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Tic Tac Toe TEAM 1
1. What is the name of a portion of DNA that codes for a specific protein?
(a gene)
2. What is transcription?
(the process in which a portion of DNA is copied and made into an mRNA strand)
3. What has to happen with DNA before a cell can divide?
(DNA replication)
4. Enzymes are what kind of BioMolecule?
5. What is the job of tRNA during protein synthesis?
(each brings an amino acid to the ribosome)
6. What is the start codon? (AUG)
7. Use your codon chart: what amino acid would the following ANTI-CODON be carrying: GAA?
8. What is a point mutation?
(when one nucleotide is incorrect in a DNA or RNA sequence)
9. In RNA Adenine binds with ________?
10. What causes the various cells in one person’s body to look and function differently?
(gene expression- they only use genes they need/ turn the other genes off)
11. What are the three parts of a DNA nucleotide?
(a deoxyribose sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base: A,T, C, or G)
12. What is the name of the pentose sugar found in an mRNA strand?
13. Every three bases on a mRNA strand is called? (a codon)
14. What type of bonds connects the nitrogenous bases of different nucleotides?
(weak hydrogen)
15. Are all mutations bad? (No, rarely they can cause a beneficial trait OR can have no effect)
16. What is the end result of Replication?
(two identical DNA strands)
17. What structure is made of rRNA?
18. Why does mRNA need to be made?
(Because DNA has the instructions to make proteins, proteins are made at the ribosome and DNA cannot leave the
nucleus…mRNA is made to deliver the instructions.)
19. Here is a DNA sequence: ATG CGT. In replication, the complementary sequence would be?
20. Why are proteins important?
(We are made of proteins and everything we do requires proteins for function)