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a. Conjugate être
b. Conjugate avoir
c. How do you make a past participle out of an –er verb?
d. Assign gender to the question words “quel” and “quell.”
e. In passé composé, one must have what two things?
f. Why is this sentence wrong? Nous fini nos devoirs avant le dîner.
g. What does the verb « devoir » mean in English ?
a. True or false: to use the negative word “never” in French, one must put ne and jamais around the adjective.
b. Why are BAGS adjectives different from other adjectives?
c. True or false: object pronouns go before the verb.
d. Give the past participle of “nettoyer.”
e. Translate: I love him.
f. Translate: Elle aime tondre la pelouse.
a. Conjugate faire
b. Conjugate aller
c. What’s the best way to respond to the question, “Tu vas manger?”
d. How do you make a past participle out of an –ir verb?
e. What’s the difference between “savoir” and “connaître”?
f. Translate: I spoke to my teacher today.
g. What do “pouvoir” and “vouloir” mean?
a. What is the correct way to express “He leaves?” Il pars / il part / il parti ?
b. What do the negative words « personne » and « rien » mean (basically) in English ?
c. Give the English equivalents of these BAGS adjectives: bon, beau, vieux, nouveau
d. Identify the direct object: Stanley buys gifts for his parents.
e. Conjugate “balayer”.
f. Why are ouvrir, souffrir, offrir and couvrir different from other –ir verbs ?
g. To make this sentence past tense, fill in the blank: Elise et Olivier ________ acheté du poulet.
a. What’s the best way to respond to the question, “Vous allez cuisiner, toi et Emilie?”
b. Give the word order for passé composé with an object pronoun.
c. Give the word order for a negative in passé compose.
d. How do you make a past participle out of an –re verb?
e. How are “un chapeau” and “une casquette” similar?
f. Translate: She did not watch television Tuesday.
g. Translate: Je n’ai pas voulu une pomme.
a. What is the (very subtle) difference between « partir » and « sortir » ?
b. What do the “ils” forms of all of the BIG 4 verbs have in common?
c. Translate: She doesn’t watch “Glee” anymore.
d. True or false: When there is a BAGS adjective in a sentence, all other adjectives default to a position
before the noun.
e. Identify the indirect object: We sang her a song.
f. Give the past participle of offrir.
a. Respond to this question in French using an object pronoun: “Tu fais ton devoir?”
b. Give the word order for a negative in passé composé with an object pronoun.
c. Give at two irregular past participles, their infinitives, and the English meanings.
d. Translate: We did not have it.
e. What do the “je” forms of devoir, partir, dormir and sortir all have in common?
f. Conjugate savoir.
g. Translate: Does he take out the trash?
a. What’s wrong with this sentence? Je ne prends pas plus mon déjeuner avec Georges.
b. Explain the “vowel accommodation” in BAGS adjectives.
c. Translate: He speaks to her on Mondays.
d. Translate: She is opening the door.
e. What do the “il” forms of devoir, partir, dormir and sortir all have in common?
f. Conjugate connaître.
g. Translate: He has never eaten strawberries.