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Ancient Rome and the Rise of Christianity:
Section Four: The Rise of Christianity
Directions: Using the itext or textbook pages 141-146 complete the form and save for review in
class. On a separate piece of paper, with the correct heading and clearly numbered, list the
answers and hand that sheet in
1 ___ During the Pax Romana which new religion began in a distant part of the Roman empire.
A Buddhism
B Hinduism
C Judaism
D Christianity
2 TRUE or FALSE? By AD 392, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman empire.
3 TRUE or FALSE? The conquered peoples of the Roman empire were expected to adopt the
Roman's polytheistic religion.
4___ By 63 BC, the Romans had conquered Palestine, where most of the Jews lived, and made
it into the province of ________.
A Judea
B Africa
C Carthage
D Gaul
5 TRUE or FALSE? During the Hellenistic Age, many Jews absorbed Greek customs and ideas.
Jewish reformers were concerned about the weakening of their religion and rejected the
Hellenistic influences and called for strict obedience to ______.
A Roman law and religion
C Roman customs and laws
B Jewish laws and traditions
D Greek customs and religion
7 ___ Jews who wanted to revolt against Rome and establish an independent Israel.
A patricians
B Tribunes
C plebeians
D zealots
8 ___ Some Jews believed a ______, or savior sent by God, would appear and lead them to freedom.
A plebeian
B messiah
C prophet
D priest
9 ___ In AD 66, the Jews rebelled. All the following happened EXCEPT _____.
A Roman forces crushed the rebels
C Jerusalem was captured
B Israel was created
D the Jewish temple was destroyed
10 ___ In AD 135, when the Jews revolted, the Romans drove them out of their homeland and
forbade them to return. This scattering of the Jews is called _________.
A zealots
B migration
C Diaspora
D cultural diffusion
11___ The founder of the new religion that was begun in Palestine during this time of turmoil
A Buddha
B Hanfeizi
C Confucius
D Jesus
12 ___ The events of the life of Jesus can be found in the ______, written by four of his followers.
A The Tripitka
B The Gospel
C The Analects
D The Vedas
HW: Ch 6 – Sec 4
13 TRUE or FALSE? Jesus was raised a Christian.
14___ The teachings of Jesus were rooted in ___________.
A Christianity
B Buddhism
C Hinduism
15 Christianity has many beliefs. Circle all that apply.
A. It is polytheistic
B. Jesus is the son of God
C. The Ten Commandments were given to the Jews by God.
D. Spiritual salvation will come to all believe in Jesus
E. Reincarnation is required to reach Heaven
F. Jesus is the messiah
G. An "eye for an eye” justice
D Judaism
H. It is monotheistic
16 TRUE or FALSE? To the Roman authorities, Jesus was a revolutionary who might lead the
Jews in a revolution against Rome.
17 For his crimes against Rome, Jesus was arrested by the Romans, tried, condemned and
executed. His manner of execution, nailed to a cross and left to die of shock, loss of
blood and exposure, was typical of the Greek///Jews///Romans.
18 ___ After his death, his disciples, the Apostles, spread the word of Jesus throughout Judea,
Rome and communities of the Jewish Diaspora. The people who accepted the teaching
that Jesus was the messiah, or the Christ, became known as ________.
A Monks
B Christians
C Catholics
D Protestants
19 ___ In the beginning, Christianity remained a sect, or small group, within Judaism. Then Paul and
other ____ began to spread Jesus’ teachings beyond the Jewish communities to gentiles, non-Jews.
A mercenaries
B messiah
C missionaries
D monsoons
20 TRUE or FALSE? Rome was tolerant of many religions, including Christianity.
21 TRUE or FALSE? Rome believed Christians were disloyal because they refused to make
sacrifices to the emperor and recognize Roman gods.
22 ___ Which emperor blamed the Christians for the social and economic problems of the
A Caligula
B Nero
C Augustus
D Hadrian
23___ People who suffer or die for their beliefs are called _____.
A messiah
B mercenaries
C missionaries
D martyrs
24 TRUE or FALSE? The persecutions frightened people into staying away from Christianity.
HW: Ch 6 – Sec 4
___ 25 Early Christian communities began to organize a formal church. Priests came under the
authority of ____, a Church official who was responsible for all Christians in an
area called a diocese.
A bishop
B pope
C priest
D priestess
26 The Catholic Church developed into a republic///hierarchy or organization in which
officials were arranged according to rank.
27 TRUE or FALSE? Men and women were allowed to become members of the Christian clergy.
28 ___In the Latin-speaking west, the Bishop of Rome became the ____, or head of the Roman
Catholic Church.
A bishop
B pope
C priest
D priestess
29 Martyrs//heresies were beliefs said to be contrary to official Church teachings.
30 ___ Which Roman emperor ended the persecution of Christians in AD 313?
A Spartacus
B Constantine
C Julius Caesar
D Pompey
31 TRUE or FALSE? In the Edict of Milan only citizens of Rome were allowed religious freedom.
32 ___Eighty years after the Edict of Milan, this emperor made Christianity the official religion
of the Roman empire.
A Constantine
B Marcus Aurelius C Julius Caesar
D Theodosius
33 TRUE or FALSE? When the Roman empire collapsed, the Church inherited many of its
functions. Along with Church teachings, it preserved, adapted, and spread GrecoRoman civilization.
HW: Ch 6 – Sec 4