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Review for Reconstruction Test
1. What was the Emancipation Proclamation?
4 Million Former Slaves are Freed by Abe Lincoln decree.
2. What was the Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction?
The goals of Lincoln’s reconstruction plan.
3. What was the main focus of Lincoln’s reconstruction plan?
“Forgive the South”
4. What were the two Steps to Reunite the North and South?
a) All officers, except some specified high ranking officers and soldier must
swear an oath and return to their lands.
b) 10% Plan: Allows States to rejoin union after 1/10th of the Voters take and
Oath of Loyalty to the Union.
5. Lincoln is Assassinated (4/14/1865) by John Wilkes Booth
Vice President Andrew Johnson becomes president of the USA.
6. Special Field Order # 15
a) A Military directive to put aside 40 Miles of Land along the Atlantic
Coastline of South Carolina.
b) “40 Acres and a Mule”
Each Former slave was to 40 Acres and the use of US Army Mules.
7. What was the Freedman’s Bureau?
1) To regulate land and resources.
2) Gain Land, Education, and negotiate labor contracts with Planters
3) Plan Failed and all or most lands were returned to previous owners
8. Define the Reconstruction Amendments
13 Amendment (1865)
Forbids Slavery in any state of the Union
14th Amendment (1868)
States that all persons born or naturalized in the United States are Citizens and
can not be deprived of “life, Liberty, or Property without due process of law”
nor denied “equal protection of the laws”.
15th Amendment (1870)
Name _____________________________ Date ________ Period ______________
Forbids States to deny the right to vote to male citizens “on account of race,
color, or previous condition of servitude”.
9. What were the Black Codes
Laws are passed by State Governments to limit the rights of AfricanAmericans
10. What was the Ku Klux Klan
White Supremacist Groups
11. Who were the Radical Republicans?
They believed the South should be blamed for the war and should be
12. What was the purpose of the Civil Rights Act of 1866?
“African Americans were citizens and had equal
rights under the
laws of the US Constitution.”
13. What was The Reconstruction Act of 1867?
Five Part Plan
All States created under the Lincoln plan were not to be recognized.
All Confederated Officers and Soldier could not vote or hold public
All other White and African Americans must be allowed to vote.
All Southern States to write New Constitutions.
All Southern States must ratify the 14th Amendment
14. What was the Tenure in Office Act 1868
No president has the right to fire a US employee ratified by Congress without
Congressional Approval.
Why was President Andrew Johnson Impeached?
He was accused of breaking the law by violating the Tenure of Office Act.
What was the Separate but Equal” doctrine?:
Seperates Blacks and whites in every aspect of life, Up held by this US
Supreme Court case Plessy v Fergusson. Set the Civil Rights Movement
back 100 years.