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Exam 2 Review
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
FSHN 167
Dr. White
1. One of the proposed changes in the food label is:
A. Bold number of calories
B. Move percent daily value to the left side
C. Add a column for added sugars
D. All of the above
2. True/ False: Your body can distinguish between artificial and natural sugar.
3. How many different names for sugar are there?
A. 20
B. 92
C. 57
D. 10
4. What is fruit juice concentrate?
A. All water and fiber is taken out
B. Healthier than whole fruit
C. Has a high sugar content
D. All of the above
E. Only A and C
5. The front of package labeling we use today is called:
A. Guiding Stars
B. Facts up front
C. NuVal
6. One con to the front of the package labeling we use is:
A. It is not accurate
B. There are no cons
C. It helps consumers make healthier food choices
D. It is voluntary for food companies to place it on their package
7. How is the NuVal system calculated?
8. Nutrients are:
A. Not found in food
B. Produced in the body
C. Substances eaten to provide energy
D. Not important for everyday life
9. What are three calorie nutrients?
A. Protein, carbohydrate, fat
B. Fiber, protein, carbohydrate
C. Water, minerals, fiber
D. Protein, calcium, minerals
10. What are three structure nutrients?
A. Protein, carbohydrate, fat
B. Fiber, protein, carbohydrate
C. Water, minerals, fiber
D. Protein, calcium, minerals
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11. What is a vitamin that you can get from your diet and from the sun?
A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin B12
C. Vitamin D
D. Vitamin A
12. What is an essential nutrient?
A. Must be consumed in the diet
B. The body makes it
C. Can’t be made in the body
D. You don’t need to eat it
E. Only A and C
F. Only B and D
13. Compare and contrast digestion and absorption
14. What is the order of the digestive tract? Look at picture on page 68
A. Mouth, esophagus, liver, stomach, large intestine, small intestine
B. Mouth, esophagus, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, anus
C. Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus
D. Mouth, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, small intestine, large intestine, anus
15. What is the function of mucus?
A. Provides moisture, lubrication, and protection
B. Prepares the digestive tract for food
C. Facilitates chemical digestion of food
D. It is not in the digestive system
16. What is the function of enzymes?
A. Provides moisture, lubrication, and protection
B. Prepares the digestive tract for food
C. Facilitates chemical digestion of food
D. It is not in the digestive system
17. What is the food called once it is swallowed?
A. Chyme
B. Saliva
C. Peristalsis
D. Bolus
18. What is peristalsis? Look at picture on page 72
A. Contractions that moves food through the digestive system
B. Pushes food backward through the digestive tract
C. Opens and closes to allow food to enter stomach
D. Nerves through the digestive tract
19. How many muscle layers does the stomach contain? Look at picture on page 73
A. 3
B. 1
C. 5
D. 4
20. How do hormones work in the digestive tract?
A. Signaling to the brain
B. Strengthening local nerves
C. Release gastrin
D. All of the above
21. Where is gastrin secreted?
A. By the stomach
B. By the liver
C. By the small intestine
D. By the mouth
22. What is the function of hydrochloric acid?
A. Digests protein
B. Goes to small intestine to better absorb nutrients
C. Destroys microorganisms in the stomach
D. Empties the stomach contents faster
23. What is the contents of the stomach called going to the small intestine?
A. Gastrin
B. Chyme
C. Sphincter
D. Bolus
24. True/False: Small meal size will empty more quick than a large meal.
25. Liquid or solid empties more quickly?
26. How does the nutritional composition affect how fast or slow your stomach empties?
A. Carbohydrate empties the slowest
B. Protein empties the fastest
C. Fat empties the fastest
D. Carbohydrate empties the fastest
27. Which food is most satisfying?
A. Protein
B. Fat
C. Carbohydrate
D. Fiber
28. Where does the majority of absorption happen?
A. Stomach
B. Large intestine
C. Small intestine
D. Mouth
29. What are the three accessory organs?
A. Liver, gall bladder, pancreas
B. Stomach, liver, bladder
C. Bladder, small intestine, mouth
D. Saliva, hydrochloric acid, peptin
30. What function does the pancreas serve in the digestive system?
A. Secretes digestive enzymes
B. Stores and secretes bile
C. Makes bile
D. Absorbs nutrients
31. What function does the gall bladder serve in the digestive system?
A. Secretes digestive enzymes
B. Stores and secretes bile
C. Makes bile
D. Absorbs nutrients
32. How long does it take for a meal to digest?
A. 30 hours
B. 6-8 hours
C. 2 hours
D. 1 day
33. What are the three structures that maximize small intestine surface area? Look at picture
on page 75
A. Villi, folds, microvilli
B. Blood vessels, folds, nerves
C. Saliva, mucous, folds
D. Skin, mucous, villi
34. What are two ways nutrients can enter the blood? Look at picture on page 76
A. Portal blood circulation to the blood stream
B. Lymph vessels to the liver
C. Portal blood circulation to the liver
D. Lymph vessels to the blood stream
E. Both A & B
F. Both C & D
G. Both B& C
35. What percentage of carbohydrate, protein and fat do we absorb?
36. What is the function of the large intestine?
A. Absorbs most of the nutrients
B. Contains much bacteria
C. Pummels food
D. Mechanical digestion
37. What food has probiotics?
A. Yogurt
B. Meat
C. Milk
D. Vegetables
38. What is the structure of monosaccharides? Look at picture on page 102
A. 2 sugar units
B. A fiber molecule
C. 1 sugar unit
D. Starch molecule
39. What carbohydrate is not broken down to provide energy for our body?
A. Starch
B. Sugar
C. Fructose
D. Fiber
40. What is the primary source of sugar in our diets?
A. Candy
B. Soft drinks
C. Baked goods
D. Granola bars
41. What population is the biggest consumer of soft drinks
A. Young children
B. Older Adults
C. Teens and young adults
D. Youth
42. True/ False: Liquid calories have weaker satiety than solid calories.
43. What is visceral fat?
A. Fat outside of fat cells
B. Fat around the abdominal organs
C. Fat around the hips
D. Fat outside the body
44. What are the risks of a high sugar intake?
45. What does ectopic mean?
A. Fat around the abdominal organs
B. Fat stored anywhere but in fat cells
C. Fat that has gone outside of its area
D. Fat in the liver
46. What are two risks of too much fat in the liver?
A. Obesity & high blood pressure
B. Loss of sensitivity to insulin & high blood triglycerides
C. Visceral fat & high blood sugar
D. High levels of High-density lipoproteins & low levels of low-density lipoproteins
47. True/ False: High fructose corn syrup is worse than sugar for your body.
48. What is the difference between glucose and fructose in the liver?
A. Glucose stays in the liver creating more liver fat
B. Fructose filters through the liver to the blood stream
C. Fructose remains in the liver, creating more liver fat
D. Glucose does not go in the liver
49. Is fructose or glucose absorption more regulated in the body?
50. True/False: Our bodies can distinguish between sucrose and high fructose corn syrup.