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Subject: Biology II – Content Map
Grade: 10-12
Topic: Bacteria – Chapter 24
Key Learning(s): Bacteria are the most numerous organisms on
Earth as well as the most ancient. It is likely that all other
organisms evolved from bacteria.
Unit Essential Question(s):
-What are the main differences between archaebacteria and eubacteria?
-How is the structure of a bacterium related to its daily functions?
-How are bacteria harmful and helpful to humans?
Bacterial Evolution and
3.3.10.A, 3.3.10.B, 3.210.B,
1. What are the characteristics
that are used to classify bacteria?
2. Name and describe three
known types of archaebacteria.
3. Compare and contrast Grampositive bacteria and Gramnegative bacteria.
Microscope WorkPrepared Slides
Live Culture: Bean
Bacteria Survey Lab
Lab Exam
Structure of Bacteria
3.3.10.A, 3.3.10.B, 3.210.B,
Bacteria and Humans
3.1.10.C, 3.3.10.A, 3.3.10.B,
1. List the various structures of
the bacterial cell and describe
their function.
2. Describe 3 types of movement
among bacteria.
3. What specific terms are used
to describe the oxygen
requirements of bacteria?
4. List and summarize 3 methods
of genetic recombination in
-facultative anaerobe
-obligate aerobe
-obligate anaerobe
1. What are some ways that bacteria
cause human disease?
2. What is the function of antibiotics
in nature?
3. List 3 antibiotics used to treat
disease and the mechanism of action
of each.
4. What are some of the positive
uses of bacteria?
5. How does antibiotic resistance
arise in bacteria?
-broad-spectrum antibiotic
-sulfa drug