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Basic Definitions and Concepts
Welcome to the exciting world of electronics. Before we can build anything we need to
look at a couple of things. Anytime you have an electrical circuit, you have voltage and
current. We build circuits to control voltage and current.
Current is what flows through a wire. Think of it as water flowing in a river. The current
flows from one point to another point just like water in a river. Current flows from
points of high voltage to points of low voltage. Current can be shown in circuit diagrams
by using arrows as in Figure 1. The arrow shows which way the current is flowing. An I
is usually included beside the arrow to indicate current.
Figure 1
The unit of measurement for current is the Ampere, or Amp for short, and abbreviated as
A. (The name Ampere comes from Mr. Ampere who played with electricity as a small
boy in Vermont.) Common currents are 0.001 Amps (0.001A) to 0.5 Amps (0.5A). Since
currents are usually small, they are usually given in the form of milliAmps (abbreviated
mA.) The milli means divided by 1000, so 0.001 Amps equals 1 milliAmp (1 mA) since
1 / 1000 = 0.001. Also, 0.5 Amps equals 500 milliAmps (500mA) since 500 / 1000 =
Voltage indicates the power level of a point. Voltage is measured in volts. If we continue
the river comparison, a point at the top of a hill would be at a high voltage level and a
point at the bottom of a hill would be at a low voltage level. Then, just as water flows
from a high point to a low point, current flows from a point of high voltage to a point of
low voltage. If one point is at 5 volts and another point is at 0 volts then when a wire is
connected between them, current will flow from the point at 5 volts to the point at 0
A measurement of voltage is much like a measurement of height. It gives you the
difference in voltage between those two points. If point A is at 10 volts and point B is at
2 volts then the voltage measured between A and B is 8 volts (10 -2). This is similar to
measuring height. We measure the height of hills the same way. We say the sea level is
at zero feet and then compare other points to that level. On top of Mary’s Peak you are
4000 ft high (compared to sea level). In the same way we call the lowest voltage in a
circuit zero volts and give it the name ground. Then all other points in the circuit are
compared to that ground point. Rivers always flow towards sea level and currents always
flow towards ground.
A battery is similar to a dam. On one side is a lot of stored up energy. When a path is
formed from that side to the other side then current flows. If there is no path then current
does not flow and the energy just stays there waiting for a path to form to the other side.
The path can be a big path with lots of current flowing or a small path with just a little
bit of current flowing. With a dam, a little bit of water flow could go on for a long time,
but flow through a big path that lets all the water go at once would only last a short
while. A battery is the same. If there is big path from the high voltage side to the low
voltage side then the battery will not last long.
There are two special cases that we give names. One is when the current is zero (open
circuit) and the other is when the voltage is zero (short circuit).
Open Circuit
An open circuit is when two points are not connected by anything. No current flows and
nothing happens. If a wire in your vacuum cleaner breaks it can cause an open circuit
and no current can flow so it does not do anything. There may be a voltage between
those two points but the current can not flow with out a connection.
Short Circuit
A short circuit (or short) is when two points with different voltage levels are connected
with no resistance (see resistors) between two points. This can cause a large amount of
current to flow. If a short circuit happens in your house, it will usually cause a circuit
breaker to break or a fuse to blow. If there is no device to limit the current, the wires
may melt and cause a fire. This situation is something like a dam breaking. There is a
large amount of energy suddenly free to flow from a high point to a low point with
nothing to limit the current.
Series Connection
A series connection is when two components are joined together by a common leg and
nothing else is connected to that point as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2
Parallel Connection
A parallel connection is when two components are joined together by both legs as shown
in Figure 3.
Figure 3
Basic Electrical Components
Resistors are components that have a predetermined resistance. Resistance determines
how much current will flow through a component. Resistors are used to control voltages
and currents. A very high resistance allows very little current to flow. Air has very high
resistance. Current almost never flows through air. (Sparks and lightning are brief
displays of current flow through air. The light is created as the current burns parts of the
air.) A low resistance allows a large amount of current to flow. Metals have very low
resistance. That is why wires are made of metal. They allow current to flow from one
point to another point without any resistance. Wires are usually covered with rubber or
plastic. This keeps the wires from coming in contact with other wires and creating short
circuits. High voltage power lines are covered with thick layers of plastic to make them
safe, but they become very dangerous when the line breaks and the wire is exposed and
is no longer separated from other things by insulation.
Resistance is given in units of ohms. (Ohms are named after Mho Ohms who played
with electricity as a young boy in Germany.) Common resistor values are from 100
ohms to 100,000 ohms. Each resistor is marked with colored stripes to indicate it’s
resistance. To learn how to calculate the value of a resistor by looking at the stripes on
the resistor, go to Resistor Values which includes more information about resistors.
Variable Resistors
Variable resistors are also common components. They have a dial or a knob that allows
you to change the resistance. This is very useful for many situations. Volume controls
are variable resistors. When you change the volume you are changing the resistance
which changes the current. Making the resistance higher will let less current flow so the
volume goes down. Making the resistance lower will let more current flow so the
volume goes up. The value of a variable resistor is given as it’s highest resistance value.
For example, a 500 ohm variable resistor can have a resistance of anywhere between 0
ohms and 500 ohms. A variable resistor may also be called a potentiometer (pot for
Diodes are components that allow current to flow in only one direction. They have a
positive side (leg) and a negative side. When the voltage on the positive leg is higher
than on the negative leg then current flows through the diode (the resistance is very low).
When the voltage is lower on the positive leg than on the negative leg then the current
does not flow (the resistance is very high). The negative leg of a diode is the one with
the line closest to it. It is called the cathode. The postive end is called the anode.
Usually when current is flowing through a diode, the voltage on the positive leg is 0.65
volts higher than on the negative leg.
Light Emitting Diodes are great for projects because they provide visual entertainment.
LEDs use a special material which emits light when current flows through it. Unlike
light bulbs, LEDs never burn out unless their current limit is passed. A current of 0.02
Amps (20 mA) to 0.04 Amps (40 mA) is a good range for LEDs. They have a positive
leg and a negative leg just like regular diodes. To find the positive side of an LED, look
for a line in the metal inside the LED. It may be difficult to see the line. This line is
closest to the positive side of the LED. Another way of finding the positive side is to
find a flat spot on the edge of the LED. This flat spot is on the negative side.
When current is flowing through an LED the voltage on the positive leg is about 1.4
volts higher than the voltage on the negative side. Remember that there is no resistance
to limit the current so a resistor must be used in series with the LED to avoid destroying
Switches are devices that create a short circuit or an open circuit depending on the
position of the switch. For a light switch, ON means short circuit (current flows through
the switch, lights light up and people dance.) When the switch is OFF, that means there
is an open circuit (no current flows, lights go out and people settle down. This effect on
people is used by some teachers to gain control of loud classes.)
When the switch is ON it looks and acts like a wire. When the switch is OFF there is no
To calculate the value of a resistor using the color coded stripes on the resistor, use the following procedure.
Step One: Turn the resistor so that the gold or silver stripe is at the right end of the resistor.
Step Two: Look at the color of the first two stripes on the left end. These correspond to the first two digits of the resistor
value. Use the table given below to determine the first two digits.
Step Three: Look at the third stripe from the left. This corresponds to a multiplication value. Find the value using the
table below.
Step Four: Multiply the two digit number from step two by the number from step three. This is the value of the resistor
n ohms. The fourth stripe indicates the accuracy of the resistor. A gold stripe means the value of the resistor may vary
by 5% from the value given by the stripes.
Resistor Color Codes (with gold or silver strip on right end)
First Stripe
Second Stripe
Third Stripe
Fourth Stripe
Other Resistor Information
There are some more rules that may be useful when working with resistors.
First Rule for Resistors : Series Connection
When two resistors are connected in series, as shown in Figure 1, the new resistance between points A and B is R1 + R2.
Figure 1
The resistors add together. For example if R1 = 500 ohms and R2 = 250 ohms then the resistance between points A and
B would be R1 + R2 = 500 + 250 = 750 ohms.
Second Rule for Resistors : Parallel Connection
When two resistors are connected in parallel, as shown in Figure 2, the new resistance is smaller than either R1 or R2.
The new resistance between points A and B is (R1 x R2) / (R1 + R2).
Figure 2
For example, if R1 = 500 and R2 = 250 then the resistance between points A and B = (500 x 250) / (500 + 250) =
(125,000) / (750) = 167 ohms. If R1 = R2 then the new resistance is just R1 / 2.
Using these two rules, resistors can be combined to form new resistance values.
Learning About Transistors and LEDs
An LED is the device shown above. Besides red, they can also be yellow, green and blue. The letters LED stand for
Light Emitting Diode. The important thing to remember about diodes (including LEDs) is that current can only flow in
one direction.
To make an LED work, you need a voltage supply and a resistor. If you try to use an LED without a resistor, you will
probably burn out the LED. The LED has very little resistance so large amounts of current will try to flow through it
unless you limit the current with a resistor. If you try to use an LED without a power supply, you will be highly
So first of all we will make our LED light up by setting up the circuit below.
to the LED). Refer to the picture below if necessary.
Revisiting Ohm's Law
Ohm's Law can be used with resistors to find the current flowing through a circuit. The law is I = VD/R (where I =
current, VD = voltage across resistor, and R = resistance). For the circuit above we can only use Ohm's law for the
resistor so we must use the fact that when the LED is on, there is a 1.4 voltage drop across it. This means that if the
positive leg is connected to 12 volts, the negative leg will be at 10.6 volts. Now we know the voltage on both sides of
the resistor and can use Ohm's law to calculate the current. The current is (10.6 - 0) / 2200 = 0.0048 Amperes = 4.8 mA
This is the current flowing through the path from 12V to GND. This means that 4.8 mA is flowing through the LED and
the resistor. If we want to change the current flowing through the LED (changing the brightness) we can change the
resistor. A smaller resistor will let more current flow and a larger resistor will let less current flow. Be careful when
using smaller resistors because they will get hot.
Next, we want to be able to turn the LED on and off without changing the circuit. To do this we will learn to use
another electronic component, the transistor.
1.6.1 The Transistor
Transistors are basic components in all of today's electronics. They are just simple switches that we can use to turn
things on and off. Even though they are simple, they are the most important electrical component. For example,
transistors are almost the only components used to build a Pentium processor. A single Pentium chip has about 3.5
million transistors. The ones in the Pentium are smaller than the ones we will use but they work the same way.
Transistors that we will use in projects look like this:
The transistor has three legs, the Collector (C), Base (B), and Emitter (E). Sometimes they are labeled on the flat side of
the transistor. Transistors always have one round side and one flat side. If the round side is facing you, the Collector leg
is on the left, the Base leg is in the middle, and the Emitter leg is on the right.
Transistor Symbol
The following symbol is used in circuit drawings (schematics) to represent a transistor.
Basic Circuit
The Base (B) is the On/Off switch for the transistor. If a current is flowing to the Base, there will be a path from the
Collector (C) to the Emitter (E) where current can flow (The Switch is On.) If there is no current flowing to the Base,
then no current can flow from the Collector to the Emitter. (The Switch is Off.)
Below is the basic circuit we will use for all of our transistors.
To build this circuit we only need to add the transistor and another resistor to the circuit we built above for the LED.
Unplug the power supply from the power supply adapter before making any changes on the breadboard. To put the
transistor in the breadboard, seperate the legs slightly and place it on the breadboard so each leg is in a different row.
The collector leg should be in the same row as the leg of the resistor that is connected to ground (with the black jumper
wire). Next move the jumper wire going from ground to the 2.2k ohm resistor to the Emitter of the transistor.
Next place one leg of the 100k ohm resistor in the row with the Base of the transistor and the other leg in an empty row
and your breadboard should look like the picture below.
Now put one end of a yellow jumper wire in the positive row (beside the red line) and the other end in the row with the
leg of the 100k ohm resistor (the end not connected to the Base). Reconnect the power supply and the transistor will
come on and the LED will light up. Now move the one end of the yellow jumper wire from the positive row to the
ground row (beside the blue line). As soon as you remove the yellow jumper wire from the positive power supply, there
is no current flowing to the base. This makes the transistor turn off and current can not flow through the LED. As we
will see later, there is very little current flowing through the 100k resistor. This is very important because it means we
can control a large current in one part of the circuit (the current flowing through the LED) with only a small current
from the input.
Back to Ohm's Law
We want to use Ohm's law to find the current in the path from the Input to the Base of the transistor and the current
flowing through the LED. To do this we need to use two basic facts about the transistor.
1.) If the transistor is on, then the Base voltage is 0.6 volts higher than the Emitter voltage.
2.) If the transistor is on, the Collector voltage is 0.2 volts higher than the Emitter voltage.
So when the 100k resistor is connected to 12VDC, the circuit will look like this:
So the current flowing through the 100k resistor is (12 - 0.6) / 100000 = 0.000114 A = 0.114 mA.
The current flowing through the 2.2k ohm resistor is (10.6 - 0.2) / 2200 = 0.0047 A = 4.7 mA.
If we want more current flowing through the LED, we can use a smaller resistor (instead of 2200) and we will get more
current through the LED without changing the amount of current that comes from the Input line. This means we can
control things that use a lot of power (like electric motors) with cheap, low power circuits. Soon you will learn how to
use a microcontroller (a simple computer). Even though the microcontroller can not supply enough current to turn lights
and motors on and off, the microcontroller can turn transistors on and off and the transistors can control lots of current
for lights and motors.
For Ohm’s law, also remember that when the transistor is off, no current flows through the transistor.
1.6.2 Introduction to Digital Devices - The Inverter
In digital devices there are only two values, usually referred to as 0 and 1. 1 means there is a voltage (usually 5 volts)
and 0 means the voltage is 0 volts.
An inverter (also called a NOT gate) is a basic digital device found in all modern electronics. So for an inverter, as the
name suggests, it's output is the opposite of the input (Output is NOT the Input). If the input is 0 then the output is 1 and
if the input is 1 then the output is 0. We can summarize the operation of this device in a table.
To help us practice with transistors we will build an inverter. Actually we have already built an inverter. The transistor
circuit we just built is an inverter circuit. To help see the inverter working, we will build a circuit with two inverters.
The circuit we will use is shown below.
First Inverter (already built)
Second Inverter
The circuit voltages are shown in the diagram below.
Oscillators, Pulse Generators, Clocks...
- Capacitors and the 555 Timer IC
As electronic designs get bigger, it becomes difficult to build the complete circuit. So we will use prebuilt circuits
that come in packages like the one shown above. This prebuilt circuit is called an IC. IC stands for Integrated
Circuit. An IC has many transistors inside it that are connected together to form a circuit. Metal pins are connected to
the circuit and the circuit is stuck into a piece of plastic or ceramic so that the metal pins are sticking out of the
side. These pins allow you to connect other devices to the circuit inside. We can buy simple ICs that have several
inverter circuits like the one we built in the LED and Transistor tutorial or we can buy complex ICs like a Pentium
The Pulse - More than just an on/off switch
So far the circuits we have built have been stable, meaning that the output voltage stays the same. If you change the
input voltage, the output voltage changes and once it changes it will stay at the same voltage level. The 555 integrated
circuit (IC) is designed so that when the input changes, the output goes from 0 volts to Vcc (where Vcc is the voltage of
the power supply). Then the output stays at Vcc for a certain length of time and then it goes back to 0 volts. This is a
pulse. A graph of the output voltage is shown below.
The Oscillator (A Clock) - More than just a Pulse
The pulse is nice but it only happens one time. If you want something that does something interesting forever rather
than just once, you need an oscillator. An oscillator puts out an endless series of pulses. The output constantly goes
from 0 volts to Vcc and back to 0 volts again. Almost all digital circuits have some type of oscillator. This stream of
output pulses is often called a clock. You can count the number of pulses to tell how much time has gone by. We will
see how the 555 timer can be used to generate this clock. A graph of a clock signal is shown below.
The Capacitor
If you already understand capacitors you can skip this part.
The picture above on the left shows two typical capacitors. Capacitors usually have two legs. One leg is the positive
leg and the other is the negative leg. The positive leg is the one that is longer. The picture on the right is the symbol
used for capacitors in circuit drawings (schematics). When you put one in a circuit, you must make sure the positive leg
and the negative leg go in the right place. Capacitors do not always have a positive leg and a negative leg. The smallest
capacitors in this kit do not. It does not matter which way you put them in a circuit.
A capacitor is similar to a rechargable battery in the way it works. The difference is that a capacitor can only hold a
small fraction of the energy that a battery can. (Except for really big capacitors like the ones found in old TVs. These
can hold a lot of charge. Even if a TV has been disconnected from the wall for a long time, these capacitors can still
make lots of sparks and hurt people.) As with a rechargable battery, it takes a while for the capacitor to charge. So if
we have a 12 volt supply and start charging the capacitor, it will start with 0 volts and go from 0 volts to 12
volts. Below is a graph of the voltage in the capacitor while it is charging.
The same idea is true when the capacitor is discharging. If the capacitor has been charged to 12 volts and then we
connect both legs to ground, the capacitor will start discharging but it will take some time for the voltage to go to 0
volts. Below is a graph of what the voltage is in the capacitor while it is discharging.
We can control the speed of the capacitor's charging and discharging using resistors.
Capacitors are given values based on how much electricity they can store. Larger capacitors can store more energy
and take more time to charge and discharge. The values are given in Farads but a Farad is a really large unit of measure
for common capacitors. Common capacitors use measurements of pf and uf. Pf means picofarad and uf means
microfarad. A picofarad is 0.000000000001 Farads. So a 33pf capacitor has a value of 33 picofarads or
0.000000000033 Farads. A microfarad is 0.000001 Farads. So a 10uf capacitor is 0.00001 Farads and a 220uF
capacitor is 0.000220 Farads. If you do any calculations with formulas using the value of the capacitor you have to use
the Farad value rather than the picofarad or microfarad value.
Capacitors are also rated by the maximum voltage they can take. This value is always written on the larger can
shaped capacitors. For example, the 220uF capacitor in this kit has a maximum voltage rating of 25 volts. If you apply
more than 25 volts to them they will die.
The 555 Timer
Creating a Pulse
The 555 is made out of simple transistors that are about the same as on / off switches. They do not have any
sense of time. When you apply a voltage they turn on and when you take away the voltage they turn off. So by itself,
the 555 can not create a pulse. The way the pulse is created is by using some components in a circuit attached to the
555 (see the circuit on the next page). This circuit is made of a capacitor and a resistor. We can flip a switch and start
charging the capacitor. The resistor is used to control how fast the capacitor charges. The bigger the resistance, the
longer it takes to charge the capacitor. The voltage in the capacitor can then be used as an input to another
switch. Since the voltage starts at 0, nothing happens to the second switch. But eventually the capacitor will charge up
to some point where the second switch comes on.
The way the 555 timer works is that when you flip the first switch, the Output pin goes to Vcc (the positive power
supply voltage) and starts charging the capacitor. When the capacitor voltage gets to 2/3 Vcc (that is Vcc * 2/3) the
second switch turns on which makes the output go to 0 volts.
The pinout for the 555 timer is shown below
Deep Details
Pin 2 (Trigger) is the 'on' switch for the pulse. The line over the word Trigger tells us that the voltage levels are the
opposite of what you would normally expect. To turn the switch on you apply 0 volts to pin 2. The technical term for
this opposite behavior is 'Active Low'. It is common to see this 'Active Low' behavior for IC inputs because of the
inverting nature of transistor circuits like we saw in the LED and Transistor Tutorial.
Pin 6 is the off switch for the pulse. We connect the positive side of the capacitor to this pin and the negative side
of the capacitor to ground. When Pin 2 (Trigger) is at Vcc, the 555 holds Pin 7 at 0 volts (Note the inverted
voltage). When Pin 2 goes to 0 volts, the 555 stops holding Pin 7 at 0 volts. Then the capacitor starts charging. The
capacitor is charged through a resistor connected to Vcc. The current starts flowing into the capacitor, and the voltage in
the capacitor starts to increase.
Pin 3 is the output (where the actual pulse comes out). The voltage on this pin starts at 0 volts. When 0 volts is
applied to the trigger (Pin 2), the 555 puts out Vcc on Pin 3 and holds it at Vcc until Pin 6 reaches 2/3 of Vcc (that is
Vcc * 2/3). Then the 555 pulls the voltage at Pin 3 to ground and you have created a pulse. (Again notice the inverting
action.) The voltage on Pin 7 is also pulled to ground, connecting the capacitor to ground and discharging it.
Seeing the pulse
To see the pulse we will use an LED connected to the 555 output, Pin 3. When the output is 0 volts the LED will be
off. When the output is Vcc the LED will be on.
Building the Circuit
Making it Oscillate
Next we will make the LED flash continually without having to trigger it. We will hook up the 555 so that it triggers
itself. The way this works is that we add in a resistor between the capacitor and the discharge pin, Pin 7. Now, the
capacitor will charge up (through RA and RB) and when it reaches 2/3 Vcc, Pin 3 and Pin 7 will go to ground. But the
capacitor can not discharge immediately because of RB. It takes some time for the charge to drain through RB. The
more resistance RB has, the longer it takes to discharge. The time it takes to discharge the capacitor will be the time the
LED is off.
To trigger the 555 again, we connect Pin 6 to the trigger (Pin 2). As the capacitor is discharging, the voltage in the
capacitor gets lower and lower. When it gets down to 1/3 Vcc this triggers Pin 2 causing Pin 3 to go to Vcc and the
LED to come on. The 555 disconnects Pin 7 from ground, and the capacitor starts to charge up again through RA and
Between two points in an electric field, such as exists in an electrical circuit, the difference in their electrical potentials
is known as the electrical potential difference. This difference is proportional to the electrostatic force that tends to push
electrons or other charge-carriers from one point to the other. Potential difference, electrical potential and electromotive
force are measured in volts, leading to the commonly used term voltage. Voltage is usually represented in equations by
the symbols V, U or E. (E is often preferred in academic writing, because it avoids the confusion between V and the SI
symbol for the volt, which is also V).
Electrical potential difference can be thought of as the ability to move electrical charge through a resistance. At a time
in physics when the word force was used loosely, the potential difference was named the electromotive force or emf - a
term which is still used in certain contexts.
Voltage is a property of an electric field, not individual electrons. An electron moving across a voltage difference
experiences a net change in energy, often measured in electron-volts. This effect is analogous to a mass falling through
a given height difference in a gravitational field.
When using the term 'potential difference' or voltage, one must be clear about the two points between which the voltage
is specified or measured. There are two ways in which the term is used. This can lead to some confusion.
Voltage with respect to a common point
One way in which the term voltage is used is when specifying the voltage of a point in a circuit. When this is done, it is
understood that the voltage is usually being specified or measured with respect to a stable and unchanging point in the
circuit that is known as ground or common. We say that a point in a circuit has a particular voltage relative to ground
when we take the time to say all the clarifying words. This voltage is really a voltage difference, one of the two points
being the reference point, that is, ground.
Voltage between two stated points
Another usage of the term voltage is in specifying how many volts are dropped across an electrical device (such as a
resistor). In this case, the voltage (loosely stated) or the voltage drop across the device (better, but not always stated for
brevity) is really the first voltage taken (relative to ground) on one terminal of the device minus (hence a voltage
difference) a second voltage taken (relative to ground) on the other terminal of the device. In practice, the voltage drop
across a device can be measured directly and safely using a voltmeter (such as a battery-powered meter) that is isolated
from ground, provided that the maximum voltage capability of the voltmeter is not exceeded.
Addition of voltages
Voltage is additive in the following sense: the voltage between A and C is the sum of the voltage between A and B and
the voltage between B and C. The various voltages in a circuit can be computed using Kirchhoff's circuit laws.
Two points in an electric circuit which are connected by an ideal conductor, without resistance and without the presence
of a changing magnetic field, have a potential difference of zero. But other pairs of points may also have a potential
difference of zero. If two such points are connected with a conductor, no current will flow through the connection.
Hydraulic analogy
If one imagines water circulating in a network of pipes, driven by pumps in the absence of gravity, as an analogy of an
electrical circuit, then the potential difference corresponds to the fluid pressure difference between two points. If there is
a pressure difference between two points, then water flowing from the first point to the second will be able to do work,
such as driving a turbine.
This hydraulic analogy is a useful method of teaching a range of electrical concepts. In a hydraulic system, the work
done to move water is equal to the pressure multiplied by the volume of water moved. Similarly, in an electrical circuit,
the work done to move electrons or other charge-carriers is equal to 'electrical pressure' (an old term for voltage)
multiplied by the quantity of electrical charge moved. Voltage is a convenient way of quantifying the ability to do work.
In relation to electric current, the larger the gradient (voltage or hydraulic) the greater the current (assuming resistance
is constant).
Mathematical definition
The electrical potential difference is defined as the amount of work needed to move a unit electric charge from the
second point to the first, or equivalently, the amount of work that a unit charge flowing from the first point to the
second can perform. The potential difference between two points a and b is the line integral of the electric field E:
Measuring instruments
A multimeter set to measure voltage.
Instruments for measuring potential differences include the voltmeter, the potentiometer (measurement device), and the
oscilloscope. The voltmeter works by measuring the current through a fixed resistor, which, according to Ohm's Law, is
proportional to the potential difference across it. The potentiometer works by balancing the unknown voltage against a
known voltage in a bridge circuit. The cathode-ray oscilloscope works by amplifying the potential difference and using
it to deflect an electron beam from a straight path, so that the deflection of the beam is proportional to the potential
Ground and neutral
Ground or earth in a mains (AC power) electrical wiring system is a conductor that exists primarily to help protect
against faults and which in normal operation does not carry current.
The term "ground" is used in Canada and the U.S.; the term "earth" is used in most of the rest of the English-speaking
world. They are used synonymously here.
Neutral is a circuit conductor that carries current in normal operation, and which is connected to earth.
* In a polyphase or three-wire AC system, the neutral conductor is intended to have similar voltages to each of the
other circuit conductors, and similar phase spacing. By this definition, a circuit must have at least three wires for one to
serve as a neutral.
* In the electrical trade, the conductor of a 2-wire circuit that is connected to the supply neutral point is also referred
to as the "neutral". This is formally described in the US and Canadian electrical codes as the "identified" circuit
conductor. If the entire system is only single phase then the current carrying conductor that is tied to earth is still a
neutral by this definition.
Earthing systems
The names for the following methods of earthing are those defined by IEC standards, which are used in Europe and
many other regions. For a more detailed explanation, see earthing systems. Different terminology is used in North
America, but the basic principles should be the same everywhere.
Since the neutral point of a supply system is often connected to earth ground, neutral and earth are closely related.
Various measures are used to minimize the voltage difference between neutral and local earth ground. In some systems,
the neutral and earth join together at the service intake (TN-C-S); in others, they run completely separately back to the
transformer neutral terminal (TN-S), and in others they are kept completely separate with the house earth having its own
rod and the neutral being rodded down to earth within the distribution network (TT). In a few cases, they are combined
in house wiring (TN-C), but the dangers of broken neutrals (see below) and the cost of the special cables needed to
mitigate this mean that it is rarely done nowadays.
In the USA, the cases of some ovens and clothes dryers were grounded through their neutral wires, as a measure to
conserve copper during the Second World War.
How the earth protects
In a system with a grounded (earthed) neutral, bonding all non-current-carrying metallic parts of equipment to earth
ground, will ensure that current due to faults of the insulation will be diverted to earth. In a TN system where there is a
direct connection from the installation earth to the transformer neutral, earthing will allow the branch circuit protection
(a fuse or circuit breaker) to detect the fault rapidly and interrupt the circuit.
In the case of a TT system where the impedance is high due to the lack of direct connection to the transformer neutral
an RCD (Residual-Current Device, sometimes known as a Residual Current Circuit Breaker) must be used to provide
disconnection. RCDs are also used in other situations where rapid disconnection of small earth faults (including a
human touching a live wire by accident, or damage) is desired.
Equipotential bonding
Equipotential bonding involves joining together metalwork that is or may be earthed so that it is at the same potential to
prevent shock from between those pieces of metal as the earth system handles a fault.
In the UK, equipotential bonding is done from the consumer unit (also known as fuse box, breaker box and distribution
board) to incoming water and gas services. It is also done in bathrooms where all exposed metal that leaves the
bathroom including metal pipes and the earths of electrical circuits must be bonded together to ensure that they are
always at the same potential. Isolated metal objects including metal fittings fed by plastic pipe (water in a thin pipe is
actually a very poor conductor) are not required to be bonded.
In Australia, a house's earth cables must be connected both to an earthing stake driven into the ground and also to the
Combining neutral with earth
A neutral is no longer permitted to be used as a case ground for equipment downstream of the service entrance switch in
North American electrical wiring codes.
Combining the ground and the neutral (grounding to the neutral) provides some protection against live shorts to the case,
but will produce a dangerous live case if the neutral connection is broken.
Combined neutral and earths are commonly used in electricity supply companies' wiring and occasionally for fixed
wiring in buildings and for some specialist applications where there is little choice like railways and trams. Since
normal circuit currents in the neutral conductor can lead to objectionable or dangerous differences between local earth
potential and the neutral and to protect against neutral breakages, special precautions such as frequent rodding down to
earth, use of cables where the combined neutral and earth completely surrounds the phase core(s) and thicker than
normal equipotential bonding must be considered to ensure the system is safe.
An alternating current (AC) is an electrical current whose magnitude and direction vary cyclically, as opposed to
direct current, whose direction remains constant. The usual waveform of an AC power circuit is a sine wave, as this
results in the most efficient transmission of energy. However in certain applications different waveforms are used, such
as triangular or square waves.
Used generically, AC refers to the form in which electricity is delivered to businesses and residences. However, audio
and radio signals carried on electrical wire are also examples of alternating current. In these applications, an important
goal is often the recovery of information encoded (or modulated) onto the AC signal.
Use of a higher voltage leads to more efficient transmission of power. The power losses in a conductor are a product of
the square of the current and the resistance of the conductor, described by the formula P = I2R. This means that when
transmitting a fixed power on a given wire, if the current is doubled, the power loss will be four times greater. Since the
power transmitted is equal to the product of the current, the voltage and the cosine of the phase difference φ (P =
IVcosφ), the same amount of power can be transmitted with a lower current by increasing the voltage. Therefore it is
advantageous when transmitting large amounts of power to distribute the power with high voltages (often hundreds of
kilovolts). However, high voltages also have disadvantages, the main ones being the increased insulation required, and
generally increased difficulty in their safe handling. In a power plant, power is generated at a convenient voltage for the
design of a generator, and then stepped up to a high voltage for transmission. Near the loads, the transmission voltage is
stepped down to the voltages used by equipment. Consumer voltages vary depending on the country and size of load,
but generally motors and lighting are built to use up to a few hundred volts between phases.
Three-phase electrical generation is very common. Three separate coils in the generator stator are physically offset by
an angle of 120° to each other. Three current waveforms are produced that are equal in magnitude and 120° out of phase
to each other.
If the load on a three-phase system is balanced equally between the phases, no current flows through the neutral point.
Even in the worst-case unbalanced (linear) load, the neutral current will not exceed the highest of the phase currents.
For three-phase at low (normal mains) voltages a four-wire system is normally used. When stepping down three-phase,
a transformer with a Delta primary and a Star secondary is often used so there is no need for a neutral on the supply side.
For smaller customers (just how small varies by country and age of the installation) only a single phase and the neutral
or two phases and the neutral are taken to the property. For larger installations all three phases and the neutral are taken
to the main distribution panel. From the three-phase main panel, both single and three-phase circuits may lead off.
Three-wire single phase systems, with a single centre-tapped transformer giving two live conductors, is a common
distribution scheme for residential and small commercial buildings in North America. A similar method is used for a
different reason on construction sites in the UK. Small power tools and lighting are supposed to be supplied by a local
center-tapped transformer with a voltage of 55V between each power conductor and the earth. This significantly
reduces the risk of electric shock in the event that one of the live conductors becomes exposed through an equipment
fault whilst still allowing a reasonable voltage for running the tools.
A third wire is often connected between non-current carrying metal enclosures and earth ground. This conductor
provides protection from electrical shock due to accidental contact of circuit conductors with the case of portable
appliances and tools.
AC power supply frequencies
The frequency of the electrical system varies by country; most electric power is generated at either 50 or 60 Hz. See
List of countries with mains power plugs, voltages and frequencies. Some countries have a mixture of 50 Hz and 60 Hz
supplies, notably Japan.
A low frequency eases the design of low speed electric motors, particularly for hoisting, crushing and rolling
applications, and commutator-type traction motors for applications such as railways, but also causes a noticeable flicker
in incandescent lighting and objectionable flicker of fluorescent lamps. 16.7 Hz power (approx. ⅓ of the mains
frequency) is still used in some European rail systems, such as in Austria, Germany, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland.
Off-shore, textile industry, marine, computer mainframe, aircraft, and spacecraft applications sometimes use 400 Hz,
for benefits of reduced weight of apparatus or higher motor speeds.
Effects at high frequencies
A direct, constant, current flows uniformly throughout the cross-section of the (uniform) wire that carries it. With
alternating current of any frequency, the current is forced towards the outer surface of the wire, and away from the
center. This is due to the fact that an electric charge which accelerates (as is the case of an alternating current) radiates
electromagnetic waves, and materials of high conductivity (the metal which makes up the wire) do not allow
propagation of electromagnetic waves. This phenomenon is called skin effect.
At very high frequencies the current no longer flows in the wire, but effectively flows on the surface of the wire, within
a thickness of a few skin depths. The skin depth is the thickness at which the current density is reduced by 63%. Even at
relatively low frequencies used for high power transmission (50-60 Hz), non-uniform distribution of current still occurs
in sufficiently thick conductors. For example, the skin depth of a copper conductor is approximately 8.57mm at 60 Hz,
so high current conductors are usually hollow to reduce their mass and cost.
Techniques for reducing AC resistance
For low to medium frequencies, conductors can be divided into stranded wires, each insulated from one other, and the
individual strands specially arranged to change their relative position within the conductor bundle. Wire constructed
using this technique is called Litz wire. This measure helps to partially mitigate skin effect by forcing more equal
current flow throughout the total cross section of the stranded conductors. Litz wire is used for making high Q inductors,
reducing losses in flexible conductors carrying very high currents at power frequencies, and in the windings of devices
carrying higher radio frequency current (up to hundreds of kilohertz), such as switch-mode power supplies and radio
frequency transformers.
Techniques for reducing radiation loss
As written above, an alternating current is made of electric charge under periodic acceleration, which causes radiation
of electromagnetic waves. Energy that is radiated represents a loss. Depending on the frequency, different techniques
are used to minimize the loss due to radiation.
Twisted pairs
At frequencies up to about 1 GHz, wires are paired together in cabling to form a twisted pair in order to reduce losses
due to electromagnetic radiation and inductive coupling. A twisted pair must be used with a balanced signalling system,
where the two wires carry equal but opposite currents. The result is that each wire in the twisted pair radiates a signal
that is effectively cancelled by the other wire, resulting in almost no electromagnetic radiation.
Coax cables
At frequencies above 1 GHz, unshielded wires of practical dimensions lose too much energy to radiation, so coaxial
cables are used instead. A coaxial cable has a conductive wire inside a conductive tube. The current flowing on the
inner conductor is equal and opposite to the current flowing on the inner surface of the outer tube. This causes the
electromagnetic field to be completely contained within the tube, and (ideally) no energy is radiated or coupled outside
the tube. Coaxial cables have acceptably small losses for frequencies up to about 20 GHz. For microwave frequencies
greater than 20 GHz, the dielectric losses (due mainly to the dissipation factor of the dielectric layer which separates the
inner wire from the outer tube) become too large, making waveguides a more efficient medium for transmitting energy.
Waveguides are similar to coax cables, as both consist of tubes, with the biggest difference being that the waveguide
has no inner conductor. Waveguides can have any arbitrary cross section, but rectangular cross section are the most
common. With waveguides, the energy is no longer carried by an electric current, but by a guided electromagnetic field.
Waveguides have dimensions comparable to the wavelength of the alternating current to be transmitted, so are only
feasible at microwave frequencies.
Fiber optics
At frequencies greater than 200 GHz, waveguide dimensions become impractically too small, and the ohmic losses in
the waveguide walls become large. Instead, fiber optics, which are a form of dielectric waveguides, can be used. For
such frequencies, the concepts of voltages and currents are no longer used.
The peak-to-peak value of an AC voltage is defined as the difference between its positive peak and its negative peak.
In Lesson 1, the concept of electric potential difference was discussed. Electric potential is the amount of electric
potential energy per unit of charge that would be possessed by a charged object if placed within an electric field at a
given location. The concept of potential is a location-dependent quantity - it expresses the quantity of potential energy
on a per charge basis such that it is independent of the amount of charge actually present on the object possessing the
electric potential. Electric potential difference is simply the difference in electric potential between two different
locations within an electric field.
To illustrate the concept of electric potential difference and the nature of an electric circuit, consider the following
situation. Suppose that there are two metal plates oriented parallel to each other and each being charged with an
opposite type of charge - one being positive and the other being negative. This arrangement of charged plates would
create an electric field in the region between the plates which is directed away from the positive plate and towards the
negative plate. A positive test charge placed between the plates would move away from the positive plate and towards
the negative plate. This movement of a positive test charge from the positive plate to the negative plate would occur
without the need of energy input in the form of work; it would occur naturally and thus lower the potential energy of the
charge. The positive plate would be the high potential location and the negative plate would be the low potential
location. There would be a difference in electric potential between the two locations.
Now suppose that the two oppositely charged plates are connected by a metal wire. What would happen? The wire
serves as a sort of charge pipe through which charge can flow. Over the course of time, one could think of positive
charges moving from the positive plate through the charge pipe (wire) to the negative plate. That is, positive charge
would naturally move in the direction of the electric field which had been created by the arrangement of the two
oppositely charged plates. As a positive charge leaves the upper plate, the plate would become less positively charged
as illustrated in the animation at the right. As a positive charge reaches the negative plate, that plate would become less
negatively charged. Over the course of time, the amount of positive and negative charge on the two plates would slowly
diminish. Since the electric field depends upon the amount of charge present on the object creating the electric field, the
electric field created by the two plates would gradually diminish in strength over the course of time. Eventually, the
electric field between the plates would become so small that there would be no observable movement of charge between
the two plates. The plates would ultimately lose their charge and reach the same electric potential. In the absence of an
electric potential difference, there will be no charge flow.
The above illustration comes close to demonstrating the meaning of an electric circuit. However, to be a true circuit,
charges must continually flow through a complete loop, returning to their original position and cycling through again. If
there was a means of moving positive charge from the negtive plate back up onto the positive plate, then the movement
of positive charge downward through the charge pipe (i.e, the wire) would occur continuously. In such a case, a circuit
or loop would be established.
A common lab activity that illustrates the necessity of a complete loop utilizes a battery pack, a light bulb, and some
connecting wires. The activity involves observing the effect of connecting and disconnecting a wire in a simple
arrangement of the battery pack, light bulbs and wires. When all connections are made to the battery pack, the light bulb
lights. In fact, the lighting of the bulb occurs immediately after the final connection is made. There is no perceivable
time delay between when the last connection is made and when the light bulb is perceived to light up.
The fact that the light bulb lights and remains lit is evidence that charge is flowing through the light bulb filament and
that an electric circuit has been established. A circuit is simply a closed loop through which charges can continuously
move. To demonstrate that charges are not only moving through the light bulb filament but also through the wires
connecting the battery and the light bulb, a variation on the above activity is made. A compass can be placed beneath
the wire at any location such that its needle is placed in alignment with the wire. Once the final connection is made to
the battery, the light bulb lights and the compass needle deflects. The needle serves as a detector of moving charges
within the wire. When it deflects, charges are moving through the wire. And if the wire is disconnected at the battery,
the light bulb is no longer lit and the compass needle returns to its original orientation. When the light bulb lights,
charge is moving through the battery, the wires and the light bulb filaments; the compass needle detects the movement
of this charge. It can be said that there is a current - a flow of charge within the circuit.
The electric circuit demonstrated by the combination of battery, light bulb and wires consists of two distinct parts: the
internal circuit and the external circuit. The part of the circuit containing battery is the internal circuit. The part of the
circuit where charge is moving outside the battery through the wires and the light bulb is the external circuit. In Lesson
2, we will focus on the movement of charge through the external circuit. In the next part of Lesson 2 we will explore the
requirements which must be met in order to have charge flowing through an external circuit.
Lesson 3: Electrical Resistance
Journey of a Typical Electron
As mentioned in Lesson 1, a battery supplies energy to move a charge from its low energy, low potential terminal to the
high energy, high potential terminal. In this sense, the battery supplies the energy to establish an electric potential
difference across the two ends of the external circuit. Charge will then flow through the external circuit in the same
manner that water will flow from an elevated position to a low position. It is the difference in potential that causes this
In the wires of electric circuits, an electron is the actual charge carrier. As mentioned in Lesson 2, an electron's path
through the external circuit is far from being a straight path. An electron's journey through a circuit can be described as
a zigzag path which results from countless collisions with the atoms of the conducting wire. Each collision results in the
alteration of the path, thus leading to a zigzag type motion. While the electric potential difference across the two ends of
a circuit encourages the flow of charge, it is the collisions of charge carriers with atoms of the wire that discourage the
flow of charge. Different types of atoms offer a different degree of hindrance to the flow of the charge carriers which
pass through it.
In all cases, the collisions of charge carriers in an electric circuit with the conducting elements of that circuit result in a
loss of energy. While most the electrical energy possessed by a charge carrier is lost when it passes through an electrical
device (often referred to as the load), even the wires of the circuit themselves act to remove energy from a charge. It is
because of this energy loss in the load and in the wires themselves that the electric potential of a charge carrier is
decreased as it traverses the external circuit. The electric energy supplied by the battery becomes entirely used up in the
external circuit.
In an electric circuit with several electrical devices, there may be multiple stepwise losses of electric potential as the
charge traverses the circuit. There are several ways that multiple devices can be wired within a circuit; this will be the
topic of Lesson 4. Regardless of the way in which multiple devices are wired, the total loss of electric potential of a
single charge as it passes through the external circuit is equal to the gain in electric potential which it experiences in the
battery. As depicted in the diagram below, a charge carrier traversing the external circuit from A to H passes through
three different light bulbs. Each light bulb results in a loss of electric potential for the charge. This loss in electric
potential corresponds to a loss of energy as the electrical energy is transformed by the light bulb into light energy and
thermal energy. In addition to the changes in electric potential and electric energy which occur in the light bulbs, there
is also a smaller amount of electric potential loss in the wires which connect the light bulbs. This small amount of loss
in electric potential also corresponds to a small loss of energy as the electrical energy is transformed into thermal energy.
The wires get hot - not as hot as the light bulb, but still measurably hot.
So the journey of an electron through an external circuit involves a long and slow zigzag path which is characterized by
several successive losses in electric potential. Each loss of potential is referred to as a voltage drop. Accompanying this
voltage drop is a voltage boost occurring within the internal circuit - for instance, within the battery. In the next part of
Lesson 3 we will look extensively at resistance - the cause for these voltage drops.
Electric Potential Difference and Simple Circuits
Electric circuits, as we shall see, are all about the movement of charge between varying locations
and the corresponding loss and gain of energy which accompanies this movement. In the previous
part of Lesson 1, the concept of electric potential was
applied to a simple
battery-powered electric circuit. In that discussion, it was
explained that work
must be done on a positive test charge to move it through
the battery from the
negative terminal to the positive terminal. This work
would increase the
potential energy of the charge and thus increase its
electric potential. As
the positive test charge moves through the external
circuit from the +
terminal to the negative terminal, it decreases its electric
potential energy and
thus is at low potential by the time it returns to the
negative terminal. If
a 12 volt battery is used in the circuit, then every
coulomb of charge is gaining 12 joules of potential energy as it moves through the battery. And similarly, every
coulomb of charge loses 12 joules of electric potential energy as it passes through the external circuit. The loss of this
electric potential energy in the external circuit results in a gain in light energy, thermal energy and other forms of nonelectrical energy.
With a clear understanding of electric potential difference, the role of a battery in a simple circuit can be correctly
understood. The battery simply supplies the energy to do work upon the charge to move it from the negative terminal to
the positive terminal. By providing energy to the charge, the battery is capable of maintaining an electric potential
difference across the two ends of the external circuit. Once the charge has reached the high potential terminal, it will
naturally flow through the wires to the low potential terminal. The movement of charge through an electric circuit is
analogous to the movement of water at a water park or the movement of roller coaster cars at an amusement park. In
each analogy, work must be done on the water or the roller coaster cars to move it from a location of low gravitational
potential to a location of high gravitational potential. Once the water or the roller coaster cars reach high gravitational
potential, they naturally move downward back to the low potential location. For a water ride or a roller coaster ride, the
task of lifting the water or coaster cars to high potential requires energy. The energy is supplied by a motor-driven water
pump or a motor-driven chain. In a battery-powered electric circuit, the battery serves the role of the charge pump to
supply energy to the charge to lift it from the low potential position through the battery to the high potential position.
It is often convenient to speak of an electric circuit such as the simple circuit discussed here as having two parts - an
internal circuit and an external circuit. The internal circuit is the part of the circuit where energy is being supplied to
the charge. For the simple battery-powered circuit which we have been referring to, the portion of the circuit containing
battery is the internal circuit. The external circuit is the part of the circuit where charge is moving outside the battery
through the wires on its path from the high potential terminal to the low potential terminal. The movement of charge
through the internal circuit requires energy since it is an uphill movement in a direction that is against the electric field.
The movement of charge through the external circuit is natural since it is a movement in the direction of the electric
field. When at the positive terminal of the battery, a positive test charge is at a high electric pressure in the same
manner that water at a water park is at a high water pressure after being pumped to the top of a water slide. Being under
high electric pressure, a positive test charge spontaneously and naturally moves through the external circuit to the low
pressure, low potential location.
As a positive test charge moves through the external circuit, it encounters a variety of types of circuit elements. Each
circuit element serves as an energy-transforming device. Light bulbs, motors, and heating elements (such as in toasters
and hair dryers) are examples of energy-transforming devices. In each of these devices, the electrical potential energy of
the charge is transformed into other useful (and non-useful) forms. For instance, in a light bulb, the electric potential
energy of the charge is transformed into light energy ( a useful form) and thermal energy (a non-useful form). The
moving charge is doing work upon the light bulb to produce two different forms of energy. By doing so, the moving
charge is losing its electric potential energy. Upon leaving the circuit element, the charge is less energized. The location
just prior to entering the light bulb (or any circuit element) is a high electric potential location; and the location just after
leaving the light bulb (or any circuit element) is a low electric potential location. Referring to the diagram above,
locations A and B are high potential locations and locations C and D are low potential locations. The loss in electric
potential while passing through a circuit element is often referred to as a voltage drop. By the time that the positive test
charge has returned to the negative terminal, it is at 0 volts and is ready to be reenergized and pumped back up to the
high voltage, positive terminal.
Electric Potential Diagrams
An electric potential diagram is a convenient tool for representing the electric potential differences between various
locations in an electric circuit. Two simple circuits and their corresponding electric potential diagrams are shown below.
In Circuit A, there is a 1.5-volt battery and a single light bulb. In Circuit B, there is a 6-volt battery and two light bulbs.
In each case, the negative terminal of the battery is the 0 volt location. The positive terminal of the battery has an
electric potential which is equal to the voltage rating of the battery. The battery energizes the charge to pump it from the
low voltage terminal to the high voltage terminal. By so doing the battery establishes an electric potential difference
across the two ends of the external circuit. Being under electric pressure, the charge will not move through the external
circuit. As its electric potential energy is transformed into light energy and heat energy at the light bulb locations, it
decreases its electric potential. The total voltage drop across the external circuit equals the battery voltage as the charge
moves from the positive terminal back to 0 volts at the negative terminal. In the case of Circuit B, there are two voltage
drops in the external circuit, one for each light bulb. While the amount of voltage drop in an individual bulb depends
upon various factors (to be discussed later), the cumulative amount of drop must equal the 6 volts gained when moving
through the battery.
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