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Forces and Motion Test 2012
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. A driver of an SUV drives past a jogger on the subdivision walking path. Compared to the jogger, the
SUV is traveling 15 m/s. What is the driver using as the reference point in this situation? (S8P3)
a. the SUV
b. the jogger
c. the path on which the jogger is jogging
d. the road on which the SUV is traveling
2. Which of the following is an example of a balanced force? (S8P3b)
a. a car turning left at a stop sign.
b. a child running down a path
c. a car speeding up on the highway
d. a porch swing hanging motionless from the roof
3. In the drawing below, which shows an unbalanced force?
4. Which of the following are two factors that determine speed? (S8P3a)
a. acceleration and time
c. distance and time
b. velocity and time
d. motion and time
5. Which of the following is NOT true of mass? (S8P5a)
a. it remains constant
c. it is a measure of gravitational force
b. it is a measure of matter
d. it is measured in grams (g) kilograms
6. What is the speed of an object that travels 20m in 4 sec? (S8P3a). Show your work on a separate sheet
of paper.
a. 5m/s
c. 80 m/s
b. 5 m
d. 80 m
7. What is the net force on an object when you combine a force of 10 N north with a force of 5 N south?
a. 5 N south
b. 15 N north
c. 50 N north
d. 5 N north
8. The difference between speed and velocity is that (S8P3a)
a. velocity involves time, and speed does not.
b. speed involves time, and velocity does not.
c. velocity has direction, and speed does not.
d. speed has direction, and velocity does not.
9. What happens to an object if the forces are unbalanced? (S8P3b)
a. The net force is zero.
b. Its motion changes.
c. Its motion does not change.
d. The object always comes to a stop.
____ 10.
In the drawing below, the arrows labeled WIND and WATER represent forces acting on
a sailboat during a certain period of time. During this period of time, the force of the wind on the
sailboat is stronger than the force of the water on the sailboat. The directions of the arrows show the
directions of the forces, and the lengths of the arrows represent the strengths of the forces.
Which statement describes the sailboat's motion while these forces are acting?
The sailboat will speed up
The sailboat will move at constant speed.
The sailboat will speed up for a short time and then move at constant speed.
The sailboat will slow down then speed up.
____ 11. What is a way to reduce friction? (S8P3b)
a. Wear batting gloves to help grip the
c. Sprinkling sand on ice.
b. Press harder while sanding wood.
d. Wax skis before skiing down a slope.
____ 12. Which would have the most inertia?
____ 13. Which of the following would NOT be considered acceleration? (S8P3a)
a. speeding up
b. deceleration
c. changing distance
d. changing direction
____ 14. A hiker’s velocity begins at 1.8 m/s uphill and changes to 1.5 m/s uphill. How do you know that the
hiker has a negative acceleration? (S8P3a)
a. His direction changed.
c. His speed increased.
b. His direction was unchanged.
d. His speed decreased.
____ 15. Which has the most gravity? (S8P5a)
____ 16. What is the SI unit for speed? (S8P3a)
a. kilogram
b. Newton
c. m/s
d. m/s/s
____ 17. When the net forces equal 0 N, they are which of the following? (S8P3b)
a. balanced
c. a push
b. unbalanced
d. a pull
____ 18. If a baseball and a cannonball are dropped from the same height at the same time and there is no air
resistance which ball will hit the ground first? (S8P3b)
a. the cannonball
c. The balls land at the same time.
b. the baseball
d. the ball with the larger volume
____ 19. Which characteristic of motion could you change without changing the velocity?
a. speed
c. direction
b. position
d. acceleration
____ 20. According to Newton’s Third Law, which is true about the reaction force of a chair you are sitting on?
a. The force is greater than your weight.
b. The force is equal to your weight.
c. The force is determined by many factors.
d. The force varies.
21. A ball is rolled along and off a table. Which of the following acts on the ball while it is in the air?
a. Only the force of the earth’s gravity on the ball
b. Only the force the ball got from being rolled off the table
c. Both the force of the earth’s gravity on the ball and the force the ball got from being rolled off the
d. Neither the force of the earth’s gravity on the ball nor the force the ball got from being rolled off
the table
____ 22. Which of the following objects has the LEAST (smallest) acceleration? (S8P3ab)
a. an empty shopping cart pushed with a hard force
b. a full shopping cart pushed with a hard force
c. an empty shopping cart pushed with a light force
d. a full shopping cart pushed with a light force
____ 23. A crumpled piece of paper hits the ground before a flat sheet of paper because (S8P3ab)
a. the acceleration of gravity is greater on the crumpled paper.
b. there is more air resistance against the flat paper.
c. the crumpled paper is more massive.
d. the crumpled paper is less massive.
____ 24. According to Newton’s first law of motion, a moving object that is not acted on by an unbalanced force
will (S8P3b)
a. remain in motion.
c. change its momentum.
b. eventually come to a stop.
d. accelerate.
____ 25. Why does a ball thrown horizontally follow a path that is curved downward? (S8P3b)
a. There is no force on the ball.
b. The ball is accelerated in the horizontal direction only.
c. The ball is accelerated by gravity in the vertical direction only.
d. The ball is accelerated in both the vertical and horizontal directions.
____ 26. Which cart will accelerate the MOST? (S8P3ab)
a. an empty cart pushed with a hard force
b. a full cart pushed with a hard force
c. an empty cart pushed with a light force
d. a full cart pushed with a light force
____ 27. A sled sliding on a flat, icy surface with a constant velocity is best described by (S8P3ab)
a. Newton’s first law of motion for objects at rest.
b. Newton’s first law of motion for objects in motion.
c. Newton’s second law of motion.
d. Newton’s third law of motion.
____ 28. A car stopped at a traffic light is best described by (S8P3ab)
a. Newton’s first law of motion for objects at rest.
b. Newton’s first law of motion for objects in motion.
c. Newton’s second law of motion.
d. Newton’s third law of motion.
____ 29. A small car has less force and accelerates faster than a large truck. This statement relates to which
a. Newton’s first law of motion for objects at rest.
b. Newton’s first law of motion for objects in motion.
c. Newton’s second law of motion.
d. Newton’s third law of motion.
Use the graph below to answer the following question.
Graph A
30. Graph A shows distance traveled during a bicycle race. What does it MOST likely represent? (S8P3a)
a. the bike is not in motion
c. the bike is moving at constant speed
b. the bike is accelerating
d. the bike is slowing down (deceleration)
Graph B
31. Graph B is a graph of a roller coaster car moving up a hill. What does the graph show? (S8P3a)
a. Constant speed
c. constant positive acceleration
b. No motion
d. Negative acceleration (deceleration)
For questions 32-35. Use the graph below.
The graph below shows the motion of a runner. Use the graph below to answer the following questions.
During which 5-minute interval did the runner achieve the greatest average speed? (S8p3a)
a. 0-5 minutes
c. 10-15minutes
b. 5-10 minutes
d. 15-20 minutes
What happened between 10 and 15 minutes? (S8P3a)
a. the runner ran faster
c. the runner stopped
b. the runner slowed down
d. the runner ran back to the start line
What was Kyle’s speed at minute 20? (S8P3a) Show your work!
a. 0.5 km/min
c. 100 km/min
b. 0.2 km/min
d. 80 km/min
35. Which set of balloons has the LEAST gravitational force between them? (S8P5a)
. B.
D .
36. The following table shows the force applied to move a wood block on different surfaces
On which surface was the applied force the least?
wood board
glass pane
metal sheet
cardboard sheet
A large object that was carried to the Moon on a spaceship was found to weigh much less on the Moon
than on Earth. Why?
A. The object lost part of its mass.
B. Gravity only happens on Earth.
C. The Moon repels objects that Earth attracts.
D. The Moon's gravity is much less than Earth's.
38. Joe is the best baseball player in the world. He can throw a baseball faster than anyone. If the mass of the
baseball were to increase by 50% and he supplied the same amount of force in his throw, which of these
would best describe Joe's attitude?
A. Joe would love to use the new ball in future baseball games.
B. Joe would be happy as the new ball would have a faster acceleration.
C. Joe would be unhappy as the new ball would have a slower acceleration.
D. Joe's attitude would not change as there would be no change in the acceleration.
39. Kyle pushes a box to the right until it moves. Which diagram best describes Kyle's applied force as well as
the friction acting on the box?
40. Two identical blocks are at rest on two different surfaces. The blocks are made of the same material and
have the same mass. However, more force is required to move block A than block B. Which statement describes
the most likely reason for this?
A. Block B has more inertia causing it to move easier.
B. The gravitational force acting on block A is greater than the gravitational force acting on
block B
C. The frictional force acting on block A is greater than the frictional force acting on Block B
D. Block A is heavier than block B, making it harder to push.
41. A person is riding a snowmobile in a snowy field. The person turns off the snowmobile’s engine and
allows the snowmobile to slide across the snow. What will happen to the motion of the snowmobile if
friction and air resistance act on the snowmobile?
The snowmobile will move slower and slower.
The snowmobile will move at a constant speed.
The snowmobile will move at constant speed for a while and then slow down.
The snowmobile will slow down for a while and then move at constant speed.
42. Two girls wearing in-line skates are standing on a smooth surface with the palms of their hands touching
and their arms bent, as shown above. If Girl X pushes by straightening her arms out while Girl Y holds her arms
in the original position, what is the motion of the two girls?
A. Girl X does not move and Girl Y moves backward.
B. Girl Y does not move and Girl X moves backward.
C. Girl X and Girl Y both move backward.
D. The motion depends on how hard Girl X pushes.
43. A force is acting on each of the objects below.
What can be concluded about these forces?
A. They are the same because they point toward the objects.
B. They are the same because they have the same magnitude.
C. They are different because they have different magnitudes.
D. They are different because they have different directions.
44. A train is traveling at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour. What is the speed of the train in meters per
second? Show your work on a separate sheet of paper.
45 m/s
1500 m/s
25 m/s
90,000 m/s
45. What is the graph below indicating?
a. constant acceleration
b. constant speed and no acceleration
c. deceleration
d. no motion