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Chapter 1
What is your definition of human relations? All interactions
involving people.
Organizational behavior – How people, groups, and organizations
Management – A group of people whose activities are to
coordinate others to achieve specific objectives.
Skills required to manage others include leadership and teamwork.
Are there others?
The study of human relations in business is the study of how
people can work effectively to satisfy both organizational and
personal goals
AP 1-1
Study of human relations happens on three different levels (micro,
middle, and macro)
We need to think about our own values, attitudes, abilities and
goals, first! Managing comes later.
Human relations are interdisciplinary.
Early 1900’s saw Frederick Taylor and others develop what is
called scientific management. (Greater production is achieved by
breaking down work into isolated, specific, and specialized tasks)
(Greater productivity…mass production)
“Remove the causes for antagonism between the boss and the men
who are under him”
Trade union membership increased from 400000 to 2000000
between 1897 at 1904 (7 years)!
Hawthorne Studies (Elton Mayo) looked at the effects of
illumination, ventilation, and fatigue at the Western Electric
Hawthorne Plant.
 lights improved production
 group morale and personal motivation were critical
Informal Organization is very important – but what is it?
Must view informal organizations in the context of the job.
Industrial expansion during/following WWII increased attention
toward employee satisfaction and productivity.
Z Theory (Ouchi) – Japanese lifelong employment, company
loyalty, and group consensus.
Quality Circles – Voluntary groups of employees involved in
decision making at the lowest level of the organization during the
Total Quality Management – A comprehensive approach to quality
that encourages everyone in the organization to provide customers
with reliable product and services.
Employee empowerment – Give power & authority to employees to
do their jobs.
Humanistic psychology contribution to human relations field.
 Increase human dignity
 Empathy
 Individual differences
 Deal with the whole person
 Communications
 Motivation
 Leadership
 Teamwork
Change in organizations is always changing!!!
Questions you might want to ask yourself.
 How are my communications skills?
 Do I have direction in my life?
 Do I take responsibility for the decisions I make and for
being a leader?
 Am I empathetic toward others?