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Dr.Eman Zakaria Hegazy Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Thermodynamics Lecture5
Bohr Theory
Bohr assumed that the angular momentum of the electron in a
hydrogen atom is quantized
- We can consider the nucleus to be fixed and the electron to
be revolving about it.
- The force holding the electron in a circular orbit is supplied
by the columbic force of attraction between the proton
and the electron.
 e2 
- If we equate coulomb’s force law 
2  with Eq.(1-21)
 4  r 
then we have
m v2
2 
is the permittivity of free space and is equal to
8.85 x10-12 (C2 /N. m2 ).
The factor 4  called coulomb’s law.
- We are assuming here that the electron is revolving around
the fixed nucleus in a circular orbit of radius r.
- Classically , because the electron is constantly being
accelerated accoding to Eq. 1.21 , it should emit
Dr.Eman Zakaria Hegazy Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Thermodynamics Lecture5
electromagnetic radiation and loose energy , classical
physics predicts that an electron revolving around the
nucleus will loose energy and spiral into the nucleus and
this is forbidden.
It was Bohr’s great contribution to make two non classical
- The first of these was to assume the existence of stationary
electron orbit , in defense of classical physics and in this
case he assumed that the angular momentum of the
electron must be quantized according to
where n =1,2,3,…… ℏ called (h-bar) is equal to h/2𝛑
- Solving this equation for v and substituting into Eq. 1-22 we
4  n 2
me 2
Thus we see that the radii of the allowed orbits or Bohr
orbit are quantized , the electron can move around the
nucleus only in circular orbits with radii given by Eq. 1.24.
The orbit with the smallest radius is the orbit n=1 (for
hydrogen atom).
Dr.Eman Zakaria Hegazy Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Thermodynamics Lecture5
4 (8.85 1012C 2 .N 1.m 2 )(1.055 1034 J .S )2
(9.110 1031 Kg )(1.602 1019C )2
=5.29×10-11 m = 0.529Å
- Total energy= kinetic energy + potential energy
e 2
Potential energy U(r) = 4 r
E  mv2 
4  r
Using Eq. 1-22 to eliminate m v2 from (1-27)
1  e2
E 
2  4  r 
4  r
e 2
8  r
Substitute r from eq. (1-24)
me 4
E n  2 2 2
8  h n
Dr.Eman Zakaria Hegazy Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Thermodynamics Lecture5
- The second assuming for Bohr that the observed spectrum
of the hydrogen atom is due to transition from one allowed
energy state to another.
me 4  1
1 
E  2 2  2  2   h
8  h  n1 n 2 
Where E=h is called the Bohr frequency and is the basic
assumption as the electron falls from one level to another
, the energy evolved is given off as a photon energy
E=h .
We can write Eq. (1-29) in the form of Rydberg formula by
writing h  hc
me 4 1
  2 3 ( 2  2)
8 o ch n1 n 2
If we compare Eq. (1-16) and (1-30)
me 4
RH  2 3
8 o ch
Dr.Eman Zakaria Hegazy Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Thermodynamics Lecture5
Example 8
Using the values of the physical constants , Calculate RH
m: 9.10953×10-3 Kg, e=1.602189×10-19 C
𝛆o=8.85419×10-12 C2. N-1.m-2
C: 3×108 m.S-1, h: 6.63×10-34 J.S
And compare it to experimental value 109677.6 Cm-1
me 4
RH  2 3
8 o ch
9.10953 103 (1.602 1019 )4
RH 
8(8.85 1012 )2  3 108 (6.63 1034 )3
=109736 Cm-1
The results surely are makeable agreement with the experimental
Dr.Eman Zakaria Hegazy Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Thermodynamics Lecture5
Example 9:
Calculate the ionization energy of the hydrogen atom.
The ionization enrgy IE is the energy required to take the
electron from ground state to the first unbond state ; n1=1 ,
IE  R H ( 2  2 )
1 
IE  R H  109680 Cm 1 
  hc
, h=6.63×10-34, c=3×1010 Cm.S-1
ε= 109680×6.63×10-34×3×1010
= 2.179×10-18J
= 2.179×10-18/1.602×10-19= 13.6 e.V