Download Geology Practice Test 2012 Minerals – use your mineral flow chart

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Geology Practice Test 2012
Minerals – use your mineral flow chart where necessary.
1. Of the following physical properties, which one can vary (change)
for different samples of the same mineral?
A-hardness B-color C-streak D-specific gravity E-cleavage
2. The ability of a mineral to resist being scratched.
3. Does the mineral quartz have a metallic or nonmetallic luster?
4. How many directions of cleavage does the mineral Biotite have?
5. Based on our definition of a mineral, is a snowflake a mineral?
6. The way a mineral reflects light is know as its ___
use: A, B or C for questions 7 - 12
"A" = Sedimentary
"B" = Igneous
"C" = Metamorphic
7. ______What type of rock are the islands of Hawaii made of?
8. ______What type of rock forms from molten material?
9. ______ A rock that has been changed by heat and pressure.
10. ______ The type of rock that forms from the compaction of sediments.
11. ______ What type of bedrock is found in the Twin Cities area?
12. _____Where most sedimentary rocks form.
13. _____Does sandstone form in deep or shallow water?
14. _____ Igneous rocks that cool inside the Earth have __ crystals and are called __.
A -small, intrusive
B - small, extrusive
C – large, intrusive
D – large, extrusive
15. Looking at your rock cycle diagram, what process needs to occur for a
metamorphic rock to turn into a sedimentary rock?
16. Almost all fossils are found in this type of rock.
A. Igneous
B. Sedimentary
C. Metamorphic
17. Fossils are most likely to found in what type(s) of sedimentary rock?
A-Conglomerate B-Sandstone C-Shale D-Limestone
18. Fossils that were once wide spread but only lived for a short time are sometimes
used to help determine the relative age of a rock. These fossils are known as:
A. Conodants
B. Trilobites
C. Cephalopods
D. Index Fossils
19. Which of the following is not a renewable resource?
A – Solar B – Wind C – Coal D - Hydroelectric
Relative Age: Answer the following questions using the relationships shown in the
diagram below.
20. What formation is the youngest?
21. How do you know (which relative dating principle did you use)?
22. Is the shale formation older or younger than the basalt dike?
23. How do you know (which relative dating principle did you use)?
Geologic Time
24. Using the diagram above and the events listed below, put the events in order
from youngest to oldest
A - Intrusion P
_______ Youngest
B - Unconformity at C
C - Deposition of sedimentary layers L,M,N,O,Q
D - Tilting (folding) of layers L,M,N,O,Q
E - Unconformity B
F - Deposition of layer K
G - Deposition of layers H,I,J
_______ Oldest
25. The principle of cross-cutting states that:
A) The youngest rocks occur at the top of a layered section, the oldest at
the bottom.
B) A rock that cuts across another layer is younger than the layer is cuts across.
C) The process of positioning rock layers by superman.
D) Most sediments are deposited more or less in horizontal layers.
26. A gap (or erosional surface) in the geologic sequence is called a(n):
A. Superposition
B. Store in the mall
C. Unconformity
D. Era
27. The principle of superposition states that:
A. The youngest rocks occur at the top of a layered section, the oldest at
the bottom.
B. A rock that cuts across another layer is younger than the layer is cuts across.
C. The process of positioning rock layers by superman.
D. Most sediments are deposited more or less in horizontal layers.
Constructive and Destructive Forces
Fill in the Blank
28. The break-up of rocks; both chemical and mechanical. ___
29. The transport of Earth materials by natural, moving agents. ___
30. Forms at the mouth of a river when it empties into quiet or still water. ____
31. _______ Natural running water gets its energy from the Sun.
32. _______ Rivers are both constructive and destructive.
33. As mountains become older, erosion slowly wears them away and they become __
A. sharp and angular
B. rounded and smooth
C. covered in snow
D. volcanic
34. River deltas are __ features
A. constructive
B. destructive
35. River valley’s are __ features
A. constructive
B. destructive
36. As groundwater moves through a layer of limestone, it dissolves away some of the
minerals leaving behind a network of caves. This process is an example of
A. mechanical weathering
B. chemical weathering
(use your drawing to answer the following questions)
37. List two pieces of evidence that would suggest that there was an ocean covering the
Twin Cities at one time.
38. ___________________ Is the Twin Cities currently an area of deposition or erosion?
39. Put the following events in order from the oldest to the youngest.
A - Deposit of the Glacial Drift
B - Erosion of sedimentary rock layers
C - Deposit of the Hinkley Sandstone
D - Erosion by the Mississippi River
E - Deposit of the St. Peter Sandstone
Identify each feature as being formed from a constructive or destructive process.
40. moraine ___________
41. glacial till (drift) ____________
42. U-shaped valley ____________
43. Horn ______________
44. Drumlin ____________
Structure of the Earth
True or False
45. The temperature of the earth’s core is cooler than its mantle.
46. The liquid or “plastic” layer closest to the earth’s surface is called the Asthenosphere.
47. The composition (what it is made of) of the earth’s core is?
a) Silicon and Aluminum
b) Oxygen and Nitrogen
c) Nickel and Aluminum
d) Iron and Nickel
48. The outer core of the earth is?
a) Liquid and very cold
b) Solid and very hot
c) Liquid and very hot
d) Solid and very cold
49. List the 4 main layers of the Earth starting from the inside and working towards the
Plate Tectonics
50. The state of balance between materials of different densities in the Earth's crust.
51. The theory that the Earth's crust is divided into several large pieces that are slowly
52. The name of the large rift zone that runs through the Atlantic ocean and is responsible
for "pushing" North America away from Europe.
53. The name given to the convergent boundary that is formed when an ocean plate
collides with a continental plate.
54. A good example of an oceanic / continental convergent boundary is ____
a. the Aleutian Islands
b. Hawaii
c. the Andes Mountains
d. the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
e. the Himalayan Mountains
55. In a transform fault, the earth’s plates are moving…
a) away from each other.
b) toward each other.
c) sliding by each other.
d) vertically to a higher elevation.
56. At the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the plates are moving…
a) away from each other.
b) toward each other.
c) sliding past each other.
57. The oldest rocks on the Atlantic Ocean floor are located …
a) next to the mid-ocean ridge.
b) half way between the mid ocean ridge and the coastline of North America.
c) at the coastline of North America and Africa.
d) there is not have enough information to determine that.
58. Sea floor spreading is caused by…
a) the weight of the continental crust pushing down on the outside edges of the
b) magma forcing its way through the lithosphere due to convection currents.
c) wave action of the ocean waters.
d) wave action of the ocean water combined with tidal forces and wind.
59. Convergent plate boundaries can cause ?
a) Volcanic mountains and subduction zones
b) Ridges and rises
c) Trenches and ridges
d) Subduction zones and ridges
60. The plates that form the Atlantic Ocean floor are moving at a rate of approximately?
a) 2.5 mm per year
b) 2.5 cm per year
c) 2.5 m per year
d) The Atlantic Ocean floor is not moving.
61. What is the name of the plate you are sitting on at this moment?
a) The North Atlantic plate
b) The Scotia Plate
c) The North American plate
62. What type of plate boundaries are andesite and rhyolite volcanoes
usually associated with?
A-Convergent Boundary (subduction zone)
C-Transform Faults
B-Divergent Boundary
D-Hot Spots
True or False
63. Basalt is more dense than granite.
64. In general, the hotter a material the more dense it becomes.
65. Convection currents are caused by?
a) Wind currents
b) Differences in temperature
c) Wave motion
d) Light energy
66. Continental plates are primarily comosed of which type of rock?
a) granite
d. andesite
b) rhyolite
e. biotite
c) basalt
67. Oceanic Plates are primarily composed of which type of rock?
a) granite
d. andesite
b) rhyolite
e. biotite
c) basalt
68. Who was the first person to propose the idea of continental drift?
a) Harry Hess, 1906
b) Alfred Wegener, 1915
c) Nicholas Copernicus, 1543
d) Carrie Underwood (2007)
True or False
69. Panda is the name of the super-continent that existed approximately 250 million
years ago.
70. Ocean trenches are found along ___ boundaries.
A. transform
B. divergent
C. convergent
71. Subduction zones are found along ___ boundaries.
A. transform
B. divergent
C. convergent
72. Mid-ocean ridges are found along ___ boundaries.
A. transform
B. divergent
C. convergent
73. Most of Earth’s volcanoes, mountains, and earthquakes are caused by:
A. the slow movement of plates due to convection currents in the mantle
B. weathering and erosion of rock layers
C. glacial activity on the continents
Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics
74. Composite volcanoes usually occur on/in the ___ and are made up of __ rocks.
a) Ocean / Basalt
b) Ocean / Andesite and Rhyolite
c) Continents / Basalt
d) Continents / Andesite and Rhyolite
e) Moon / Cheese
75. A good example of where volcanoes have developed over a “hot spot” is?
a) Miami Florida
C. New Orleans, Louisiana
b) Honolulu, Hawaii
D. El Paso, Texas
76. Most volcanoes are found…
A. along plate boundaries
B. in the middle of the plates
C. where two continental plates collide
D. at a transform boundary
77. Magma that is rich in silica produces volcanoes that are __ and are generally found on __.
A. non-explosive, continents
B. non-explosive, oceans
C. explosive, continents
D. explosive, oceans
Earthquakes and Plate Tectonics
Write either P wave or S wave for questions 78 & 79.
78. Travels faster.
79. Travels slower.
80. Seismic waves travel fastest through (solids, liquids).
81. The name of the fault that runs between California and the Pacific plate.
82. Seismic waves
a. transfer energy through the ground.
b. move matter through the ground.
c. Do not travel through liquids
d. do not cause buildings to shake.
83. How many recording stations do you need in order to locate the epicenter of an
84. The difference between the arrival of the P wave and the arrival of the S wave is known
as the __.
85. A break in the earth’s crust is known as a __.
86. In general, there are more earthquakes?
a) In the center of plates.
b) In the middle of North America
c) At the plate boundaries.
d) There is no pattern to where earthquakes occur.
87. The spot underground where the earth’s rock actually breaks, is known as the
______ of the earthquake.
88. Most earthquakes are caused by:
A – movement of plates
B – Volcanic activity
C – GIS modules
D – Superman tunneling through the earth.