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The Theatre of the Spanish Golden Age
After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:
Identify the playwrights and conventions of religious drama in the Spanish Golden
Identify the playwrights and conventions of secular drama in the Spanish Golden
Identify the production elements of corrales, including scenery, stages, and costumes.
Identify the organization and composition of acting companies in the Spanish Golden
Describe Spanish popular entertainment during the Renaissance.
Lecture Topics
What was the relationship between the auto sacramentales and the Church?
What role did secular theatre play during the Spanish Golden Age?
Who were the major Spanish dramatists during the Renaissance?
Discussion Topics
How were autos sacramentales staged?
What was the plot structure of comedias?
What did the corrales look like?
What role did women playwrights have in the Spanish Golden Age?
Under what circumstances could women perform in plays in the late sixteenth and early
seventeenth centuries?
Very often, a portion of a play’s income went to charity. How might this have affected
the way the theatre was viewed in Spain at this time?