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A novel group of genes regulates susceptibility to antineoplastic drugs
in highly tumorigenic breast cancer cells.
A novel prosurvival model for cancer under environmental challenge: The
"heart-felt" message for therapeutic intervention
A phase I pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study of OGX-011, a
2'-methoxyethyl antisense oligonucleotide to clusterin, in patients
with localized prostate cancer.
A phase I study of OGX-011, a 2'-methoxyethyl phosphorothioate antisense
to clusterin, in combination with docetaxel in patients with advanced
A proteomic analysis of transplanted liver in a rat model of chronic
Acquired resistance to sunitinib in human renal cell carcinoma cells
is mediated by constitutive activation of signal transduction pathways
associated with tumour cell proliferation
Adapting mass spectrometry-based platforms for clinical proteomics
applications: The capillary electrophoresis coupled mass spectrometry
Advances and challenges in basic and translational research on clusterin
Advances in the management of high-risk localised and metastatic
prostate cancer
Age-dependent expression of immune-privilege and proliferation-related
molecules on porcine Sertoli cells
Alterations of senescence biomarkers in human cells by exposure to CrVI
in vivo and in vitro
An evaluation of clusterin antisense inhibitor OGX-011 in combination
with the second-generation antiandrogen MDV3100 in a castrate-resistant
prostate cancer model
Analysis of a Urinary Biomarker Panel for Incident Kidney Disease and
Clinical Outcomes
Analysis of acute-phase proteins, AHSG, C3, CLI, HP and SAA, reveals
distinctive expression patterns associated with breast, colorectal and
lung cancer.
Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma: expression profile of targets for therapy
offers new insights for disease treatment.
Androgen induces adaptation to oxidative stress in prostate cancer:
implications for treatment with radiation therapy.
Androgens and prostate cancer.
Anti-apoptotic effect of clusterin on cisplatin-induced cell death of
retinoblastoma cells
Anti-apoptotic phenotypes of cholestan-3β,5α,6β-triol-resistant
human cholangiocytes: characteristics contributing to the genesis of
Anticlusterin treatment of breast cancer cells increases the
sensitivities of chemotherapy and tamoxifen and counteracts the
inhibitory action of dexamethasone on chemotherapy-induced
Antisense oligodeoxynucleotide therapy for bladder cancer: Recent
advances and future prospects
Antisense oligodeoxynucleotide therapy for prostate cancer targeting
antiapoptotic genes involved in the mechanism mediating progression to
androgen independence
Antisense oligodeoxynucleotide therapy targeting clusterin gene for
prostate cancer: Vancouver experience from discovery to clinic.
Antisense targets to enhance hormone and cytotoxic therapies in advanced
prostate cancer.
Antisense TRPM-2 oligodeoxynucleotides chemosensitize human
androgen-independent PC-3 prostate cancer cells both in vitro and in
Antitumor activity of antisense clusterin oligonucleotides is improved
in vitro and in vivo by incorporation of 2'-O-(2-methoxy)ethyl
Apolipoprotein J (clusterin) activates rodent microglia in vivo and in
Apoptosis and molecular targeting therapy in cancer
Apoptosis regulation in the mammary gland
Applying proteomic technology to clinical virology
Aptamers Selected to Postoperative Lung Adenocarcinoma Detect
Circulating Tumor Cells in Human Blood.
Association of Vimentin overexpression and hepatocellular carcinoma
ATM regulates insulin-like growth factor 1-secretory clusterin
(IGF-1-sCLU) expression that protects cells against senescence.
ATM-dependent IGF-1 induction regulates secretory clusterin expression
after DNA damage and in genetic instability.
AUA Annual Meeting Program Abstracts 2012
bcl-2 over-expression delays radiation-induced apoptosis without
affecting the clonogenic survival of human prostate cancer cells.
Beyond simple castration: targeting the molecular basis of treatment
resistance in advanced prostate cancer.
Biomarkers for therapeutic response in cervical cancer
Biomarkers: Saliva proteomics is a promising tool to study Sjögren
B-MYB, a transcription factor implicated in regulating cell cycle,
apoptosis and cancer.
Bone metastases in hepatocellular carcinoma: an emerging issue.
Ca(2+) depletion induces nuclear clusterin, a novel effector of
apoptosis in immortalized human prostate cells [5]
Calcium in the prevention of colorectal cancer
Castrate-resistant prostate cancer: therapeutic strategies.
Castration-resistant prostate cancer: current and emerging treatment
Castration-resistant prostate cancer: Novel therapeutics pre- or
post-taxane administration
Challenge and promise: roles for clusterin in pathogenesis, progression
and therapy of cancer.
Changes of transthyretin and clusterin after androgen ablation therapy
and correlation with prostate cancer malignancy.
Chapter 3: The shifting balance between CLU forms during tumor
Chapter 4: Regulation of Clusterin activity by calcium.
Characterisation and manipulation of docetaxel resistant prostate
cancer cell lines
Characterization and functional consequences of underexpression of
clusterin in rheumatoid arthritis.
Characterization of Interaction Protein for Osteosarcoma Related
Protein IEX-1
Chemo- and radiotherapy induce common apoptotic mediators in Hodgkin's
Chemosensitization of human renal cell cancer using antisense
oligonucleotides targeting the antiapoptotic gene clusterin.
Chemotherapy and novel therapeutics before radical prostatectomy for
high-risk clinically localized prostate cancer
Clinical proteomics in cancer research
Clinical significance of clusterin expression in pancreatic
Clinicopathologic characteristics of inflammatory pseudotumor-like
follicular dendritic cell sarcoma.
Clinicopathological impact of novel biomarkers for diagnosis and
prognosis of renal cell carcinoma
Clinicopathological significance of N-cadherin and VEGF in advanced
gastric cancer brain metastasis and the effects of metformin in
preclinical models
CLU blocks HDACI-mediated killing of neuroblastoma.
CLU inhibition using OGX-011 as an adjuvant therapeutic strategy for
HSP90 inhibition in prostate cancer
CLU inhibition using OGX-011 is a new adjuvant therapeutic strategy for
HSP90 inhibition in prostate cancer
Clusterin (ApoJ), COMMD1 and ApoE: Molecular chaperones for quality
control of the copper transporting P-type ATPases, ATP7A and ATP7B
Clusterin (Apolipoprotein J), a molecular chaperone that facilitates
degradation of the copper-ATPases ATP7A and ATP7B
Clusterin (CLU) and lung cancer.
Clusterin (CLU) and melanoma growth: CLU is expressed in malignant
melanoma and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 modulates expression of CLU in
melanoma cell lines in vitro.
Clusterin (SGP-2, ApoJ) expression is downregulated in low- and
high-grade human prostate cancer.
Clusterin activates survival through the phosphatidylinositol
3-kinase/Akt pathway.
Clusterin and chemoresistance.
Clusterin and DNA repair: a new function in cancer for a key player in
apoptosis and cell cycle control.
Clusterin and IGFBPs as antisense targets in prostate cancer.
Clusterin antisense inhibitor OGX-011 synergizes activity of second
generation anti-androgen, MDV3100, in castrate resistant prostate
cancer model
Clusterin as a diagnostic and prognostic marker for transitional cell
carcinoma of the bladder.
Clusterin as a possible predictor for biochemical recurrence of prostate
cancer following radical prostatectomy with intermediate Gleason
scores: a preliminary report.
Clusterin as a potential marker in distinguishing cervical neoplasia
Clusterin as a predictor for chemoradiotherapy sensitivity and patient
survival in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Clusterin as a therapeutic target for radiation sensitization in a lung
cancer model.
Clusterin downregulation sensitize prostate cancer cells to taxane by
modulating mitosis
Clusterin expression and apoptosis in transitional cell carcinoma of
the bladder
Clusterin expression and localization are affected by rituximab and
doxorubicin treatment in non-hodgkin lymphoma cells and B lymphocytes
Clusterin expression and univariate analysis of overall survival in
human breast cancer.
Clusterin expression correlates with stage and presence of large cells
in mycosis fungoides.
Clusterin expression inversely correlates with chemosensitivity and
predicts poor survival in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer
treated with cisplatin-based neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radical
Clusterin expression is associated with decreased disease-free survival
of patients with colorectal carcinomas.
Clusterin expression is significantly enhanced in prostate cancer cells
following androgen withdrawal therapy.
Clusterin expression predicts survival of invasive cervical cancer
patients treated with radical hysterectomy and systematic
Clusterin facilitates COMMD1 and I-kappaB degradation to enhance
NF-kappaB activity in prostate cancer cells.
Clusterin facilitates metastasis by EIF3I/Akt/MMP13 signaling in
hepatocellular carcinoma.
Clusterin facilitates stress-induced lipidation of LC3 and
autophagosome biogenesis to enhance cancer cell survival.
Clusterin gene expression mediates resistance to apoptotic cell death
induced by heat shock and oxidative stress.
Clusterin gene is predominantly regulated by histone modifications in
human colon cancer and ectopic expression of the nuclear isoform induces
cell death.
Clusterin immunoexpression and its clinical significance in patients
with non-small cell lung cancer.
Clusterin immunoreactivity as a predictive factor for progression of
non-muscle-invasive bladder carcinoma.
Clusterin inhibition to enhance tumor chemosensitivity in systemic
Clusterin inhibition using OGX-011 synergistically enhances Hsp90
inhibitor activity by suppressing the heat shock response in
castrate-resistant prostate cancer.
Clusterin inhibition using OGX-011 synergistically enhances zoledronic
acid activity in osteosarcoma.
Clusterin interaction with Bcl-x(L) is associated with seizure-induced
neuronal death
Clusterin interacts with Paclitaxel and confer Paclitaxel resistance
in ovarian cancer.
Clusterin is a potential molecular predictor for ovarian cancer
patient's survival: targeting clusterin improves response to
Clusterin Is a Short Half-Life, Poly-Ubiquitinated Protein, Which
Controls the Fate of Prostate Cancer Cells
Clusterin is a ubiquitin binding protein involved in Murr1 and 1-kB
proteasomal degradation to confer cell survival in prostate cancer
Clusterin knockdown synergizes activity of second generation
anti-androgen, MDV3100, through enhancing AR degradation and repression
of FKBP52 in castrate resistant prostate cancer model
Clusterin mediates TGF-β-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition
and metastasis via Twist1 in prostate cancer cells
Clusterin overexpression and relapse-free survival in breast cancer.
Clusterin overexpression in both malignant and nonmalignant prostate
epithelial cells induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis.
Clusterin over-expression modulates proapoptotic and antiproliferative
effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 in prostate cancer cells in vitro.
109 Clusterin protects hepatocellular carcinoma cells from endoplasmic
reticulum stress induced apoptosis through GRP78.
110 Clusterin regulates drug-resistance in melanoma cells.
111 Clusterin silencing inhibits proliferation and reduces invasion in
human laryngeal squamous carcinoma cells.
112 Clusterin silencing sensitizes pancreatic cancer MIA-PaCa-2 cells to
gmcitabine via regulation of NF-kB/Bcl-2 signaling.
113 Clusterin up-regulation following sub-lethal oxidative stress and lipid
peroxidation in human neuroblastoma cells.
114 Clusterin, a haploinsufficient tumor suppressor gene in neuroblastomas.
115 Clusterin: Review of research progress and looking ahead to direction
in hepatocellular carcinoma.
116 Clusterin: the missing link in the calcium-dependent resistance of
cancer cells to apoptogenic stimuli.
117 Coexpression of multiple Sertoli cell and Leydig cell marker genes in
the spontaneous testicular tumor of F344 rat: evidence for phenotypical
bifurcation of the interstitial cell tumor.
118 Combination of AT-101/cisplatin overcomes chemoresistance by inducing
apoptosis and modulating epigenetics in human ovarian cancer cells.
119 Combined use of antisense oligonucleotides and chemotherapeutics in the
treatment of refractory prostate cancer
120 Comparative analysis of the human urinary proteome by 1D SDS-PAGE and
chip-HPLC-MS/MS identification of the AACT putative urinary biomarker
121 Comparative effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 and EB1089 on cell cycle kinetics
and apoptosis in MCF-7 breast cancer cells.
122 Comprehensive analysis of conditioned media from ovarian cancer cell
lines identifies novel candidate markers of epithelial ovarian cancer.
123 Control of tumor progression by maintenance of apoptosis
124 Copper induces cellular senescence in human glioblastoma multiforme
cells through downregulation of Bmi-1.
125 Correlation of Clusterin Expression and Apoptosis in Prostate Cancer
and Benign Hyperplastic Tissues
126 Correlation of clusterin expression to prognosis of bladder carcinoma.
127 Cotargeting Androgen Receptor and Clusterin Delays Castrate-Resistant
Prostate Cancer Progression by Inhibiting Adaptive Stress Response and
AR Stability.
128 Co-targeting ROS and CLU-mediated stress response using SMIP004 (a novel
inducer of ROS and cancer cell selective apoptosis) and OGX-011 in
MDV3100-resistant, castrate-resistant prostate cancer
129 COX proportional hazards model analysis on breast cancer prognosis and
the correlation with clusterin expression
130 CRM1 Protein-mediated Regulation of Nuclear Clusterin (nCLU), an
Ionizing Radiation-stimulated, Bax-dependent Pro-death Factor
131 Current and potential treatments for cervical cancer
132 Current proteomic analysis and post-translational modifications of
biomarkers in human lung cancer materials
133 Custirsen (OGX-011): A second-generation antisense inhibitor of
clusterin for the treatment of cancer
134 Custirsen (OGX-011): A second-generation antisense inhibitor of
clusterin in development for the treatment of prostate cancer
135 Custirsen (OGX-011): Clusterin Inhibitor in Metastatic Prostate Cancer
136 Custirsen sodium: Clusterin-targeting antisense therapy oncolytic
137 Cyclin D, cytochrome P4504F2 and lipid peroxidation levels segregate
good and poor stage II tumours
138 Cytoplasmic Clusterin expression correlates with pancreatic
neuroendocrine tumor size and pathological stage.
139 Cytoplasmic clusterin expression is associated with longer survival in
patients with resected non small cell lung cancer.
140 Delayed activation of insulin-like growth factor-1
receptor/Src/MAPK/Egr-1 signaling regulates clusterin expression, a
pro-survival factor.
141 Dendritic cell neoplasms: An overview
142 Detecting soluble Clusterin in in-vitro and in-vivo models of prostate
143 Development of a label-free LC-MS/MS strategy to approach the
identification of candidate protein biomarkers of disease recurrence
in prostate cancer patients in a clinical trial of combined hormone and
radiation therapy
144 Development of resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs in human
osteosarcoma cell lines largely depends on up-regulation of
Clusterin/Apolipoprotein J.
145 Diagnostic evaluation of urinary angiogenin (ANG) and clusterin (CLU)
as biomarker for bladder cancer.
146 Different altered stage correlative expression of high abundance
acute-phase proteins in sera of patients with epithelial ovarian
147 Differential effects of clusterin/apolipoprotein J on cellular growth
and survival.
148 Differential expression of clusterin according to histological type of
endometrial carcinoma.
149 Differential expression of haptoglobin isoforms in chronic active
hepatitis, cirrhosis and HCC related to HBV infection.
150 Differential protein expression profiles in estrogen receptor-positive
and -negative breast cancer tissues using label-free quantitative
151 Direct transactivation of the anti-apoptotic gene apolipoprotein J
(clusterin) by B-MYB.
152 Discovery of molecular mechanisms of neuroprotection using cell-based
bioassays and oligonucleotide arrays.
153 Distinction of desmoplastic melanoma from non-desmoplastic melanoma by
gene expression profiling.
154 DNA methylation or histone modification status in metastasis and
angiogenesis-related genes: A new hypothesis on usage of DNMT inhibitors
and S-adenosylmethionine for genome stability
155 Downregulating sCLU Enhances the Sensitivity of Hepatocellular
Carcinoma Cells to Gemcitabine by Activating the Intrinsic Apoptosis
156 Downregulation of clusterin expression in human testicular seminoma.
157 Downregulation of clusterin mediates sensitivity to protein kinase
inhibitors in breast cancer cells.
158 Downregulation of Hsp27 using OGX-427 induces ER stress and potentiates
Hsp90 inhibitors to delay castrate resistant prostate cancer
159 Dynamic Expression Patterns of Differential Proteins during Early
Invasion of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
160 Effect of tumour progression on the androgenic regulation of the
androgen receptor, TRPM-2 and YPT1 genes in the Shionogi carcinoma.
161 Effects of clusterin knock down on prostate cancer progression in the
TRAMP model
162 Effects of clusterin over-expression on metastatic progression and
therapy in breast cancer.
163 Effects of down-regulation of clusterin by small interference RNA on
human acute myeloid leukemia cells.
164 Effects of female sex hormones on clusterin expression and paclitaxel
re-sistance in endometrial cancer cell lines
165 Effects of navelbine and docetaxel on gene expression in lung cancer
cell strains.
166 Efficient suppression of secretory clusterin levels by polymer-siRNA
nanocomplexes enhances ionizing radiation lethality in human MCF-7
breast cancer cells in vitro.
167 Elevated lipid peroxidation and cyclin D1 levels correlate with poor
survival and disease recurrence in stage II tumours
168 Emerging targets to monitor and overcome docetaxel resistance in
castration resistant prostate cancer (review).
169 Enhanced chemosensitivity of bladder cancer cells to cisplatin by
suppression of clusterin in vitro.
170 Enhanced expression of the secreted form of clusterin following
neoadjuvant hormonal therapy as a prognostic predictor in patients
undergoing radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer.
171 Enhanced radiation sensitivity in prostate cancer by inhibition of the
cell survival protein clusterin.
172 Enhanced radiosensitivity by inhibition of the anti-apoptotic gene
clusterin using antisense oligodeoxynucleotide in a human bladder
cancer model.
Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in renal neoplasms
ERBB2 induces an antiapoptotic expression pattern of Bcl-2 family
members in node-negative breast cancer.
ERCC1, FLK-1, clusterin, and HER2/neu overexpression and risk of
recurrence in patients (PTS) treated with cystectomy for
muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma of the bladder (UC)
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid affects subcellular expression of
clusterin protein in human colon adenocarcinoma COLO 205 cell line.
Evaluation of 9 different prognostic markers in patients after radical
Evaluation of serum clusterin as a surveillance tool for human
hepatocellular carcinoma with hepatitis B virus related cirrhosis.
Evidence-based guidelines for precision risk stratification- based
screening (PRSBS) for colorectal cancer: Lessons learned from the us
armed forces: Consensus and future directions
Evolution of treatment options for patients with CRPC and bone
metastases: bone-targeted agents that go beyond palliation of symptoms
to improve overall survival.
Expression analysis of stage III serous ovarian adenocarcinoma
distinguishes a sub-group of survivors
Expression and clinical significance of YKL-40 protein in epithelial
ovarian cancer tissues.
Expression and clinical significance of YKL-40 protein in epithelial
ovarian carcinoma tissues
Expression and significance of clusterin in non-small cell lung cancer
Expression of clusterin in human pancreatic cancer.
Expression of clusterin in prostate cancer correlates with Gleason score
but not with prognosis in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy
without neoadjuvant hormonal therapy.
Expression of clusterin, an antiapoptotic molecule, predicts survival
of patients with cervical cancer
Expression of epithelial-mesenchymal transition markers in renal cell
carcinoma: Impact on clinicopathological outcomes in patients
undergoing radical nephrectomy
Expression of epithelial-mesenchymal transition markers in renal cell
carcinoma: impact on prognostic outcomes in patients undergoing radical
Expression of potential molecular markers in prostate cancer:
correlation with clinicopathological outcomes in patients undergoing
radical prostatectomy.
Expression of potential molecular markers in renal cell carcinoma:
impact on clinicopathological outcomes in patients undergoing radical
192 Expression of the antiapoptotic proteins clusterin and bcl-2 in
laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas.
193 Expression of the secreted form of clusterin protein in renal cell
carcinoma as a predictor of disease extension.
194 External validation suggests integrin beta 3 as prognostic biomarker
in serous ovarian adenocarcinomas
195 EZH2 Mediates epigenetic silencing of neuroblastoma suppressor genes
196 Far-infrared radiation inhibits proliferation, migration, and
angiogenesis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells by suppressing
secretory clusterin levels.
197 Final results of a randomized phase II study of OGX-011 (OGX) in
combination with docetaxel (DOC)/prednisone versus
docetaxel/prednisone in patients with metastatic castration resistant
prostate cancer (CRPC)
198 Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma: a clinicopathologic study of 8 cases.
199 Folliculocentric B-cell-rich follicular dendritic cells sarcoma: A
hitherto unreported morphological variant mimicking
lymphoproliferative disorders
200 Four potential biomarkers as prognostic factors in stage III serous
ovarian adenocarcinomas.
201 From new targets to new drugs in prostate cancer - Other targets
202 Functional analysis of clusterin/apolipoprotein J in cellular death
induced by severe genotoxic stress.
203 Gene Expression Profiling of Ampullary Carcinomas Classifies Ampullary
Carcinomas into Biliary-Like and Intestinal-Like Subtypes That Are
Prognostic of Outcome
204 Gene products involved in metastasis of bladder cancer
205 Genetic inactivation of ApoJ/clusterin: effects on prostate
tumourigenesis and metastatic spread.
206 Genetic variants conferring susceptibility to Alzheimer's disease in
the general population; do they also predispose to dementia in Down's
207 Genetic variants influencing human aging from late-onset Alzheimer's
disease (LOAD) genome-wide association studies (GWAS)
208 Global effects of anchorage on gene expression during mammary carcinoma
cell growth reveal role of tumor necrosis factor-related
apoptosis-inducing ligand in anoikis.
209 GRP78 regulates clusterin stability, retrotranslocation and
mitochondrial localization under ER stress in prostate cancer.
210 Heat shock and other apoptosis-related proteins as therapeutic targets
in prostate cancer.
211 Heat shock proteins in hepatocellular carcinoma: Molecular mechanism
and therapeutic potential.
212 Heat shock proteins in prostate cancer: From tumorigenesis to the clinic
213 Heat-shock protein 27: a potential biomarker for hepatocellular
carcinoma identified by serum proteome analysis.
214 Hepatitis D and hepatocellular carcinoma.
215 Hepatitis delta virus epigenetically enhances clusterin expression via
histone acetylation in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells.
216 Heterogeneity in mouse spasmolytic polypeptide-expressing metaplasia
lineages identifies markers of metaplastic progression.
217 High clusterin expression correlates with a poor outcome in stage II
colorectal cancers.
218 HMGB1 induction of clusterin creates a chemoresistant niche in human
prostate tumor cells.
219 Hsps and aging
220 Human clusterin gene expression is confined to surviving cells during
in vitro programmed cell death.
221 Human nuclear clusterin mediates apoptosis by interacting with Bcl-XL
through C-terminal coiled coil domain.
222 Human skeletal myoblasts spontaneously activate allogeneic complement
but are resistant to killing.
223 Identification and validation of novel candidate protein biomarkers for
the detection of human gastric cancer.
224 Identification of Apo-A1 as a biomarker for early diagnosis of bladder
transitional cell carcinoma.
225 Identification of CLUAP1 as a human osteosarcoma tumor-associated
antigen recognized by the humoral immune system.
226 Identification of critical genes and gene interaction networks that
mediate osteosarcoma metastasis to the lungs.
227 Identification of host-immune response protein candidates in the sera
of human oral squamous cell carcinoma patients.
228 Identification of molecular markers of radiation-induced toxicity in
patients undergoing breast conserving therapy
229 Identification of new genes downregulated in prostate cancer and
investigation of their effects on prognosis.
230 Identification of O-glycosylated proteins that are aberrantly excreted
in the urine of patients with early stage ovarian cancer.
231 Identification of ovarian genes regulated by follicle-stimulating
hormone (Fsh) in vitro during early secondary oocyte growth in coho
232 Identification of stromal cell products that interact with pre-B cells.
233 IGF-1 activates the P13K/AKT signaling pathway via upregulation of
secretory clusterin.
234 Immunohistochemical stains of proliferating cell nuclear antigen,
insulin-like growth factor 2 and clusterin help distinguish malignant
from benign liver nodular lesions.
235 Immunophenotypic features of metastatic lymph node tumors to predict
recurrence in N2 lung squamous cell carcinoma.
236 Impact of gene expression profiling in lymphoma diagnosis and prognosis
237 Increase in clusterin forms part of the stress response in Hodgkin's
238 Increased cell death in rat blastocysts exposed to maternal diabetes
in utero and to high glucose or tumor necrosis factor-alpha in vitro.
239 Induction of apoptosis in breast cancer cells in response to vitamin
D and antiestrogens.
240 Induction of the TRPM-2 gene in cells undergoing programmed death.
241 Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors in childhood: a report from the
Italian Cooperative Group studies.
242 Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors of the urinary bladder: a
systematic review.
243 Inflammatory pseudotumor-like follicular dendritic cell sarcoma :
clinicopathological features and prognosis study of 6 cases
244 Influence of silencing clusterin by RNAi on radiosensitivity of human
ovarian carcinoma SKOV3 cell-line
245 Influence of stress on extracellular matrix and integrin biology
246 Inhaled granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor for first
pulmonary recurrence of osteosarcoma: effects on disease-free survival
and immunomodulation. a report from the Children's Oncology Group.
247 Inhibition of androgen receptor expression with small interfering RNA
enhances cancer cell apoptosis by suppressing survival factors in
androgen insensitive, late stage LNCaP cells.
248 Insulin-like growth factor-I induces CLU expression through Twist1 to
promote prostate cancer growth.
249 Integrating high-throughput technologies in the quest for effective
biomarkers for ovarian cancer
250 Interaction of a putative BH3 domain of clusterin with anti-apoptotic
Bcl-2 family proteins as revealed by NMR spectroscopy
251 Interleukin-6 affects cell death escaping mechanisms acting on
Bax-Ku70-Clusterin interactions in human colon cancer progression.
252 Intermittent therapy for prostate cancer
253 Intracellular clusterin induces G2-M phase arrest and cell death in PC-3
prostate cancer cells1.
254 Intracellular levels of SGP-2 (Clusterin) correlate with tumor grade
in prostate cancer.
255 Introducing the clusterin gene into human renal cell carcinoma cells
enhances their metastatic potential
256 Involvement of Oxidative Stress in Occurrence of Relapses in Multiple
Sclerosis: The Spectrum of Oxidatively Modified Serum Proteins Detected
by Proteomics and Redox Proteomics Analysis
257 IR-inducible clusterin gene expression: a protein with potential roles
in ionizing radiation-induced adaptive responses, genomic instability,
and bystander effects.
258 Knockdown of clusterin expression increases the in vitro sensitivity
of human prostate cancer cells to paclitaxel.
259 Knock-down of the cytoprotective gene, clusterin, to enhance hormone
and chemosensitivity in prostate and other cancers.
260 Label-free quantitative proteomic analysis of
benzo(a)pyrene-transformed 16HBE cells serum-free culture supernatant
and xenografted nude mice sera
261 LC-MS/MS-based serum proteomics for identification of candidate
biomarkers for hepatocellular carcinoma
262 Lentivirus-mediated RNA interference of clusterin enhances the
chemosensitivity of EJ bladder cancer cells to epirubicin in vitro.
263 Lessons from in-vivo models of castration-resistant prostate cancer
264 Levamisole induced apoptosis in cultured vascular endothelial cells.
265 Lipid rafts mediate epigallocatechin-3-gallate- and green tea
extract-dependent viability of human colon adenocarcinoma COLO 205
cells; clusterin affects lipid rafts-associated signaling pathways.
266 Longevity assurance molecular pathways in human cells
267 Loss of clusterin expression worsens renal ischemia-reperfusion injury.
268 Low dose IR-induced IGF-1-sCLU expression: a p53-repressed expression
cascade that interferes with TGFβ1 signaling to confer a pro-survival
bystander effect.
269 Lunasin induces apoptosis and modifies the expression of genes
associated with extracellular matrix and cell adhesion in human
metastatic colon cancer cells.
270 Lymphotoxin-beta receptor-dependent genes in lymph node and follicular
dendritic cell transcriptomes.
271 Mature results of a randomized phase II study of OGX-011 in combination
with docetaxel/prednisone versus docetaxel/prednisone in patients with
metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
272 Mechanisms of platelet-stimulated colon cancer invasion: role of
clusterin and thrombospondin 1 in regulation of the P38MAPK-MMP-9
273 Mechanisms of the development of androgen independence in prostate
274 Metastasin leads to poor prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma through
partly inducing EMT
275 Modulation of cell cycle and gene expression in pancreatic tumor cell
lines by methionine deprivation (methionine stress): Implications to
the therapy of pancreatic adenocarcinoma
276 Molecular Alterations Associated With Bladder Cancer Progression
277 Molecular and genetic profiling of prostate cancer: Implications for
future therapy
278 Molecular characterization of the leukemic niche in chronic myeloid
leukemia (CML) and evaluation of a leukemia / niche cross-talk
279 Molecular consequences of activated microglia in the brain:
overactivation induces apoptosis.
280 Molecular markers for predicting recurrence, progression and outcomes
of bladder cancer (do the poster boys need new posters?)
281 Molecular mechanisms of cellular stress responses in gastric cancer
282 Mouse mammary tumor virus suppresses apoptosis of mammary epithelial
cells through ITAM-mediated signaling
283 Multiple pathways regulating the anti-apoptotic protein clusterin in
breast cancer.
284 Neuroblastoma genetics and phenotype: A tale of heterogeneity
285 Neuroblastoma models for insights into tumorigenesis and new therapies
286 New developments in castrate-resistant prostate cancer.
287 New markers in ovarian cancer
288 NF-kB is not directly responsible for photoresistance induced by
fractionated light delivery in HT-29 colon adenocarcinoma cells.
289 Nonmetastatic renal-cell carcinoma: Is it really possible to define
rational guidelines for post-treatment follow-up?
290 Non-small cell lung carcinoma cell motility, Rac activation and
metastatic dissemination are mediated by protein kinase C epsilon
291 Novel approaches to treating the asymptomatic hormone-refractory
prostate cancer patient
292 Novel changes in glycosylation of serum Apo-J in patients with
hepatocellular carcinoma.
293 Novel molecular targets for the therapy of castration-resistant
prostate cancer.
294 Novel role of Stat1 in the development of docetaxel resistance in
prostate tumor cells
295 Novel targeted agents on the horizon for castration-resistant prostate
296 Novel targets and approaches in advanced prostate cancer
297 Novel therapeutic strategies following docetaxel-based chemotherapy in
castration-resistant prostate cancer
298 Novel therapeutic strategy for advanced prostate cancer using antisense
oligodeoxynucleotides targeting anti-apoptotic genes upregulated after
androgen withdrawal to delay androgen-independent progression and
enhance chemosensitivity
299 Novel therapeutics in the treatment of bladder cancer
300 Novel therapies for metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer.
301 Nuclear clusterin accumulation during heat shock response: implications
for cell survival and thermo-tolerance induction in immortalized and
prostate cancer cells.
302 Nucleotide-based therapies targeting clusterin chemosensitize human
lung adenocarcinoma cells both in vitro and in vivo.
303 Oncogenic role of clusterin overexpression in multistage colorectal
tumorigenesis and progression.
304 Over expression of clusterin is an independent prognostic factor for
nonpapillary renal cell carcinoma.
305 Overall survival according to tumoral clusterin expression in breast
306 Overexpression of clusterin correlates with tumor progression,
metastasis in gastric cancer: a study on tissue microarrays.
307 Overexpression of clusterin in human breast carcinoma.
308 Overexpression of clusterin in human hepatocellular carcinoma.
309 Overexpression of clusterin in ovarian cancer is correlated with
impaired survival.
310 Overexpression of clusterin in transitional cell carcinoma of the
bladder is related to disease progression and recurrence.
311 Overexpression of clusterin promotes angiogenesis via the vascular
endothelial growth factor in primary ovarian cancer.
312 Overexpression of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor induces
genes regulating migration and differentiation of neuronal progenitor
313 Overexpression of the cytoprotective protein clusterin decreases
radiosensitivity in the human LNCaP prostate tumour model.
314 Overview how adenocarcinoma cancer cells avoid immune- and
chemotherapy-induced apoptosis.
315 PACAP inhibits tumor growth and interferes with clusterin in cervical
316 Pancreatic cancer escape variants that evade immunogene therapy through
loss of sensitivity to IFNγ-induced apoptosis
317 Panel of Urinary Diagnostic Markers for Non-Invasive Detection of
Primary and Recurrent Urothelial Urinary Bladder Carcinoma.
318 Pathways of chemotherapy resistance in castration-resistant prostate
319 PAX5-positive T-cell anaplastic large cell lymphomas associated with
extra copies of the PAX5 gene locus
320 Peripheral T-cell Lymphomas
321 Peroxiredoxin 2: a potential biomarker for early diagnosis of hepatitis
B virus related liver fibrosis identified by proteomic analysis of the
322 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors and alzheimer's disease:
Hitting the blood-brain barrier
323 Phase I/II trial of custirsen (OGX-011), an inhibitor of clusterin, in
combination with a gemcitabine and platinum regimen in patients with
previously untreated advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
324 Phase II trial of OGX-011 in combination with docetaxel in metastatic
breast cancer.
325 Phase III SYNERGY trial: Docetaxel +/-custirsen and overall survival
in patients (pts) with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
(mCRPC) and poor prognosis
326 Plasma clusterin as a candidate pre-diagnosis marker of colorectal
cancer risk in the Florence cohort of the European Prospective
Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition: a pilot study.
327 Plasma proteome analysis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and
cervical squamous cell carcinoma.
328 Plasma proteomics analysis of tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer.
329 Plasma proteomics of lung cancer by a linkage of multi-dimensional
liquid chromatography and two-dimensional difference gel
330 Platelet proteins clusterin, cofilin-1 and glutathione synthetase as
biomarker for early detection of colorectal cancer
331 Platelet-protein-profiling of healthy controls and patients with
earlyand late-stage colorectal cancer
332 Platelets increase survival of adenocarcinoma cells challenged with
anticancer drugs: mechanisms and implications for chemoresistance.
333 Potential nanotechnologies and molecular targets in the quest for
efficient chemotherapy in ovarian cancer
334 Potential use of custirsen to treat prostate cancer.
335 Potential utilization of bystander/abscopal-mediated signal
transduction events in the treatment of solid tumors
336 Prediction of response to combined immunotherapy with interferon-alpha
and low-dose interleukin-2 in metastatic renal cell carcinoma:
expression patterns of potential molecular markers in radical
nephrectomy specimens.
337 Primary cutaneous CD30-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma in
childhood: report of 4 cases and review of the literature.
338 Profilin 1 is a potential biomarker for bladder cancer aggressiveness.
339 Prognostic factors in 105 Japanese cases of mycosis fungoides and Sé
zary syndrome: clusterin expression as a novel prognostic factor.
340 Prognostic impact of polymorphisms in the MYBL2 interacting genes in
breast cancer.
341 Prognostic prediction following radical prostatectomy for prostate
cancer using conventional as well as molecular biological approaches
342 Prognostic role of clusterin in resected adenocarcinomas of the lung.
343 Prognostic significance of clusterin expression in advanced-stage
cervical cancer treated with curative intended radiotherapy.
344 Prognostic significance of clusterin immunoreactivity in breast cancer.
345 Prostate cancer: All aspects
346 Prostatic androgen repressed message-1 (PARM-1) may play a role in
prostatic cell immortalisation
347 Protein biomarkers distinguish between high- and low-risk pediatric
acute lymphoblastic leukemia in a tissue specific manner
348 Protein expression profiles in adenocarcinomas and squamous cell
carcinomas of the lung generated using tissue microarrays
349 Protein identification from dried nipple aspirate fluid on Guthrie cards
using mass spectrometry
350 Proteomic analysis of renal diseases: Unraveling the pathophysiology
and biomarker discovery
351 Proteomic identification of serum biomarkers for gastric cancer using
multi-dimensional liquid chromatography and 2D differential gel
352 Proteomic profiles of desmoid tumors and osteosarcoma of bone and
somatic soft tissue
353 Proteomic profiling of paraffin-embedded samples identifies
metaplasia-specific and early-stage gastric cancer biomarkers.
354 Proteomic studies of urinary biomarkers for prostate, bladder and kidney
355 Putative circulating markers of the early and advanced stages of breast
cancer identified by high-resolution label-free proteomics.
356 Radiation-induced apoptosis of human prostate cancer cells is
independent of mutant p53 overexpression.
357 Randomized phase II study of docetaxel and prednisone with or without
OGX-011 in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate
358 Randomized phase II trial of Custirsen (OGX-011) in combination with
docetaxel or mitoxantrone as second-line therapy in patients with
metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer progressing after
first-line docetaxel: CUOG trial P-06c.
359 Rationale for and review of neoadjuvant therapy prior to radical
prostatectomy for patients with high-risk prostate cancer.
360 Recent advances in second-line treatment of castration-resistant
prostate cancer.
361 Reduction in serum clusterin is a potential therapeutic biomarker in
patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer treated with
362 Regulation and functions of clusterin: A protector against stress
363 Regulation of chemosensitivity and migration by clusterin in non-small
cell lung cancer cells.
364 Regulation of the expression of CLU isoforms in endometrial
proliferative diseases.
365 Relationship between variant forms of estrogen receptor RNA and an
apoptosis-related RNA, TRPM-2, with survival in patients with breast
366 Relative quantitation of proteins in expressed prostatic secretion with
a stable isotope labeled secretome standard
367 Reporting in studies of protein biomarkers of prognosis in colorectal
cancer in relation to the REMARK guidelines
368 Research in castrationresistant prostate cancer: What does the future
369 Research update
370 Response of bladder carcinoma cells to TRAIL and antisense
oligonucleotide, Bcl-2 or clusterin treatments.
371 Reversible inactivation of superoxide-sensitive aconitase in
Abeta1-42-treated neuronal cell lines.
372 Rituximab-treated B lymphocytes and non-hodgkin lymphoma cells feature
a distinct clusterin expression profile
373 RNA interference-mediated secretory clusterin gene silencing inhibits
proliferation and promotes apoptosis of human non-small cell lung cancer
374 Role of complement regulatory proteins in the survival of murine
allo-transplanted Sertoli cells.
375 Role of genomics-based strategies in overcoming chemotherapeutic
376 Roles of androgen-dependent and -independent activation of signal
transduction pathways for cell proliferation of prostate cancer cells
377 Roles of clusterin in progression, chemoresistance and metastasis of
human ovarian cancer.
378 Sclusterin in tumor T cell infiltrate: A new role in tumour immune
379 Screening serum biomarkers of hepatocellular carcinoma by
two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry
380 sE-cadherin serves as a diagnostic and predictive parameter in prostate
cancer patients.
381 Secreted CLU is associated with the initiation of triple-negative breast
382 Secreted proteins as a fundamental source for biomarker discovery
383 Secretory clusterin (sCLU) overexpression is associated with resistance
to preoperative neoadjuvant chemotherapy in primary breast cancer.
384 Selected molecular factors associated with metastases of ovarian cancer
385 Selenium-responsive proteins in the sera of selenium-enriched
yeast-supplemented healthy African American and Caucasian men.
386 Se-methylselenocysteine inhibits apoptosis induced by clusterin
knockdown in neuroblastoma N2a and SH-SY5Y cell lines.
387 Seminal plasma as a diagnostic fluid for male reproductive system
388 Serological autoantibody profiling using protein arrays distinguish
bladder cancer patients from controls
389 Seroma-associated primary anaplastic large-cell lymphoma adjacent to
breast implants: an indolent T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder.
390 Serum amyloid A, clusterin and apolipoprotein A-I serum levels related
to metastatic progression in melanoma patients
391 Serum and tissue profiling in bladder cancer combining protein and
tissue arrays.
392 Serum clusterin and vitronectin in alcoholic cirrhosis.
393 Serum clusterin as a tumor marker and prognostic factor for patients
with esophageal cancer.
394 Serum level of clusterin and its density in men with prostate cancer
as novel biomarkers reflecting disease extension.
395 Serum Proteomic Approach for the Identification of Serum Biomarkers
Contributed by Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Host Tissue
396 Serum proteomic profiling and haptoglobin polymorphisms in patients
with GVHD after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation
397 Significance of Aurora-A expression in renal cell carcinoma
398 Significance of clusterin expression in patients with hepatocellular
carcinoma undergoing hepatic resection
399 Significance of epithelial-mesenchymal transition markers in the
prognosis of patients with renal cell carcinoma who underwent radical
400 Silencing FLIP(L) modifies TNF-induced apoptotic protein expression
401 siRNA lipid nanoparticle potently silences clusterin and delays
progression when combined with androgen receptor cotargeting in
enzalutamide-resistant prostate cancer
402 Sliencing of secretory clusterin blocks tumor growth and metastasis of
hepatocellular carcinoma HCCLM3 cells
403 Small heat shock proteins in cancer therapy and prognosis.
404 Small interfering RNA targeted to secretory clusterin blocks tumor
growth, motility, and invasion in breast cancer.
405 Suppression of Heat Shock Protein 27 Using OGX-427 Induces Endoplasmic
Reticulum Stress and Potentiates Heat Shock Protein 90 Inhibitors to
Delay Castrate-resistant Prostate Cancer
406 SYNERGY: A randomized phase III study comparing first-line
docetaxel/prednisone to docetaxel/prednisone plus custirsen in
metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC)
407 Tamoxifen Suppresses Clusterin Level through Akt Inactivation and
Proteasome Degradation in Human Prostate Cancer Cells
408 Targeted knockdown of clusterin sensitizes pancreatic cancer MIA-PaCa-2
cell to gmcitabine treatment by inactivation of NF-κB/BCL-2
409 Targeted plasma proteome profiling for early prediction of chemotherapy
response and toxicity in colorectal cancer (CRC)
410 Targeted therapies for prostate cancer
411 Targeted Therapies in Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer.
Beyond the Androgen Receptor
412 Targeting anti-apoptotic genes upregulated by androgen withdrawal using
antisense oligonucleotides to enhance androgen- and chemo-sensitivity
in prostate cancer.
413 Targeting cell survival genes using antisense oligonucleotides to
improve chemo- and hormonal-therapies in prostate cancer
414 Targeting heat shock proteins in metastatic castration-resistant
prostate cancer
415 Targeting stress-induced molecular chaperones CLU and Hsp27 to inhibit
EMT and metastases
416 Targeting the apoptosis pathway in prostate cancer
417 Targeting the cytoprotective chaperone, clusterin, for treatment of
advanced cancer.
418 Temperature-dependent modification and activation of B-MYB:
implications for cell survival.
419 The clusterin paradigm in prostate and breast carcinogenesis.
420 The current status of research in anti-apoptosis gene of breast cancer
421 The detection of protein expression of clusterin and Ki-67 and the status
of cell apoptosis in bladder transitional cell carcinoma.
422 The discovery of putative urine markers for the specific detection of
prostate tumor by integrative mining of public genomic profiles
423 The Editor's Choice
424 The effect of overexpression of rat clusterin in L929 fibroblasts
425 The emerging role of anti-angiogenic therapy in ovarian cancer (review)
426 The inhibition of angiogenesis by antisense oligonucleotides to
427 The interleukin-6 family cytokine interleukin-11 regulates homeostatic
epithelial cell turnover and promotes gastric tumor development.
428 The molecular chaperone apolipoprotein J/clusterin as a sensor of
oxidative stress: implications in therapeutic approaches - a
429 The new anti-oncogene clusterin and the molecular profiling of prostate
cancer progression and prognosis.
430 The physiological roles of apolipoprotein J/clusterin in metabolic and
cardiovascular diseases.
431 The prognostic significance of Clusterin expression in ovarian cancer
432 The promise of heat shock protein inhibitors in the treatment of
castration resistant prostate cancer.
433 The relationship of clusterin expression and Ki-67 labeling index with
clinicopathologic factors in human transitional cell carcinoma
434 The relationship of clusterin expression with Ki-67 expression and
clinicopathological factors in human renal cell carcinoma
435 The role of clusterin (CLU) in malignant transformation and drug
resistance in breast carcinomas.
436 The role of clusterin in prostate cancer: treatment resistance and
potential as a therapeutic target.
437 The role of heat shock proteins in bladder cancer.
438 The role of stress proteins in prostate cancer.
439 The tumour-suppressive function of CLU is explained by its localisation
and interaction with HSP60.
440 Towards clinical applications of selected reaction monitoring for
plasma protein biomarker studies
441 Tumor progression is accompanied by significant changes in the levels
of expression of polyamine metabolism regulatory genes and clusterin
(sulfated glycoprotein 2) in human prostate cancer specimens.
442 Tumor-derived secretory clusterin induces epithelial-mesenchymal
transition and facilitates hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis.
443 Update on options for treatment of metastatic castration-resistant
prostate cancer
444 Up-regulated expression of cytoplasmic clusterin in human ovarian
445 Upregulation of clusterin/apolipoprotein J in lactacystin-treated
SH-SY5Y cells.
446 Urological oncology in Europe: Research highlights from the XVIIth
Congress of the European Association of Urology Birmingham, UK, February
23-26, 2002
447 Use of antisense oligonucleotides targeting the antiapoptotic gene,
clusterin/testosterone-repressed prostate message 2, to enhance
androgen sensitivity and chemosensitivity in prostate cancer.
448 Use of antisense oligonucleotides targeting the cytoprotective gene,
clusterin, to enhance androgen- and chemo-sensitivity in prostate
449 Value of clusterin expression in pathologic diagnosis and histogenesis
of giant cell tumor of tendon sheath.
450 Value of clusterin immunoreactivity as a predictive factor in
muscle-invasive urothelial bladder carcinoma.
451 VEGF-A165A and IL-6 in human colon cancer: A microenvironment
cooperation leading to cell death escape through microRNAS
452 What's hot in the prostate?
453 When X-ray-inducible proteins meet DNA double strand break repair.
454 Zinc sensing receptor signaling, mediated by GPR39, reduces
butyrate-induced cell death in HT29 colonocytes via upregulation of