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Exercises Term 1
The light
1- The main source of light on earth is ...... .
2- light travels in …………lines.
3- ………… a dark area which is formed when light falls on an opaque objects.
4- Light is a form of…………..
5- ………….. Is the light energy that can be seen
6- ………… the main source of light on the earth.
7- Formation of …………through narrow holes and formation of …………. are form the
applications of traveling light in straight lines.
8- The material which allows most light to transmit through is called…………
9- light can easily transmit through …………and ………
10- the material which we can see objects clearly behind it is called ………….
11- the clear glass in a window is an example of ………… materials.
12- …………. Lets some light pass through and we can see objects through it less
13- cartoons and …………. are examples of ………… materials.
14- light bouncing when it falls on an objects is called …………
15- in the …………, the light rays reflected directly in one direction.
16- in the …………, the light rays reflected and scattered in different directions.
17- the change in the direction of light rays when they pass through the separating
surface between two transparent media is called …………
18- the pen that is put in water seems broken due to …………
19- when a light ray passes from glass rod to air , it …………
20- white light can split into …………colors that are called …………
21- ………. Is a phenomenon produced by the separation of white light into seven
colors during raining.
22- the glass prism is used to separate the …………. Light into seven colors
23- The light that can be seen is called ...... .
visible spectrum
24- Image formed in pin-hole box is ………and ………. minimized and inverted
25- Moon reflects ……….……light falling on its surface .
26- From sources of light ………….and …………………
27- The darkened area behind opaque bodies is called…………
28- The semi transparent substance is called ...... .
29- When light reflects from plane mirror is ....................... while reflection from paper is
called ......................
30- The pencil in water glass is seen broken due to light ...... .
31- The light spectrum contains ...... colors.
32- The spectrum colors appear due to
light ………...... .
33- .…………is a transparent Material , While ………… a translucent Material , and
………… an Opaque Material
34- …………… formed when an …………..body blocks the light .
Give Reasons
1.Formation of inverted image through narrow holes .
2.Moon is considered as a source of light
3. The pencil is seen broken in water glass. …………
4. We can't see ourselves on white paper. …………
5. We can't see in dark. …………
6. The Image in narrow holes is inverted. …………
7. Things can be seen clearly under glass. …………
8. Formation of rainbow after rain.…………
Write the Scientific term ?
1.A form of energy that can be seen by the eye (………………..)
2.The main source of energy on earth's surface (……………..…)
3.Light energy which can be seen by the eye (……….……)
4. A dark area formed by an opaque body that block the light . (…………
5. The first Arabic scientist who explain the vision of objects (bodies ).(…………
6. Is a light ray that travels for long distances Without a reduction of its intensity .
7. The substance where things can be seen through it clearly .
8. The substance through them things can be seen but with less clearness .
9. The substance that doesn't pass light through it and things can't be seen from its
back . (…………………)
10- the darkened area formed when light falls on an opaque object. (………………..)
11- the materials which you can see objects behind them clearly. (…………………..)
12- The materials through which light can't transmit. (……………………….)
Give Reasons
1.Formation of shadow.
2.Glass is a transparent material .
3.Cardboard paper is n opaque material.
4. Seeing your image in the mirror.
5. We can't see in darkness.
6. A spoon appears broken when you put it in transparent cup of water.
7. the formation of the spectrum color.
8. Cartoon is an opaque material.
9. formation of upside down images through narrow holes .
What happens when:
Light passes in glass prism.
You stand in front of plane mirror.
Light falls on opaque object.
Light Travels to a new medium.
Compare between
1- Regular reflection and irregular reflection.
2- Reflection and refraction of light.
Compare between
1- Primary and secondary colors.
2- Transparent and translucent.
Complete the following:
1- ………… is a type of rocks has an attractive force to any material made of iron.
2- The like (similar) magnetic poles ………… each other, but the unlike (opposite)
magnetic poles ………… each other.
3- The magnet is surrounded by an area called …………..
4- the ………………is the space around the magnet in which the effect of magnetic
force appears.
5- ………… the ability of the magnet to attract the magnetic materials existed in its
6- The similar magnetic poles …………. , while the opposite magnetic poles …………
7- ………………….. Is the ability of magnet to attract the magnetic materials existed in
its field.
8- ……………….... is the space around the magnet in which the effect of magnetic
force appears.
9- The greatest magnetic force is concentrated at …………... of magnet.
10- Electric current has ………….. effect.
11- Electromagnet converts the …………. energy into ………. energy.
12- The electromagnet is used in making ……….. , ………….. , and ………….
13- The Natural magnet is .......... stone named .......... .
14- The Natural magnet was discovered in .......... area.
15- The magnet takes many shapes as .......... and .......... .
16- From magnetic substance is .......... while .......... is from non magnetic substances.
17- The area around magnet in which its ability appear is called .......... .
18- The magnet has .......... poles.
19- Like poles .......... while unlike poles .......... .
20- We can determine geographic directions by .......... .
21- …………....are the materials which are attracted to the magnet.
22- ………….…..are the materials which are not attracted to the magnet.
23- The freely moving (suspended) magnet always takes a …………. direction, which
is …………direction.
24- the magnet's pole that always refers to the north direction is called …………..
25- the magnet has most the powerful of attractions at its ……………….
26- The ………………consists of small light magnet moves freely around a fixed axis.
27- when a magnet is hanged freely , its north pole is directed towards the …………..
direction of earth.
Mention an example for:
1. One shape of magnets.
2. Magnetic substance.
3. Non-magnetic substance.
4. Instrument ‫ جهاز‬to determine geographic directions.
Compare between:
1- Magnetic - Non-magnetic substances
2- Natural magnet - man made magnet
Give reasons for:
1. Using magnetic needle in compass.
2. Iron is magnetic substance.
3. Glass is Non-magnetic substance.
4. The magnet attracts iron, but doesn't attract copper.
5. When you approach a magnet to some paper clips, the clips are attracted to the two
poles of the magnet.
6. The north pole of a magnet attracts the south pole of another magnet, but repels the
north pole.
7. The compass is used to locate (determine) the main four directions.
8- some materials called magnetic materials.
What happens if:
1. North pole of magnet is closed to North pole of another .
2. Hang a magnet freely.
Write the scientific term:
1. The strongest area in magnet at two ends.
2. The ability of magnet to attract things made of iron. (………………….….)
3. One of iron ore named magnetite.
4. Instrument used to determine geographic directions. (………………….….)
5. the space around the magnet in which the effect of magnetic force appears.
6. The regions (areas) of magnet at which most of the magnetic materials are attracted.
7. the materials that are attracted to the magnet. (………………………………….)
8. the materials that are not attracted to the magnet. (………………………….)
9. The pole of the magnet which points to the north direction of the earth.
10. The pole of the magnet that repels with the north pole of another magnet.
11. the two ends of the magnet , where the magnetic force most powerful. (………….)
12. the pole of the magnet that attracted with the north pole of another magnet.
13. a set is used for locating the main four geographical directions. (……………………)
14. an object that consists of a small light magnetic needle that can spin freely around
a fixed axis. ( …………………………….)
Magnetism and Electricity
Correct the words between brekets:
1. The magnetic field can be generated by (water) current. Electric
2. The (Natural Magnet) is used in winch.
3. (Motor) can be used to generate electricity.
4. Electric generator in bicycle used (Huge) magnet
Complete the following:
1. The electric generator changes ......... energy to ......... energy.
2. Power stations depend on ......... to generate electricity.
3. The electric current has ......... effect on passing in wires.
4. Electromagnet can be used in ......... .
5. The scientist ......... discovered the idea of electric generator.
6. The best iron used in electromagnet is ......... iron.
7. The Dynamo in bicycle uses ......... magnet.
8. the electric current produced by the electric generator ( dynamo) increases by
……………… or …………………………….
9. The magnetic force of the electromagnet can be increased by increasing the
number of …………. and …………
10. the produced amount of electricity from the dynamo can be increased by
………….and ……………………………………..
11- when an electric current flows through a wire twisted ( winding) around a wrought
Irion nail, the nail becomes an ……………………………..
12- the electro magnet consists of …………………….., ……………… and
13- when you a coil between two poles of a magnet , …………………….is generated in
the coil.
14- the basic idea of the electric generator is the changing the ………. Energy into
………….. energy.
15- the apparatus that converts kinetic energy is called …………………….
16 – a set is used to change the mechanical energy into electrical energy is called
Give reasons for:
1. The electric current has a magnetic effect.
2. Electromagnet has many uses.
3. Power stations use huge magnets.
4. The magnetic force increases by increase number of battery.
5. A wrought iron ‫ الحديد المطاوع‬nail is used for making the electromagnet.
6. In the dynamo we must increase the motion of the coil between the two poles of
7- Dynamo changes the mechanical energy into electric energy.
What happens when:
1. A bar of wrought iron surrounded by wire contains electric current.
2. A wire moves between-two poles of magnet.
Write an example for:
1. An instrument depends on electromagnet. electric bell
2. An instrument used to move heavy blocks of iron.
3. An instrument used to generate electricity.
1- The dynamo generates ………….. energy from mechanical energy.
a. thermal
b. electrical c. light
d. magnetic
2- The electric current can be generated in a coil of dynamo by …………
a. moving the coil between the two poles of a magnet.
b. moving a magnet inside the coil.
c. (a) and (b).
d. moving the coil and the magnet around each other.
3- To increase the amount of electricity that is produced from the dynamo, we must
a. use a strong magnet.
b. increase the number of turns in the moving coils.
c. decrease the number of turns in the coils.
d. (a) and (b).
4- the coil of dynamo is made up of ………………..
a- carbon b- copper c- plastic
d- graphite
5- the dynamo is fixed in the bycicle touching the bycicl's …………
a- seat
b- pedal
c- tire
d- gear