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Shier, Butler, and Lewis: Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology, 10 th ed.
Chapter 17: Digestive System
Chapter 17: Digestive System
I. Introduction
A. Digestion is ___________________________________________________________
B. Mechanical digestion breaks ______________________________________________
C. Chemical digestion breaks _______________________________________________
D. The organs of the digestive system carry out the processes of ____________________
E. The alimentary canal is composed of _______________________________________
F. The accessory organs of the digestive system are ______________________________
II. General Characteristics of the Alimentary Canal
A. Introduction
1. The alimentary canal is a _______________________ tube that passes through
2. The structure of __________________, how it ___________________ , and its
innervation are similar _______________________________________________
B. Structure of the Wall
1. The four layers of the alimentary wall are ______________________________
2. The mucosa is located ________________________________________ and is
composed of _______________________________________________________
3. The functions of the mucosa are _____________________________________
4. The submucosa is located _____________________________________ and is
composed of _______________________________________________________
5. The functions of the submucosa are___________________________________
6. The muscular layer is located __________________________________ and is
composed of _______________________________________________________
7. When the circular fibers contract, the diameter of the tube _________________
8. When the longitudinal fibers contract, the tube __________________________
9. The serosa layer is located _____________________________________ and is
composed of _______________________________________________________
10. The functions of the serosa are _____________________________________
C. Movements of the Tube
1. The two types of motor functions of the alimentary canal are ______________
2. Mixing occurs when _______________________________________________
3. Peristalsis is _____________________________________________________
4. Peristalsis occurs when ____________________________________________
D. Innervation of the Tube
1. Branches of _____________________________________________ innervate
the alimentary canal.
2. The innervation of the alimentary canal maintains _______________________
and regulates _______________________________________________________
3. The submucosal plexus is important for _______________________________
4. The myenteric plexus is important for _________________________________
5. The functions of parasympathetic impulses are __________________________
6. The functions of sympathetic impulses are _____________________________
III. Mouth
A. Introduction
1. The functions of the mouth are ______________________________________
2. Mastication is ____________________________________________________
3. The mouth is surrounded by ________________________________________
4. The oral cavity is _________________________________________________
5. The vestibule of the mouth is ________________________________________
B. Cheeks and Lips
1. The cheeks form _______________________________________________ and
consist of __________________________________________________________
2. The lips surround ______________________________________________ and
consist of __________________________________________________________
3. The reddish color of lips is due to ____________________________________
C. Tongue
1. The tongue is located ______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________ membranes cover the tongue.
3. The frenulum of the tongue is _______________________________________
4. The body of the tongue is composed of ________________________________
5. Muscles of the tongue function to ____________________________________
6. Papillae of the tongue are ___________________________________________
7. Functions of papillae are ___________________________________________
8. The root of the tongue is anchored to _________________________________
9. Lingual tonsils are located __________________________________________
D. Palate
1. The palate forms ______________________________________________ and
consists of _________________________________________________________
2. The hard palate is formed by ________________________________________
3. The soft palate is formed by_________________________________________
4. The uvula is _____________________________________________________
5. The function of the uvula is _________________________________________
6. Palatine tonsils are located __________________________________________
7. Pharyngeal tonsils are located _______________________________________
E. Teeth
1. The primary teeth are ______________________________________________
2. The secondary teeth are ____________________________________________
3. The secondary teeth consist of _______________________________________
4. The arrangement of secondary teeth are _______________________________
5. Wisdom teeth are _________________________________________________
6. Chewing increases ________________________________________________
7. Incisors are specialized to __________________________________________
8. Cuspids are specialized to __________________________________________
9. Bicuspids and molars are specialized to _______________________________
10. The crown of a tooth is ___________________________________________
11. The root of a tooth is _____________________________________________
12. The neck of a tooth is _____________________________________________
13. Enamel consists of _______________________________________________
14. Dentin is _______________________________________________________
15. The root canal is located _______________________________________ and
contains ___________________________________________________________
16. The pulp cavity is located ______________________________________ and
contains ___________________________________________________________
17. Cementum is ___________________________________________________
18. A periodontal ligament is __________________________________________
IV. Salivary Glands
A. Introduction
1. Salivary glands secrete _____________________________________________
2. The functions of saliva are __________________________________________
3. The three pairs of major salivary glands are ____________________________
B. Salivary Secretions
1. Two cell types of salivary glands are __________________________________
2. Serous cells produce ______________________________________________
3. Mucous cells produce _____________________________________________
4. Amylase digests __________________________________________________
5. Salivary glands are innervated by both ________________________________
6. Sympathetic fibers stimulate the glands to _____________________________
7. Parasympathetic fibers stimulate the glands to __________________________
C. Major Salivary Glands
1. The largest of the major salivary glands is _____________________________
2. The parotid glands are located _______________________________________
3. A parotid duct is located ___________________________________________
4. The parotid glands secrete __________________________________________
5. The submandibular glands are located _________________________________
6. The submandibular glands secrete ____________________________________
7. Ducts of submandibular glands open __________________________________
8. The sublingual glands are located ____________________________________
9. The sublingual glands secrete _______________________________________
10. The ducts of sublingual glands open _________________________________
V. Pharynx and Esophagus
A. Introduction
1. The pharynx is ___________________________________________________
2. The pharynx and esophagus function in _______________________________
B. Structure of the Pharynx
1. The pharynx connects _____________________________________________
2. The three divisions of the pharynx are _________________________________
3. The nasopharynx is located _________________________________________
4. The nasopharynx provides __________________________________________
5. The oropharynx is located __________________________________________
6. The oropharynx is a passageway for __________________________________
7. The laryngopharynx is located _______________________________________
8. The laryngopharynx is a passageway to _______________________________
9. Constrictor muscles function to ______________________________________
C. Swallowing Mechanism
1. The events of the first stage of swallowing are __________________________
2. The events of the second stage of swallowing are ________________________
3. The events of the third stage of swallowing are _________________________
4. The actions of the swallowing reflex are _______________________________
D. Esophagus
1. The esophagus is a passageway for ___________________________________
2. The esophagus propels food from _______________ to the ________________
3. The esophagus descends through _____________________________________
4. The esophageal hiatus is ___________________________________________
5. ___________ glands are scattered throughout the submucosa of the esophagus.
6. The lower esophageal sphincter is located___________________________ and
functions to ________________________________________________________
VII. Stomach
A. Introduction
1. The shape of the stomach is _________________________________________
2. The location of the stomach is _______________________________________
3. Rugae are _______________________________________________________
4. The functions of the stomach are _____________________________________
B. Parts of the Stomach
1. The four parts of the stomach are ____________________________________
2. The cardiac region is ______________________________________________
3. The fundic region is _______________________________________________
4. The body of the stomach is _________________________________________
5. The pyloric region is ______________________________________________
6. The pyloric sphincter is located ___________________________________ and
functions to ________________________________________________________
C. Gastric Secretions
1. Gastric pits are ___________________________________________________
2. The three cell types of gastric glands are _______________________________
3. Mucous cells secrete ______________________________________________
4. Chief cells secrete ________________________________________________
5. Parietal cells secrete _______________________________________________
6. Gastric juice is ___________________________________________________
7. Pepsin is ________________________________________________________
8. The function of pepsinogen is _______________________________________
9. The function of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is ______________________
10. The coating of the stomach is important for ___________________________
11. The function of intrinsic factor is _____________________________
D. Regulation of Gastric Secretions
1. Somatostatin is produced ________________________________________ and
functions to ________________________________________________________
2. Parasympathetic innervation stimulates ________________________________
3. Gastrin is produced ____________________________________________ and
functions to ________________________________________________________
4. The three stages of gastric secretion are _______________________________
5. The events of the cephalic phase are __________________________________
6. The events of the gastric phase are ___________________________________
7. The events of the intestinal phase are _________________________________
8. Cholecystokinin is produced _____________________________________ and
functions to ________________________________________________________
E. Gastric Absorption
1. The stomach absorbs ______________________________________________
2. Most nutrients are absorbed in _______________________________________
F. Mixing and Emptying Actions
1. A stomachache results from _________________________________________
2. Chyme is _______________________________________________________
3. Peristaltic waves push chyme _______________________________________
4. Stomach contractions push chyme a little at a time into ________________ and
backwards into ______________________________________ , mixing it further.
5. The lower esophageal sphincter prevents ______________________________
6. The rate at which the stomach empties depends on _______________________
7. ________________________________ usually pass first through the stomach.
8. The enterogastric reflex is __________________________________________
9. Vomiting results from _____________________________________________
VIII. Pancreas
A. Structure of the Pancreas
1. The pancreas is located ____________________________________________
2. Pancreatic acinar cells produce ___________________________________ and
make up the ________________________________________________________
3. Acini are ________________________________________________________
4. The pancreatic ducts extends ________________________________________
__________________________ and empties into _________________________
5. Hepatopancreatic ampulla is ________________________________________
6. The hepatopancreatic sphincter is ____________________________________
B. Pancreatic Juice
1. Pancreatic juice contains ___________________________________________
2. The function of pancreatic amylase is _________________________________
3. The function of pancreatic lipase is ___________________________________
4. The functions of trypsin, chymotrypsin, and carboxypeptidase are __________
5. Zymogen granules are _____________________________________________
6. The function of trypsinogen is _______________________________________
7. The functions of nucleases are _______________________________________
C. Regulation of Pancreatic Secretion
1. Parasympathetic fibers cause the pancreas to ___________________________
2. The function of secretin is __________________________________________
3. The release of cholecystokinin is triggered by __________________________
4. The action of cholecystokinin on the pancreas is ________________________
IX. Liver
A. Introduction
1. The largest internal organ is the ______________________________________
2. The liver is located ________________________________________________
B. Liver Structure
1. The two large lobes of the liver are ___________________________________
2. The falciform ligament is __________________________________________ `
3. The two small lobes of the liver are ___________________________________
4. The porta hepatic is _______________________________________________
5. The coronary ligament is ___________________________________________
6. Hepatic lobules are ________________________________________________
7. A hepatic lobule consists of _________________________________________
8. Hepatic sinusoids are ______________________________________________
9. Kupffer cells are __________________________________________________
10. Bile canals are __________________________________________________
11. Hepatic ducts are formed from _____________________________________
C. Liver Functions
1. The liver carries on many important __________________________ functions.
2. The liver plays a key role in carbohydrate metabolism by _________________
3. The liver plays a key role in lipid metabolism by ________________________
4. The liver plays a key role in protein metabolism by ______________________
5. The liver stores ___________________________________________________
6. Liver cells help destroy ____________________________________________
7. The liver removes ____________________________________________ from
the blood.
8. The liver’s role in digestion is _______________________________________
D. Composition of Bile
1. Bile is secreted by ________________________________________________
2. Bile contains_____________________________________________________
3. Hepatic cells use __________________________________ to make bile salts.
4. Bile pigments are products of _______________________________________
5. Jaundice results from ______________________________________________
E. Gallbladder
1. The gallbladder is located __________________________________________
2. The cystic duct is ______________________________________________ and
opens into _________________________________________________________
3. The common bile duct is formed from ________________________________
_______________________ and opens into _____________________________
4. Gallstones form when _____________________________________________
F. Regulation of Bile Release
1. Cholecystokinin triggers the gallbladder to _____________________________
2. Cholecystokinin is released in response to _____________________________
G. Functions of Bile Salts
1. Functions of bile salts are __________________________________________
2. Emulsification is _________________________________________________
3. Lack of bile salts results in__________________________________________
X. Small Intestine
A. Introduction
1. The small intestine extends from _____________________________________
2. The small intestine receives secretions from ____________________________
3. The functions of the small intestine are ________________________________
B. Parts of the Small Intestine
1. The three parts of the small intestine are _______________________________
2. The duodenum is located ___________________________________________
3. The jejunum is located _____________________________________________
4. The ileum is located ________________________________________
5. Mesentery is __________________________________________________ and
supports ___________________________________________________________
6. The greater omentum is ____________________________________________
7. The functions of the omentum are ____________________________________
C. Structure of the Small Intestinal Wall
1. The velvety appearance of the inner wall of the small intestine is due to ______
2. Intestinal villi are _________________________________________________
3. The functions of villi are ___________________________________________
4. Each villus consists of _____________________________________________
5. A lacteal is ______________________________________________________
6. Microvilli increase ________________________________________________
7. Intestinal glands are _______________________________________________
8. Plicae circulares are _______________________________________________
D. Secretions of the Small Intestine
1. Brunner’s glands are ____________________ and are located _____________
2. Brunner’s glands secrete ___________________________________________
3. The enzymes secreted by epithelial cells of the small intestine are ___________
4. The functions of peptidases are ______________________________________
5. The functions of sucrase, maltase, and lactase are________________________
6. The functions of intestinal lipase are __________________________________
E. Regulation of the Small Intestinal Secretions
1. ____________________________________________ stimulate the duodenal
mucous glands to release large amounts of mucus.
2. Chyme stimulates _________________________________________________
3. Distension of the intestinal wall stimulates _____________________________
F. Absorption in the Small Intestine
1. The most important absorbing organ is the _____________________________
2. Carbohydrate digestion begins ____________________________________ and
is completed _______________________________________________________
3. Monosaccharides are absorbed by ____________________________________
4. Protein digestion begins _________________________________________ and
is complete ________________________________________________________
5. Amino acids are absorbed by ________________________________________
6. Fat molecules are digested almost entirely by ___________________________
7. Chylomicrons are _________________________________________________
8. Chylomicrons are carried to the blood by ______________________________
9. The ions absorbed by the intestinal villi are ____________________________
10. Water is absorbed by _____________________________________________
G. Movements of the Small Intestine
1. Segmentation is __________________________________________________
2. Chyme moves______________________________ through the small intestine.
3. Parasympathetics enhance ____________________________ and sympathetics
4. A peristaltic rush is _______________________________________________
5. Diarrhea results from ______________________________________________
6. The ileocecal sphincter joins ________________________________________
XI. Large Intestine
A. Introduction
1. The large intestine is located ________________________________________
2. The functions of the large intestine are ________________________________
B. Parts of the Large Intestine
1. The parts of the large intestine are ____________________________________
2. The cecum is ____________________________________________________
3. The vermiform appendix is located ________________________________ and
consists of _________________________________________________________
4. The four parts of the colon are _______________________________________
5. The ascending colon is located ______________________________________
6. The transverse colon is located ______________________________________
7. The descending colon is located _____________________________________
8. The sigmoid colon is ______________________________________________
9. The rectum is ____________________________________________________
10. The anal canal is_________________________________________________
11. Anal columns are ________________________________________________
12. The anus is _____________________________________________________
13. Two sphincters of the anus are______________________________________
14. The internal anal sphincter is composed of ____________________________
15. The external anal sphincter is composed of ____________________________
C. Structure of the Large Intestinal Wall
1. Teniae coli are ___________________________________________________
2. Haustra are ______________________________________________________
3. Epiploic appendages are ___________________________________________
D. Functions of the Large Intestine
1. Mucus secretion into the large intestine is controlled by ___________________
2. The functions of mucus in the large intestine are ________________________
3. Chyme entering the large intestine contains ____________________________
4. The large intestine can absorb _______________________________________
5. Intestinal flora is _________________________________________________
6. The functions of intestinal flora are ___________________________________
E. Movements of the Large Intestine
1. The movements of the large intestine are _____________________ than those
of the small intestine.
2. Mass movements are produced when _________________________________
3. The defecation reflex is triggered by __________________________________
4. The actions of the defecation reflex are ________________________________
5. A person can inhibit defecation by ___________________________________
F. Feces
1. Feces are composed of _____________________________________________
2. The pungent odor or feces results from ________________________________
XII. Life-Span Changes
A. Maintaining healthy teeth requires _________________________________________
B. The effects of aging on teeth include _______________________________________
C. Dry mouths in elderly people is usually a result of _____________________________
D. Frequent heartburn may be the result of _____________________________________
E. Effects of aging on the small intestine include ________________________________
F. The effects of aging on the large intestine include _____________________________
G. The effects of aging on the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder include _______________