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Will Settel
The Roxbury Latin School
RUMUN 2007
A Statement of Policy
The French Republic
G8 Summit of 2005
In 2000 the UN created the Millennium Development Goals that countries would meet by
2015. This bill helps countries eliminate hunger and poverty and receive education.
However, due mostly to European imperialism, many African nations will not meet the
2015 deadline. African nations were delineated by territorial boundaries, rather than
ethnic or cultural boundaries. Thus, African nations are poorly organized and rarely
unified by one culture. European imperialism also forces enemies to exist within the
same sovereign countries, which causes internal conflict and political instability. The
internal conflict and political instability prevent African nations from escaping poverty.
After Africa was allowed independence, Europe destroyed profitable resources and areas
of land, which forced the African countries to become reliant on exporting and importing
goods from European nations. Because the African countries were not self sufficient,
once the European nations stopped importing goods from Africa, a large debt
accumulated over time. Education, healthcare, and industry were not provided with
sufficient funds. Africa began to borrow money and in the 1970s and 80s, interest rates
rose. African countries are unable to repay their debts.
In the past the UN has attempted to lessen African debt.
In 1996 the UN
designated the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries. This resolution tried to provide debt
relief to poor countries. 33 of the 41 countries that received the loan were ones in Africa.
The HIPC helps countries meet the MDG requirements. In the 1999 Cologne summit, the
G8 proposed other ideas for helping countries meet the MDG requirements. The G8 has
suggested a reform to the HIPC. It has recommended that the number of years it takes for
the HIPC to aid another country decrease to quicken debt relief. The funds came from
mainly Germany and the UK. The Cologne Debt Initiative attempted to reduce debt from
$130 billion to 460 billion. It also tried to get ¾ of HIPC states to the decision point by
2000. 9 countries met this goal and 11 failed. Although this resolution failed, it still has
helped get 9 countries to the decision point. In 1999 the UN created the Genoa Plan for
Africa. This plan encouraged dialogue between African countries and the developed
world. In 2002, the G8 nations also pledged $12 billion a year to the poorest nations in
the world. One half of these countries are from Africa. The UN also established the
United Nations Economic Commission of Africa. The UN established this bill in 1958 to
help countries meet the MDGs. The bill sent in forces to identify and possibly forgive
some debts. Although many resolution and bills failed, the UN is attempting to help the
African nations overcome their debt.
The Republic of France suggests the UN continue the HIPC and try to lessen the
amount of years it takes for the UN to decide which countries to aid for a quicker debt
relief. France also recommends that the African Union involve itself and try to set up
unified political positions among the African nations. If the African Union sets up
unified positions, it will allow all African nations to react well to the aid that the UN is
sending. France also encourages more dialogue between African nations and developed
nations. Dialogue allows for a greater outside intervention. France would like to see the
UN forgive some previous debt with the poorer nations because many African nations are
unable to repay debts. If the UN forgives these debts, it will allow the African nations to
focus on reaching the MDGs. The Republic of France still believes the countries can
meet the MDGs by 2015.
France wants to help Africa develop peace among its
countries, which will enable Africa to be more stable. We will try to gather troops to help
peace and stability. France encourages the UN to establish good quality education to the
children of the nations of Africa.
Climate Change
During the past century, climate change has become a big problem in the world.
The burning of fossil fuels and clearances of forests has led to more carbon dioxide in the
air. Carbon dioxide creates greenhouse gases, which trap heat. The trapped heat stays in
the earth’s atmosphere and causes the temperature to rise. Within this century, the
average temperature will raise 1.4-5.8C. The sea levels have already risen .1-.2 meters
and snowfall in New Hampshire has decreased 10%. Climate change causes erosion,
flood risk, and costal destruction. In the past the UN attempted to lessen the damage of
climate change, but these actions seem unsuccessful.
In 1997, the UN created the Kyoto Protocol. The purpose of this resolution is to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 5.2% by the between the years 2008 and 2012. It
encourages the creation of technology that emits less gas and suggests that countries
restrict the amount of emission each year. However the Kyoto Protocol benefits some
countries but not others. If large countries like the United Sates and Australia ratify this
resolution, it will harm their country’s economy and will not have a significant impact on
the environment. In 2000, the EU created the European Climate Change Program. This
program encourages the use of electricity from renewable energy like sunlight or wind
and auto industries to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 25%. In 2004 the G8 created
the 3Rs, which stand for reduce, reuse, and recycle. The 3Rs encourage better use of
material, which will eventually benefit the environment.
The Republic of France wants more research completed on how to use energy
more effectively. While that research is being completed, we recommend less burning of
fossil fuels by using renewable energy. Developed countries need to lead this action by
using solar panels and wind-powered electricity. France encourages countries to cap the
amount of greenhouse gases it emits. Notwithstanding the determents, United States and
Australia must sign the Kyoto protocol and limit the amount of greenhouse gases it uses.
The EU, which has passed the European Climate Change program and taken steps to
reduce greenhouse gases, the United States, and China must take further action and help
developing countries emit less greenhouse gases by giving money.
There have been several terrorist attacks on nations around the world. On
September 11, 2001 terrorists attacked the world trade center. On the Tokyo subway a
chemical gas attack took place, the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin,
and the bombings in France, all had a severe effect on the world. Now, terrorists might
be able to obtain nuclear weapons. North Korea has become a large threat because of
their continued nuclear program. It is difficult to predict where, when, and how a
terrorist attack will take place, which makes it difficult to stop these attacks. In 1978 the
Bonn summit was the first time an agreement was reached. Leaders of countries need to
cease all flight to or from the nation of origin from the hijackers. Countries should refuse
to export arms and halt funding for terror activity. The G8 created the Recommendation
on Counter-Terrorism in 2002. It called for immediate attention to all resolutions passed.
It began with adhering to the SC resolution 1373 Financial Action Task Force, which
encouraged the freezing and confiscating of terrorist assets. Another agreement was the
G8 Global Partnership against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction.
This agreement prevents chemical, nuclear, and biological weapons from ending up in a
terrorist organization. The G8 gave $20 billion to this cause.
The Republic of France wants the G8 to continue the funding of the confiscation
of terrorist assets. We also encourage other developed countries to give money for the
cause of counter-terrorism. The Republic of France wants to prevent states from
funding terrorists and giving nuclear weapons or technology to any terrorist organization.
We also encourage all states to sign a non-proliferation treaty, which would stop states
from supplying terrorist organizations with nuclear or biological weapons.