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Unit 1C-1
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
Leader: Kali
Course: BIOL 256
Instructor: Dr. Haen
Protein Structure
__1. Primary a. Interaction of hydrogen bonds causing 3D arrangement of polypeptide creating
patterns such as helixes or pleats; determined by the primary sequence.
__2. Secondary b. Not all proteins have this level of structure; hemoglobin is an example of a
protein with such an arrangement.
__3. Tertiary c. The amino acid sequence determined by the DNA
__4. Quaternary d. Interaction of hydrogen bonds and van der Waals forces stabilizing the
molecule and giving it its overall shape; classified as fibrous or globular.
_____________ are biological catalyst that works by ______________ the activation energy of a
chemical reaction. Proteins serve as effective buffers by combining with H+ or OH-.
Nucleic Acids
Nucleic Acids are a type of polymer/macromolecule composed of the basic units called
____________. Each of this unit is composed of a ______________, a ________________ and a
___________________. The two most common examples of nucleic acids are ____________
and _____________. ATP is also a nucleic acid. DNA and RNA both contain a pentose sugar.
However DNA contains the _______________ while RNA contains____________. There are
other differences between DNA and RNA. One of them is that DNA contains the nitrogen
base _______________ and RNA contains ___________. Another Difference is that DNA is
___________ stranded, while RNA is ___________ stranded. There are three types of RNA
involved in protein synthesis. ______________ takes the genetic code out of the cell’s nucleus to
the cytoplasm. ____________ brings in the appropriate amino acid to the protein synthesis site
(ribosomes). __________ is molecular component of the ribosome to make protein.
___________ contains the genetic inheritance information (blueprint) and it is translated into
_________. RNA contains the information to code for the ________________ sequence to
synthesize proteins. An
is a sequence of DNA used to make a protein and an
spacer DNA not used to make the protein.
Compare and contrast:
DNA Replication
DNA is replicated in the
is an enzyme that separates the two strands
of DNA. The
strand is replicated continuously towards the replication fork. The
strand is not continuous and contains okazaki fragments.
is an enzyme that inserts
complementary bases and creates phosphodiester bonds of the DNA backbone.
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