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China Unit Review Questions
1. (19.4) What protected Inner China from invaders who might have tried to enter from
the northwest?
2. (Ch 19) What kept early settlements in Inner China isolated?
3. (19.7) Because rice requires warm weather and a lot of moisture, where did ancient
Chinese grow rice?
4. (20.4) What do scholars believe the Chinese word “shang ren” suggests about life
during the Shang dynasty?
5. (20.5) What was an important belief in Shang religion?
6. (20.3) How did Shang kings maintain their power?
7. (21.2) What was one way the Zhou Dynasty managed to keep China stable for several
hundred years?
8. (21.3) What was the main goal of Confucianism?
9. (21.3) According to Confucianism, how would the oldest son of a family have to treat
his two younger siblings? How would they have to treat him?
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Period___ Date ___________________
10. (21.4) Which Chinese philosophy tries to balance yin and yang?
11. (21.5) What Chinese philosophy seems to have influenced Qin Shihuangdi the most? Why?
12. (22.4) What was the purpose of building the Great Wall?
13. (22.3) Why did Qin Shihuangdi standardize laws, money, and the writing system?
14. (23.3) How were the Han government officials chosen?
15. (24.2) What made silk valuable?
16. (24.4) What made it difficult to travel the Silk Road (specifically between Kashgar and
17. 24. 4-6) What products were traded from China to the Roman Empire?
18. (24.6) Which religion reached China by the Silk Road?