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Extended GLECs Cross-Referenced to Supported Independence Level Curriculum
Domain: Meaning, notation, place value, and comparisons (ME)
* indicates new/edited performance objective in Section 9 of SI Curriculum
Michigan Core Curriculum EGLCE/EHSCE - Benchmarks
Elem./MS: N.ME.e4.SI.EG01a, N.ME.m6.SI.EG05a
Elem: Using quantities of concrete objects or visual representations, demonstrate
understanding of the terms same and/or more (numbers 0-20).
Using numbers, demonstrate understanding of the terms equal to, greater than,
and/or less than.
MS: (numbers 1-50) HS: (numbers 1-100)
Elem./MS: N.ME.e4.SI.EG01b, N.ME.m6.SI.EG05b
Count up to ___ using whole numbers.
Elem: to 20; MS: to 50; HS: to 100
Supported Ind. Curriculum
PE9 I B1 12.
PE9 I B1 13.
PE9 I B1 14.
less, many, few,
Identifies the set with “more”.
Identifies a set with more/less/equal using 1-to-1
Recognizes/identifies quantitative concepts (more,
PE9 I B2 1. Rote counts to ____. (5, 12, 20, 30, 50, 100).
Elem./MS: N.ME.e4.SI.EG01c, N.ME.m6.SI.EG05
Fill in ___ missing numbers on a number line.
Elem: 1 missing #; MS: 2 missing; HS: 3 missing
PE9 I B5 7. Identifies missing numerals in an ordered set or on a
number line.
Elem./MS: N.ME.e4.SI.EG01d, N.ME.m6.SI.EG05d
Use ordinal terms to identify position in sequence and/or complete a sequence with
up to 3 steps (e.g., 1st, 2nd, 3rd).
PE9 I B5 3. Understands/uses ordinal numbers – identifies
objects by place (first, second, third…tenth).
PE9 I C1 10. Sequences activities/events.
PE9 II A2 4. Follows specific step-by-step directions to
complete tasks.
PE9 II A2 9. Follows multi-step directions…
PE9 II B4 8. Sequences pictures/story events left to right (first,
second, third, etc.).
PE9 IV A1 8* States/Identifies/Sequences life cycle stages of
animals (puppy/dog, tadpole/frog, caterpillar/pupa/butterfly, etc.).
PE9 IV A2 7* Identifies life cycle stages of plants in sequence.
PE9 V A 7.
Sequences events of his/her life.
PE9 V A 8.
Sequences events of a story.
Math Benchmarks Cross-Referenced to Supported Ind. Curriculum
Elem./MS: N.ME.e4.SI.EG20a, N.ME.m6.SI.EG06a
Elem: Identify the difference between full or whole and half.
MS: Recognize and/or name commonly used fractions such as ½, ⅓, and ¼.
HS: Recognize, name, and/or write commonly used fractions such as ½, ⅓, and ¼.
PE9 I C4 2* Identifies the difference between full/whole and
PE9 I B3 7. Identifies/reads fractions.
PE9 I B4 6* Writes commonly used fractions, such as ½, 1/3
and ¼.
PE3 II A 3. Identifies correct measurement tools for quantity
needed in food prep activity.
PE3 II A 4. Measures dry/liquid ingredients accurately.
Domain: Number relationships and meaning of operations (MR)
Elem./MS: N.MR.e4.SI.EG07a, A.RP.m7.SI.EG02a
Create, describe, and/or extend simple number patterns or patterns involving
counting objects or symbols.
PE9 I A 5. Replicates, identifies and extends numerical and
pictorial patterns.
PE9 I A 3. Identifies the “same” and “different” in patterns.
PE9 I A 4. Recognizes a repeating pattern with 2 items (red,
blue, red, blue or circle, square, circle, square).
Elem./MS: N.MR.e3.SI.EG15a, N.ME.m6.SI.EG06b
Select appropriate numbers in order to solve problems.
Elem: to 10; MS: to 25: HS to 50
PE9 I B6 23* Selects appropriate numbers (or number of
objects) in order to solve problems….
PE9 I B1 5* Identifies missing parts of objects/pictures.
PE9 I B1 6* Identifies missing items/quantities from a familiar
set of items. (i.e., table setting, work materials).
Domain: Fluency with operations and estimations (FL)
Elem./MS: N.FL.e4.SI.EG08a, N.FL.m7.SI.EG07a
Elem: Demonstrate knowledge of basic addition and/or subtraction facts (single
digits, no regrouping, and sums/differences less than ten).
Calculate sums and/or differences using ___ numbers.
MS: 2-digit HS: 3-digit
Elem./MS: N.FL.e4.SI.EG08b, N.FL.m7.SI.EG07b
Select appropriate numbers (or number of objects) needed to solve addition or
subtraction problems and calculate the sum or difference.
Elem: Limited to single digits, no regrouping, and sums/differences less than ten
MS: Limited to two 2-digit numbers
HS: Limited to two 3-digit numbers
Math Benchmarks Cross-Referenced to Supported Ind. Curriculum
PE9 I B6 11.
PE9 I B6 12.
3 digits).
PE9 I B6 13.
digit, 2 digits, 3
PE9 I B6 14.
digits, 3 digits).
PE9 I B6 19.
Solves addition problems without regrouping.
Solves addition problems with regrouping (2 digits,
Solves subtraction problems without regrouping (1
Solves subtraction problems with regrouping (2
Recalls basic facts (addition, subtraction) to _____.
PE9 I B6 23* Selects appropriate numbers (or number of
objects) in order to solve problems and performs necessary
PE9 I B6 11. Solves addition problems without regrouping.
PE9 I B6 12. Solves addition problems with regrouping (2 digits,
3 digits).
PE9 I B6 13. Solves subtraction problems without regrouping (1
digit, 2 digits, 3 digits)
PE9 I B6 14. Solves subtraction problems with regrouping (2
digits, 3 digits).
PE9 I B6 19. Recalls basic facts (addition, subtraction) to _____.
Domain: Data representation (RE)
Michigan Core Curriculum EGLCE/EHSCE - Benchmarks
Elem./MS: D.RE.e4.SI.EG01a, D.RE.m7.SI.EG01a
HS: EHSCE.SI.L1.2.4a
Elem: Gather and/or organize data using pictures or concrete objects that can be
collected and sorted (maximum of 10 objects and 1 attribute).
MS/HS: Gather and/or organize data using pictures or concrete objects to represent
real life situations or to make a pictograph (maximum of 15 objects)
MS: 2 attributes; HS: 3 attributes
Elem./MS: none/ D.RE.m7.SI.EG01b
HS: EHSCE.SI.L1.2.4b
MS: Read and interpret pictographs with a scale of one.
HS: Solve problems using pictographs with a scale of one and totals of ten or less.
Supported Ind. Curriculum
PE9 I D 1* Gathers and/or organizes data using pictures or
concrete objects that can be collected and sorted.
PE9 I D 2* Reads and interprets pictographs.
PE3 II A 1. Sorts objects, colors, shapes by single dimension.
PE3 II A 2. Sorts objects by multiple dimensions.
PE9 I A 2. Identifies the “same” and “different” in pictures.
PE9 II B1 1-2 Visually discriminates colors/shapes.
PE9 II B1 4. Describes and compares objects/pictures by one or
two attributes.
PE9 I D 2* Reads and interprets pictographs.
PE9 I D 3* Solves problems using pictographs.
PE9 I B1 10. Classifies objects and counts totals. (ex. 3 fruits, 4
toys, 5 vehicles.)
Elem./MS: D.RE.e4.SI.EG03a, D.RE.m7.SI.EG01c
Identify what type or quantity of data are needed to answer a question, solve a
problem, or complete:
Elem: a chart or pictograph
MS/HS: a chart, bar graph, pictograph, or circle graph.
PE9 I D 4* Identifies what type or quantity of data are needed
to answer a question, solve a problem or complete a chart,
pictograph, bar or circle graph.
Elem./MS: none/ D.RE.m7.SI.EG01d
Use a calendar to locate significant dates.
PE9 I C1 22. Uses calendar to find (months, current month,
birthday month, holidays, current day/date, last/this/next week,
dates for special events, appointments, etc.)
PE9 I C1 23. Maintains an appointment/activity
PE4 II A 4. Plans for chosen community service (…uses
calendar/time/money concepts to schedule services…)
PE9 II B6 16* Reads and follows a work/activity schedule.
PE3 II C 3. Follows personal work assignment schedule/routine
(uses written/picture sequence), as needed.
PE9 I C1 23. Maintains an appointment/activity
PE9 I C2 2. Identifies picture/activities on a picture schedule for
the day.
PE9 I C2 3. Identifies next activity for the school day according
to a picture/written schedule.
PE9 I C2 4. Demonstrates awareness of schedule of school day
by going to the next routine location.
Elem./MS: none/ D.RE.m7.SI.EG01e
HS: EHSCE.SI.L1.2.4e
Read a work/activity schedule for classroom and job related activities.
Math Benchmarks Cross-Referenced to Supported Ind. Curriculum
Elem./MS: D.RE.e4.SI.EG02a, D.RE.m7.SI.EG01f
HS: EHSCE.SI.L1.2.4f
Follow complete or partial daily routine patterns-limited to 3 steps.
PE3 I C 5. Completes tasks in assigned order.
PE9 II A2 4. Follows specific step-by-step directions to complete
PE9 II A2 8. Follows multi-step directions.
Elem./MS: D.RE.e4.SI.EG02b, D.RE.m7.SI.EG01g
HS: EHSCE.SI.L1.2.4g
Check and/or complete sets of corresponding tasks.
PE9 I B1 3. Constructs corresponding sets (e.g., one spoon in
each bowl).
PE9 I B1 6. Checks and completes 1:1 correspondence tasks.
Domain: Formulas, expressions, equations, and inequalities)(FO)
Michigan Core Curriculum EGLCE/EHSCE - Benchmarks
Elem./MS: none/ A.FO.m6.SI.EG06a
HS: EHSCE.SI.A1.1.1a
Identify the unknown component and quantity in an applied problem.
Domain: Units and systems of measurement (UN)
Michigan Core Curriculum EGLCE/EHSCE - Benchmarks
Elem./MS: M.UN.e4.SI.EG01a, M.UN.m6.SI.EG01a
Associate time with common events of the day.
Math Benchmarks Cross-Referenced to Supported Ind. Curriculum
Supported Ind. Curriculum
PE9 I B6 24* Identifies the unknown component and quantity in
an applied problem.
PE9 I B6 23* Selects appropriate numbers (or number of
objects) in order to solve problems and performs necessary
PE9 I B6 15. Solves word problems with manipulatives.
PE9 I B6 16. Solves story problems in picture format.
PE9 I B6 22. Identifies/uses operations to solve real-life
mathematical situations or story problems.
Supported Ind. Curriculum
PE9 I C2 3. Identifies next activity for the school day according
to a picture/written schedule.
PE9 I C2 12. Names three common activities for morning,
afternoon and evening.
PE9 I C2 13. Tells general time of specified routines. (morning,
noon, after lunch, afternoon, evening, etc.)
PE9 IV C4 1. Identifies activities he/she does during the day and
Elem./MS: none/M.UN.m6.SI.EG01b
Tell time to the hour using a digital or analog clock
PE9 I C2 16. Tells time for analog clocks/watches (i.e., on the
PE9 I C2 17. Tells time using digital clock/watch.
PE9 IV C4 5. Identifies clock time associated with day/night
Elem./MS: M.UN.e4.SI.EG01b, M.UN.m6.SI.EG01c
Know and use common terms for parts of the day (e.g., morning, afternoon, evening,
night) and/or relative time (e.g., yesterday, today, tomorrow).
PE9 I C2 5. Recognizes and uses time related words (now, later,
today, day, night. morning, afternoon, evening, next, after,
tomorrow, yesterday, etc.)
Elem./MS: none/ M.UN.m6.SI.EG01d
Order the days of the week or months of the year in the correct sequence.
PE9 I C1 5. Names/orders the days of the week in sequence.
PE9 I C1 12. Names/orders months in sequence.
Domain: Units and systems of measurement (UN) - Temperature, Volume, Length
Elem./MS: M.UN.e4.SI.EG03a, A.RP.m6.SI.EG10a
Compare approximate temperatures in order to solve problems.
PE9 I C4 17* Compares approximate temperatures in order to
solve problems.
PE9 I C4 13. Reads/states amounts from basic gauges
(thermometer, …)
PE9 I C4 6. Identifies/demonstrates the function of various
measuring tools (…thermometer).
PE9 IV C2 2. Labels weather conditions (temperature…).
PE9 IV C2 3. Identifies clothing and accessories associated with
different weather conditions (temperature).
Elem./MS: M.UN.e4.SI.EG01c, M.TE.m5.SI.EG09AA
Measure volume using _____.
Elem: cups; MS: cup, ½ cup; HS: ¼, ½ cups, cup
PE2 II A 3. Identifies correct measurement tools for quantity
needed in food prep activity.
PE2 II A 4.
Measures dry/liquid ingredients accurately.
PE9 I C4 14. Identifies common units of measurement related to
foods (gallon, half-gallon, cup, measuring spoon).
PE9 I C4 16. Measures/differentiates/estimates different units of
measurement related to foods (1 cup, 1 Tbs. 1 tsp. 1 gallon, etc.).
Math Benchmarks Cross-Referenced to Supported Ind. Curriculum
Elem./MS: M.UN.e4.SI.EG01d, G.SR.m7.SI.EG01a
Elem: Identify which of two objects is heavier or longer.
MS: Identify and/or use the appropriate measuring device to measure the length or
weight of an object in whole units (pounds or inches).
HS: Identify and/or use the appropriate tool for different types of measurement.
PE9 II C4 1. Given 2 objects differing vastly only in size, weight
or volume, identifies big/little, heavy/light, and more/less.
PE9 II C4 4. Compares 3-5 like containers that hold the
PE9 II C4 6. Identifies/demonstrates the function of various
measuring tools (ruler, yardstick, tape measure, scale,
PE9 II C4 7. Uses ruler to measure items.
PE9 II C4 8. Uses yardstick to measure items.
PE9 II C4 9. Uses tape measure to measure items or self.
PE9 II C4 10. Uses scale to measure items or self.
Domain: Units and systems of measurement (UN) - Money
Elem./MS: M.UN.e4.SI.EG01e, M.UN.m6.SI.EG01e
HS: EHSCE.SI.L1.2.1b
Elem: Match a designated coin to another of the same denomination presented
within a group.
MS: Identify different coins and bills (up to $1 and $5).
HS: Identify different coins and bills ($1 , $5, $10, and $20), and/or use bills for
PE3 1 A
PE9 I C3
PE9 I C3
PE9 I C3
PE9 I C3
PE9 I C3
PE9 I C3
PE9 I C3
HS: EHSCE.SI.L1.2.1c
Count out a specified amount of money up to ___.
Elem./MS: $5 ($1 bills only).
HS: $20 using $1 $5, and/ or $10 bills.
PE9 I C3 7. Counts out requested number of dollar bills, or
PE9 I C3 15. Skip counts multiple coins/bills of the same
PE9 I C3 16. Pays for purchases with various assortments of 1,
5, and 10 dollar bills.
HS: EHSCE.SI.L1.2.1d *
Determine if they have enough money for a purchase up to _____.
MS: to $5
HS: to $20
PE9 I C3 19. Determines affordability of a single item when
paying for an item with dollar bills.
PE3 1 A 30. Demonstrates functional use of money for
community transactions.
Math Benchmarks Cross-Referenced to Supported Ind. Curriculum
30. Demonstrates functional use of money for
5. Matches coins and bills.
6. Sorts coins and bills.
8. Receptively/expressively recognizes coins…
9. Receptively/expressively recognizes bills…
10. Receptively/expressively recognizes value of coins.
12. Uses one dollar bill method …to pay for purchases.
17. Uses money to pay for self service purchases.
Domain: Geometric shape, properties, and mathematical arguments (GS)
Michigan Core Curriculum EGLCE/EHSCE - Benchmarks
Elem./MS: G.GS.e4.SI.EG02a , G.GS.m4.SI.EG02AA
HS: EHSCE.SI.G1.1.6a
Elem./MS: Identify common two dimensional shapes (e.g., square, circle, triangle,
and star).
HS: Differentiate between common two dimensional shapes (e.g., square, circle,
triangle, star).
Supported Ind. Curriculum
PE3 II A 1. Sorts …shapes by single dimension.
PE9 I C5 2. Matches and identifies shapes.
PE9 I C5 4. Identifies shapes and their characteristics (number
of sides and corners).
PE9 II B1 2. Visually discriminates shapes (matches, identifies,
names, sorts).
Domain: Location and spatial relationship (LO)
Elem./MS: G.LO.e1.SI.EG02AA, G.TR.m8.SI.EG10a
Identify the positions of objects in space using terms describing relative position.
PE9 I C6 1* Identifies the positions of objects in space using
terms describing relative position.
PE9 II A2 5. Follows directions for spatial terms…
PE9 II A4 28. Expresses descriptors (modifiers) when
communicating. – for spatial terms.
Domain: Spatial reasoning and geometric modeling (SR)
Elem./MS: G.SR.e4.SI.EG03a/none
Match objects to their outlines.
PE9 I C5 3. Matches object to outline.
Domain: Transformation and symmetry (TR)
Elem./MS: G.TR.e4.SI.EG05a, G.TR.m6.SI.EG03a
Demonstrate knowledge of the routes involved in moving around the school.
PE9 I C7 1* Demonstrates knowledge of routes involved in
moving around the school.
PE4 I A 1. Locates designated areas/rooms within the school
PE4 I A 9. Follows directions to get to desired locations.
PE4 I A 19. Demonstrates ability to get from one destination to
another using a direct route.
Elem./MS: none/ G.TR.m6.SI.EG03b
Use maps to find locations. Understand and use directions such as north, south,
east, and west and directional terms such as left, right, forward, and back.
PE9 I C7 2* Uses maps to find locations.
PE9 I C7 3* Understands and uses directions such as north,
south, east, west, left, right, forward and back.
PE4 I A 9. Follows directions to get to desired locations.
PE9 V B 11. Demonstrates use of a map or globe.
Math Benchmarks Cross-Referenced to Supported Ind. Curriculum