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Name: ________________________
Period: ____
Reading Guide:
Chapter 21 – Section 1
1. What was the only thing that the United States and Soviet Union had in common with one another?
2. Complete the charts using the paragraph “American and Soviet Systems Differ,” include the contrasting values of
each other’s government.
United States
Soviet Union
Type of Government: _________________
Type of Government: __________________
_______ Elections
_______________ __________ makes all economic,
political, and military decisions.
Economic & Religious _____________
No Freedom of _____________
___________ Property
____ _____________ Property
_____________ for Individual Differences
____________ Express Views
3. What happened to those who opposed or questioned Stalin?
4. What did Stalin want to do with Germany?
5. What did Stalin want to do with Eastern Europe?
6. At the Yalta Conference, what did Stalin agree to establish in Eastern Europe?
7. Despite Stalin’s promises, what happened to nearly all of the lands occupied by the Soviet Red Army?
8. What did the Eastern European countries of Poland, Czech., Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and a portion of Germany become?
9. Who were the new leaders for the United States and Great Britain when the Allies met at Potsdam?
10. What did Stalin now refuse to do with Eastern Europe?
11. What did Truman believe that the Soviet Union was planning when he left Potsdam?
12. What did the worldwide rivalry between the U.S. and the Soviet Union become known as?
13. Define this term.
14. Other than President Truman, what other world leader spoke out against the Soviet Union?
15. What did Churchill not in a speech in Missouri? (Quotations)
16. What was occurring east of the curtain?
17. What did Churchill believe was the solution to this problem?
18. What is different about Truman’s education than any other President in the 20th century?
19. What was Truman’s motto? What did it mean?
20. What two countries were battling communist forces?
21. Who was the only country in a position to help these countries?
22. What did Truman request from Congress on March 12th 1947?
23. How much did Congress respond with?
24. What did President Truman’s promise to aid nations struggling against communist movements become known as?
25. Describe George F. Kennan’s policy of containment.
26. Why did Kennan believe that his policy of containing communism would work? Stalin would not risk this.
27. What did George Marshall believe could happen without economic health in countries?
28. What were people in Western Europe confronted with after WWII?
29. How much money did the Marshall Plan supply in grants and loans to nations in Western Europe?
30. What did the program provide?
31. What happened to the aid offered to the Soviet satellite states in Eastern Europe?
32. Where was the front line of the Cold War?
33. What 3 countries combined their zones of occupation of Germany to form West Germany?
34. Who controlled East Germany?
35. Who controlled the capital city of Berlin?
36. How did Stalin think he was going to obtain West Berlin from the Allies? What did he stop and what did he block?
37. How did the US and Britain supply food, fuel, medical supplies, clothing and toys to West Berlin for almost a year?
38. What is this event in the Cold War called?
39. What did Stalin have to acknowledge in May 1949?
40. What did the North Atlantic Treaty Organization provide for? Think…there’s strength in numbers!
41. What was the Soviet response to NATO? Explain what it was.