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Division III – Curriculum Planning Model #4
Learning Contract # 5- Year 7
Date: November 8 2006
Due Date: November 30 2006
Title: Lights-Camera-Action! Contract
Goal: To create a 3-Dimensional theatrical set design
Art Form: Drawing, Design, Sculpture.
Subject Area: Math, Science
Expectations: Students will create a theatrical scene design based on geometric shapes. Students will work
individually and in groups to design a theater stage scene. They will also have an opportunity to construct
models of their 3-Dimensional interactive set pieces. After the Intermediate section is complete, students may
work as a team to test the strength of their structures.
Section I: Complete this section for a Beginner Effort mark:
Students will start in groups. They will use the vocabulary list provided and generate ideas on how a
geometric theater production could visually look. Using the ideas generated from the group students will be
individually required to design and sketch two different views of their theatrical set design. Included in the
designs should be the placement and details of 3-Dimensional interactive set pieces.
1. A sketch of theater scene from the audience’s point of view. Writing should be included to explain
finer points of design.
2. A blue print of the stage from a “birds eye view” with 3-Dimensional scene pieces. Students should
think and describe how actors are going to move around on the stage and interact with the setting.
MATHEMATICS: What is the size and shape of your objects?
What geometric shapes have you included in your designs?
Map out your scene. Where are your objects placed? How much space to do they take up? How much
room is left for your actors to move around in?
Architecture: what is the ratio of scale between your drawing and the measurements of the theater?
Measurement: information of height, length, width is included in metric on all objects in theater
SCIENCE: How is the theater scene constructed?
How are the 3-Dimensional pieces constructed to be transported? Worn? Allow the actors to be
interacting with them?
What considerations are taken in the construction of the set pieces? Are they safe? Is the set pieces
structure constructed to distribute the load throughout the structure so that no single part is carrying
the most of the load? Are they constructed for an actor to stand, sit, or jump on?
What materials should be used for the set pieces if they are to be worn by the actor? Moved around the
stage? Stood, sat or jumped on?
Section II: Complete the section for and Intermediate Effort mark
In groups of two, partners are selected from the original group, design and construct a 3-Dimensional
scene piece in scale that can withstand a high amount of load or stress. Choose an idea generated from
the vocabulary list or use one of the following. Balcony, stairs, bridge, arches, dome
Section III: Complete this section for a Mastery Effort mark:
 Work in a team to conduct a scientific experiment to test the strength of the structure created at the
intermediate level. A report on the experiment is required and it should include a hypothesis, the
variables involved, the procedure used, the data collected and presented in a graph, and a conclusion.
 Care and effort was taken by students to make clean and clear
 Drawings are from different views but contain the same objects in each.
 Information is included on the size, shape and material of all objects
on stage.
 Set design has been mapped out with the measurements of all objects
and their relationship on the stage.
 All measurements are in ratio to the scale of the dimensions of the theater.
 Working collaboratively and on their own students achieved to have the
assignment done by due date.
 Students have made a plan of how they are going build their
3-Dimensional set piece before construction takes place.
 Students have demonstrated safe working conditions, used
communication skills, listened actively and managed their time.
 Working collaboratively students achieved to have the assignment done
by the due date.
 The students completed their experiment and handed in their science report,
with graph demonstrating the data collected and a comment on whether
the hypothesis is confirmed or not.
 Working collaboratively students achieved to have assignment done by
the due date.
Group Name:_________________________
Individual Name______________________ Date:_______________________
Final Effort Mark:____________
Final Achievement Mark:________________
Division III – Curriculum Planning Model # 4
Learning Contract # 5 - Year 7
Grading: Students at CAARC are encouraged to set goals before starting
their contacts. Please choose the level of achievement you want to attain.
Complete Section I
Complete Section I and II
Complete Section I, II, and III
Please go over this contract with your parents and return it to your
school signed.
Parent involvement for enhanced learning:
Student Printed Name
Contract Returned Date: _________________
***Did you put the due date in your agenda?****
Vocabulary List
Types of Structures:
Natural Structure: Not made by people, may have
purpose or function. Eg; Birds feather, Sand dune
Manufactured Structure: Built by people, some
structures are designed after natural structures. Eg; A
fishing net is similar to a spider web.
Mass structures: Piling up or forming similar materials
into particular shapes or design. Eg; Bricks, Sand Castles,
Dams, Coral Reefs.
Frame Structures: A skeleton of strong materials that
contains load bearing framework that supports the
structure. Eg; Drilling rigs, a bicycle, steel bridges.
Shell Structure: The shell shape spreads forces through
the whole structure. Each part of the structure supports
only a small part of the load, and the complete structure
can be amazingly strong. Eg; Igloo, Egg, Food cans.
Composite Materials: Made from more than one kind of
material. One material helps the other to support the
structure. Eg; Reinforced concrete, steel rods support
tension (pulling) forces, concrete resists compression
(pushing forces). Combined together in Reinforced
concrete one material helps the other to support the
Layered Materials: Layers of different materials, pressed
and glued together, often produce useful combinations of
properties. Eg; Inside the safety glass of car windshields is
a plastic film that helps the glass resist shattering.
Woven and Knit Materials: Material that have been spun,
interwoven, pressed and matted. These material can turn
out to be very flexible, lightweight and fit well over
complex structures. Eg; Clothing, tents, parachutes.
Mobile joints: allows movement.
Eg; Door hinges,
Rigid joints: Doesn’t allow movements, securely holds
form together.
Five Categories:
1) Fasteners; Eg; Nails, bolts, screws, rivets, dowels.
2) Interlocking shapes; Shaped parts that can hold
themselves together. Eg; Lego bricks, Dovetail joints.
3) Ties; Thread, string, and rope fasten things together.
Eg; Clothing, shoes.
4) Adhesives; Sticky substances such as glue, locks
pieces together when hardens.
5) Melting; Pieces can be melted together such as plastic
or metal. Eg; Welding and soldering locks pieces together.
Mass and Forces:
Mass: The mass of an object is the measure of the amount
of matter in it.
Balance: Most common type of measuring instrument for
mass. Many balances compare the pull of gravity on the
object being measured with the pull of gravity on standard
Newton: The standard SI unit of force is called Newton
Weight: Is a force. It is measured in Newton.
Gravitational force: The gravitational force between two
objects depends on the masses of the objects and the
distance between them. Objects with more mass have a
larger gravitational force against them. An objects weight
changes depending where it is, the further away from the
center of the earth the weight is less. The mass stays the
Forces, Loads, and Stresses
External Forces: Are stresses that act on a structure from
outside it. Eg; A kick to the outside of a building.
Dead load: Is a permanent force acting on a structure. This
includes the weight of the structure itself.
Live load: Is a changing or non-permanent force acting on
a structure. This includes the force of the wind and the
weight of things that are in or on a structure (people,
furniture, and snow and rain on the roof).
Internal Forces: Are stresses within materials from which
a structure is made. These stresses occur from external
forces and can change the shape or size of a structure.
Tension forces: Stretch a material by pulling its ends
apart. Tensile strength measures the largest tension force
the material can stand before breaking
Compression forces: Crush a material by squeezing it
together. Compressive strength measures the largest
compression force the material can stand before losing its
shape or breaking into pieces
Shear forces: Bend or tear a material by pressing different
parts in opposite directions at the same time. Shear strength
measures the largest shear force the material can stand
before ripping apart.
Torsion forces: Twist a material by turning the ends in
opposite directions. Torsion strength measures the largest
torsion force the material can stand and still spring back to
its original shape.
Deformation: The change to the shape or size of a
structure. Can lead to either repairable damage or the
complete failure of a structure.
Lever: Is a device that can change the amount of force
needed to move a object.
Fulcrum: A pivot that a lever can rest on. When effort is
applied as an external force to the lever, a large enough
force is created with the placement of the fulcrum to lift a
heavy load.
Metal fatigue: If a piece of metal or something else is bent
or twisted, the arrangement of particles withing it changes,
they have moved apart which changes the forces holding
them together, they become weaker. If enough particles
are affected small crack develop and eventually it will fail.
Friction: A force that resists, or works against the
movement of two surfaces rubbing together.
Centre of gravity: The point at which all of the
gravitational force of an object may be considered to act.
Expressing Numbers:
Expanded form: Is a way of writing numbers so that all
that is hidden about them comes out into the open. The
expanded form shows what each digit is worth. Eg; 4,017
this becomes 4 thousands and 0 hundreds and 1 ten and 7
ones. 4 x 1000 + 0 x 100 + 1 x 10 + 7 x 1
Standard form: The way we normally write numbers
Prime Number: Is a whole number whose only divisors
are itself and 1.
Exponents: Are a shorthand way to show how to show
how many times a number, called the base, is multiplied
times itself.
2 is the base number, 4 is the exponent
Two to the fourth power = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16
Scientific Notation: Is a number written as a product of a
number between 1 and 10 and a power of 10.
127,680,000 = 1.2768 x 10
Change the number to a number between 1 and 10 by
moving the decimal point 8 places to the left. Then
multiply by 10 with an exponent number that is the number
of times you had to move the decimal point.
Divisibility Rules: Is a method that can be used to
determine whether a number divides other numbers.
Divisibility rules are useful when it is necessary to
determine a numbers factors.
Factor: A number that will divide into another number
exactly. (The factors of 10 are 1, 2 and 5).
Factor tree: A graphical representation showing the
factors of a specific number. Can be used to break numbers
down into all of their factors.
Prime Factors: Finding the factors of a number that are all
prime. Eg; 84 (84 is 42 x 2) = 42 x 2 (42 is 21 x 2) = 21 x
2 x 2 (21 is 7 x 3) = 7 x 3 x 2 x 2
Acute Triangle: A triangle with all angles measuring less
than 90
Obtuse Triangle - A triangle with at least one obtuse
angle having a measure greater than 90 and up to 180.
Isosceles Triangle: Is a triangle that has two sides of equal
Equilateral Triangle: Is a triangle that has all three sides
of equal length
Right Triangle: A triangle with one angle measuring 90,
or that has one right angle.
Scalene Triangle: A triangle with no two sides that are
Angle bisector: For every angle, there exists a line that
divides the angle into two equal parts.
Congruent: Exactly equal in size and shape. Congruent
sides or segments have the exact same length. Congruent
angles have the exact same measure.
Acute angle: The measure of an angle with a measure
between 0 and 90 or with less than 90 radians
Obtuse angle: An angle having a measure greater than 90
and up to 180.
Interior Alternative Angles: Are two interior angles
which lie on different parallel lines and on opposite sides
of a transversal.
Exterior Alternative Angles: Are defined as two exterior
angles on opposite sides of a transversal which lie on
different parallel lines.
Complementary Angles: Two acute angles that add up to
90. For example, 40 and 50 are complementary.
Corresponding Angles: Two angles are corresponding
angles if they are at corresponding spots in the diagram.
Supplementary Angles: Two angles are called
supplementary angles if the sum of their degree
measurements equals 180 degrees. One of the
supplementary angles is said to be the supplement of the
Perpendicular: When two lines or line segments intersect
and form right angles.
Perpendicular Bisector: The Perpendicular Bisector is a
line that is perpendicular to a segment and divides it into
two congruent segments.
Polygon Shapes:
Parralellogram: A quadrilateral that has both sets of
opposite sides that are parallel.
Quadrilateral: A four (quad) sided polygon shape.
Pentagon: A five sided polygon shape.
Hexagon: A six sided polygon shape.
Heptagon: A seven sided polygon shape.
Octagon: A eight sided polygon shape.
Nonagon: A nine sided polygon shape.
Decagon: A ten sided polygon shape.
Undecagon: A eleven sided polygon shape.
Dodecagon: A twelve sided polygon shape.
Circumferences of a Circle
Circumference: The complete distance around a circle or
a square.
Diameter: A line that passes through the center of a circle.
Also the length of a line that cuts the shape in half.
Ratio: The relation between to quantities. Ratios can be
expressed in words, fractions, decimals or percents. E.g.,
the ratio given when a team wins 4 out of 6 games can be
said a 4:6 or four out of six or 4/6.