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Name / Period ____________________
The Circulatory System: AKA ______________________________
I. Function of Circulatory System: _______________________________________________________________
1. Movement of Materials Into and Out of Cells occurs by ______________________________________.
2. Diffusion is the Movement of Materials From An Area of High Concentration to an Area of _______
II. The Heart Controls Blood Flow Through All Parts of the ____________________________.
1. The Heart has Four____________________________:
a. Upper Two Chambers are called ____________________________.
b. Lower Two Chambers are called ____________________________.
c. A One-Way ________________ Separates each Atrium from the Ventricle Below It.
d. Blood Flows Only From an ___________________ to a _____________________.
e. A Wall Between the Two Atriums and Two Ventricles Prevents Oxygen-Rich (Oxygenated)
Blood and Oxygen-Poor (Deoxygenated) Blood from _____________________.
f. When Looking at a Diagram or Picture of the Heart the Right Atrium and Right Ventricle
are on the Left Side of the Picture. Explain Why: __________________________________
g. The Heart Pumps Both Oxygen-Rich (Oxygenated) and Oxygen-Poor(Deoxygenated) Blood.
III. Three Types of Circulation:
1. Blood Flow To and From the Tissues of the Heart is ___________________ Circulation.
a. Oxygenated Blood is Pumped from Inside of Heart to Tissues on _____________ of the Heart.
b. Deoxygenated Blood is then returned to the heart.
2. Blood Flow Through Heart to Lungs is ______________________ Circulation. A Gas Exhange Occurs.
a. At lungs, ________________ and other waste diffuse out of blood.
b. Molecules of _________________ diffuse into the blood. Blood returns to the _____________.
3. Blood Flow to and From the Body is _____________________ Circulation.
a. Oxygen-Rich Blood Flows to All Organs and Body Tissues Except the ________ & _________.
IV. Blood ___________________ Carry Blood to Every Part of the Body.
1. Blood Vessels that Carry Blood Away From the Heart are _________________________.
a. Each __________________ of the Heart Connects to an Artery.
b. Except for One, Arteries Carry _____________________ Blood.
c. The Right Ventricle (on the left side of a picture) Connects to the ________________ Artery.
1.) The Pulmonary Artery is the Only Artery that Carries Deoxygenated Blood Away
from the Heart. Deoxygenated Blood Carries Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
2.) Carbon Dioxide diffuses out blood and into the __________________.
d. The Left Ventricle (on the right side of a picture) Connects to the _____________ .
e. Every Time Your Heart _____________, Blood is Moved From Your Heart to Arteries.
f. Artery Walls are Thick and Muscles Adjust the Amount of Blood Sent to Different Organs.
g. The Aorta is the Main Artery and All Blood is Sent To The Body Through It.
2. Blood Vessels that Bring Blood Back To the Heart are ___________________.
a. To Keep Blood Moving Toward the Heart Veins have __________________Valves.
b. Muscle _____________ Move Blood Towards the Heart. Veins are also Located near Skeletal
Muscles and Help Move Blood Back Towards the Heart.
c. Two Major Veins
1.) The Superior __________________ Returns Blood from the Head and Neck.
2.) The _______________Vena Cava Returns Blood from the Abdomen and Lower Body
d. The Walls of Veins are Thinner than the Walls of Arteries.
3. Microscopic Blood Vessels that Connect Arteries to Veins are ____________________.
a. Capillary Walls are One _________Thick.
b. Diffusion & An Exchange Occurs As Substances Are Able to Move Through the Single Cell.
1.) Blood Carries ______________ From the Small Intestine that Diffuse to Cells.
2.) Blood Carries ______________ From the Lungs that Diffuses to Cells.
3.) Cellular Waste like _______________ Moves From the Cells to the Blood.