide through breathing; the major
organs in the system are the nose, trachea (throat) and lungs
Digestive System – breaks down and absorbs food need to maintain the body; the major organs of
the system are the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines
Excretory System – gets rid of unusable food and other waste; the major organs of the system are
the lungs, kidneys and bladder
Endocrine System – works with the nervous system and sends chemical messages through the
body to control digestion and growth; the organs involved are the pituitary, pancreas, adrenal glands
Reproductive System – allows humans to produce offspring; some major organs in the system
include the ovaries and uterus in females; and testis is males
Immune System – destroys things that try to invade the body, such as viruses and bacteria; the
organs involved are lymph nodes, spleen and blood vessels
In the table below, fill in the organs or tissues with the systems that they belong to.
Level of organization:
Cell –>Tissue –> Organ –> Organ System –> Organism
Use the clues provided to find each “hidden word”. Shade in the boxes to show your answers!
Words will twist in all directions, but never cross.
Living things composed
of only one cell
Tissue that carries messages
throughout our bodies
Any living thing
Living thing composed of
more than one cell
Group of organs working
together to perform a
specific job.
The only organ that is able
to contract, or shorten
Group of tissues working
together to do a job
Organ system that breaks
down food and absorbs
System that removes
solid and liquid wastes
System that transports
nutrients and wastes.
System that fights
Medical Terminology Made Easy
Many medical terms refer to various parts of the body. By learning to recognize the “word roots”
for some of these parts, you can understand complicated medical terms. The following is a list of
word roots, many of them derived from Latin or Greek, for various structures of the body.
cardio- = heart
hepat- = liver
neuro- = nerve
derm- = skin
myo- = muscle
odont- = tooth
gastro- = stomach
nephro- = kidney
osteo- = bone
Using the list of word roots as a guide, see if you can match each definition in Column I with the
correct medical term in column II. Knowledge of the following word endings, or suffixes, and
word roots will also be helpful: -itis (infection, inflammation), -ology (the study of), -ectomy (surgical
removal), -otis (abnormal or diseased), -gram (recorded), -scope (to view), -tachy (swift), and -algia
Column I
Column II
___ 1. Inflammation of the stomach
A. Dermatologist
___ 2. Study of the nervous system
B. Electrocardiogram
___ 3. Malfunction of kidneys
C. Gastrectomy
___ 4. Abnormally rapid beating of the heart
D. Gastritis
___ 5. Pain in muscle or muscles
E. Hypodermic
___ 6. Surgical removal of Kidneys
F. Myalgia
___ 7. Inflammation of the heart lining
G. Nephrectomy
___ 8. Specialist in diagnosis and treatment
of skin disorders
H. Neurology
___ 9. Recorded graph showing a heartbeat
___ 10. Surgical removal of part of the stomach
___ 11. Small mirror used by dentists to view teeth
___ 12. Injection of fluid medicine under the skin
by means of a syringe
I. Tachycardia
J. Endocarditis
K. Nephrosis
L. Odontoscope