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Name: Mrs. Andrews
World History One
Mrs. Andrews
China Review
1. Wu Zhao
Wu Zhou is the first woman to become empress in China and due to Confucian’s beliefs on
women; she imports Buddhism to the region.
2. Dynastic cycle
Sui dynasty
Sui Yangdi
Grand Canal
Hang Zhou
Following the dynastic cycle the Han dynasty falls and the Sui dynasty rises to power (350
years later) when Sui Wendi receives the mandate of heaven. During Sui Yangdi’s rule (the
second emperor) he completed the Grand Canal which eventually connected Beijing to Hang
3. Siddhartha Gutama
4 Noble Truths
8 Fold Paths
Silk Roads
Siddhartha Gutama believed that people should strive for enlightenment. His four noble truths
state that there is suffering in life and to relieve this suffering one should follow the eight
fold path to reach nirvana. Buddhism spreads throughout China and Asia through the Silk
4. Porcelain
Mechanical clock
Block printing
Paper money
Magnetic compass
Porcelain, mechanical clock, block printing, gunpowder, paper money, and the magnetic compass
are all accomplishments of the Chinese.
5. Confucius
Filial piety
Confucius’ beliefs are recorded in the Analects. He teaches about the five basic relationships
and believes if they are followed closely there will be peace in the home, in the nation, and in
the world. Filial piety coincides with this as it means respect for elders.
6. Bureaucracy
Civil service
To gain a position in the bureaucracy Chinese citizens must pass the civil service exam. Thus an
emphasis on education and Confucianism occurs within Chinese society.
7. Tang Taizang
Mandate of Heaven Road & canal network
Tang Taizang receives the mandate of heaven and builds an expansive road and canal network.
8. Dao De Ching
Natural order
Dao De Ching is the book in which Daoism is recorded. Daoism is the belief that people should
follow the natural order and follow spontaneous urges.
9. Legalism
Impersonal law
Legalism believes that all people are evil and severe punishment must be used to maintain order.
Also legalists believe that impersonal law is necessary so that there is not favoritism (all people
are subjected to the same laws).
10. Wu Zhao
Heavenly Empress
Wu Zhao, the heavenly empress of China, accomplishes many feats during her rule. Expansion
of the empire into Korea, reforming the government by removing corrupt officials and lowering
taxes all make Wu’s rule successful.
11. Civil service
Scholar official
To become a scholar official one must pass the civil service exam. This demonstrates that the
Chinese government hires officials according to merit not based on money, family name, or
connections. The scholar officials make up an upper class called the gentry.
12. Tang emperors
Silk roads
Ocean trade
Tang emperors expanded both the silk roads and ocean trade providing great trading
13. Li Bo
Du Fu
Life’s pleasures
Li Bo and DuFu are two poets from China’s Golden Age. Li Bo writes about life’s pleasures while
Du Fu writes about social order and more serious topics.
14. Landscape painting
Black ink
Landscape painting can be identified by looking at key characteristics. Paintings were often
completed in black ink, were two dimensional, depicted both scenery and calligraphy, did not
take up the whole scroll, and reflected Daoist beliefs in their natural scenery.
15. Women
Foot binding
Foot binding became a common practice during China’s Golden Period although it was an
impractical fashion. This practice reflected the subservience of women and was banned by the
government later in history.
16. Uighurs
Hang Zhou
During the Tang dynasty the Uighurs attack the Tang dynasty. The Tang fall and the Song
dynasty takes over, but due to constant attacks from the Uighurs the Song move their capital
to Hang Zhou.
17. Song
The Song paid tribute to the Jurchen people so they would not invade and they also formed an
alliance with the Mongols; however, the Mongols ended up invading China and establishing the
Yuan dynasty. The Mongols created a massive empire which included Tibet.
18. Steppe
Nomadic peoples
The Mongols were a nomadic people who lived in the northern steppe in clans. They were
pastoralists who made their living from herding animals.
19. Temujin
“Universal ruler”
Central Asia
Temujin unified the Mongols in the northern steppe and they took over all of Central Asia.
Temujin is renamed Genghis Khan meaning “universal ruler.”
20. Mongol Success
Mongol success was due to their strategy, organization, and technology.
21. Khanates
Mongol peace
Kublai Khan
After the death of Genghis Kahn, the empire was divided into khanates which are similar to
states. Kublai Khan ruled over the China and during this time there is relative peace known as
“pax mongolica” or Mongol peace.
22. Yuan dynasty
Chinese political system
The Yuan dynasty moves the capital to Kahnbaliq later known as Beijing. During the Mongol rule
the Mongols adopt the Chinese political system and provide some sense of stability throughout
the empire.
23. Yuanzhang
Ming dynasty
Treasure Ship Voyages
Yuanzhang overthrows the Yuan dynasty and establishes the Ming dynasty. Under the Ming
dynasty, Yonglo, the emperor, appoints Zheng He as admiral of the treasure ship voyages.