Download MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Credits: 6 (2° semester, 44 hours)

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Credits: 6 (2° semester, 44 hours)
Prof. John Schermerhorn
This MBA course will examine the various challenges and opportunities of
building organizational performance capacities to compete and prosper in our
dynamic global business environment. The focus is on the behavior of
individuals and groups in organizations with the goal of improving
performance in the new global workplace. It is designed to enhance the
career potential of persons assuming management and team leadership
responsibilities in high performance work settings, including business and
nonprofit organizations of all types and sizes.
Special emphasis is given applying organizational behavior concepts in a
context of rich cultural diversity, a demanding global economy, and pressures
for ethics and social responsibility.
Become more aware of changes in the new workplace and the challenges of
cultural diversity, the global economy, and concerns for ethical behavior and
corporate social responsibility.
Understand factors influencing the performance of individuals at work.
Become more familiar with personal viewpoints regarding work and with their
implications for continued personal and professional development.
Learn which factors influence teams, teamwork, and the performance of
groups in organizations.
Become more familiar with personal viewpoints and attitudes toward groups
and teamwork, and with their implications for continued personal and
professional development.
Learn how power works in organizational dynamics.
Become more familiar with personal leadership skills and tendencies, and
with their implications for continued personal and professional development.
Become more aware with the challenges of organizational change leadership.
At the beginning of the course, professor will provide all information.