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“A study of Bones, Joints, & Muscles,
and how they create movement”
Sonoma Valley High School
Fall Semester Project 2014
Fall semester Final project
Kinesiology is the study of the human body in motion. Determining what muscles and bones work
together to produce a certain motion is the focus of this project. Your group has selected a
motion that will be studied. Below are a series of steps that will serve as a guide for this
project. For the project the term “motion” will be defined as the entire action of the body
being studied. The term “movement” will be defined as individual movements by bones that
make up the overall motion.
STEP #1:
The motion that your group has chosen should be something that you are familiar with through sports, exercise, or
hobby. The entire body is probably involved in some way with this motion. This however, is far too complex to use
as a project. Therefore your group will narrow the scope of the motion to just extremities. (Example: shooting a
basketball would focus just on the arm or legs and what they do while shooting a basketball.)
Videotape your motion as you would use the motion during a performance or game. Video from the front, the side,
and back. Video the whole body as you perform the motion and then video close up so that you see the top or the
bottom of the body only during the motion. You will choose later which video clips you might want to use. The
video clips will be part of your media presentation. As you use the video, you will need to point out each movement
and describe, using proper terminology, the movement as it occurs on video. This will be done as a group and each
individual will describe their joint/movement.
STEP #2:
The motion being studied is actually a combination of many movements by individual bones caused by specific
muscles. Your first job is to break down the overall motion into individual movements. Each person in the group
becomes a specialist in one particular movement. While many movements may occur simultaneously, develop a
sequence such that each movement is identified by bone and by movement. (Example: extension of the elbow,
flexion of the wrist) For each movement identified list the muscles responsible for that motion. Estimate the
range of motion for each movement. (Example: The elbow extends from a 35 degree angle to approximately 180
degrees.) You will also identify and explain the lever systems formed by the skeletal/muscular system.
Each movement is actually a joint composed of two or more bones moving. Identify the bones moving and identify
the muscles responsible for moving the bones. Identify the origin and insertion for each of the muscles. In some
cases more than one muscle may be involved in the movement. Refer to pages 217-243 of Tortora. Use correct
terminology in naming the bone, insertion, origin, and muscle name. Be specific in naming specific locations on bones
regarding origin and insertion. (i.e. extension of the knee is due to the quadriceps femoris which has its origin on
the ilium and the insertion on the tuberosity of the tibia).
After choosing a joint of study and selecting a movement, utilize concepts learned in anatomy & physiology to
explain how bones forming joints and muscles work together to allow the skeleton to accomplish complex
Group: Introduction: (Using PPt/Prezi/ Google Presentation and movie clip)
Introduce your study by describing the motion, what sport or activity that the motion is a part of, the joints
involved in the motion, and showing pictures of the motion using multimedia. Show a video that allows you to
discuss the individual movements of joints that are needed to complete the motion. You will need to describe the
motion using terminology of movements shown on pages 183-185. Ideally you will be able to stop, start, and reverse
the video to point out and explain each movement. Each member of the group will need to demonstrate that they
know the movements or their joint in the introduction.
Group: Injury and Prevention:
Each group will present an injury section of the presentation. This should be a common injury that occurs to
individuals who participate in this sport or activity. You should be able to name and describe the tissue type to
which the injury occurs. You should include how it affects the movement, diagnostic tests, treatment, and
prognosis for recovery. Use X-rays, pictures, MRI, or video footage to help with any or all of the above.
Individual: Joint Presentation: (Using poster)
Each person will use their bone/joint chart and their muscle chart to name the bones, ligaments, cartilage, bursae,
etc of their joint. Special structures, such as processes, fossa, tuberosities, indentations, etc of each bone should
be mentioned. (Use pages 136-166)
Explain the functional and structural classification of the joint.
Each person will need to explain their joint as either a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd class lever. Explain if it is a force or distance
multiplier. Each person will need to name and describe the origin and the insertion for a primary mover (a muscle), 1
synergist (a muscle), and one fixator (a muscle) for the movements of the joint. Be able to explain the basis for
the name of the primary mover using Table 8.2 on page. (Use pages 217-243 of textbook)
Due Date: Friday Dec 19, 12:30