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Study Sheet Sickle Cell Anemia
1) Differences in the HBB/HBS nucleotide sequences
 Record the position and type of the differences
o _______________________
o _______________________
o _______________________
o _______________________
2) Differences in the HBB/HBS amino acid sequences
 Record the position and type of the differences
o _______________________
o _______________________
o _______________________
o _______________________
* Record the position, type, and length of the mutation in bz-mutable: _____________________
2) Corn revertants
* What is the difference between bz-mutable and its revertant? __________________________
* What is the difference between the wildtype and the revertant? _______________________
* What led to the color reversion? _________________________________________________
* Why does bz-stable not revert? __________________________________________________
3) Maize transposons
* How long are typical Ac (Activator) elements? ____________________________________
* How long are typical Ds (Dissociator) elements? ____________________________________
* What enables Ac (Activator) to move? _____________________________________________
* What enables Ds (Dissociator) to move? ___________________________________________
* What is the relationship between Ac and Ds? ______________________________________
4) Museum
* Longest human chromosome: ____
Size: ___________________ bp
* Shortest human chromosome: ____
Size: ___________________ bp
* X chromosome:
Size: ___________________ bp
* Y chromosome:
Size: ___________________ bp
* Mitochondrial DNA
Size: ___________________ bp
* Human genome 1-22, X, Y, mtDNA
Size: ___________________ bp
* What are the two conflicting theories about human migration called and what is the major
difference between them?
1: ________________________________ versus 2: __________________________________
1: Modern humans are derived from hominids which left Africa about ____________ years ago.
2: Modern humans are derived from hominids which left Africa about ____________ years ago.
5) Patient
* What enzyme is affected in the patient? ___________________________________________
* What is the function of this enzyme? _____________________________________________
* What chromosome is the gene for this enzyme located on? ____________________________
* How long is the gene (in bp)? ___________________________________________________
* How many exons and introns does it consist of? _____________________________________
* Where on the chromosome is the gene located? _____________________________________
* What genes surround this gene? _________________________________________________
* How long is the coding sequence for this gene? _____________________________________
* How long is the protein (in aa)? __________________________________________________
* What does HMBS stand for? ____________________________________________________
6) Mutation in HMBS
* Record the position, type, and length of the mutation: _________________________________
* How does the mutation affect the formation of the HMBS protein? _______________________
* What is the nature of the mutagenic agent? ________________________________________
7) Transposons in Humans
* How do Alu elements appear in new positions in the genome? _________________________
* Alu does not carry any genes; how can it “move”? ___________________________________
* Compare and contrast Ac and Ds elements with Alu and LINE L1 elements; what do these two
systems have in common? How do they differ? _____________________________________
* Name three characteristics of Alu elements: ________________________________________
* Name three characteristics of LINE L1 elements: ____________________________________
* How many Alu/L1 elements does the human genome contain? _________________________
* Why could it be misleading to say that Alu or L1 elements jump? _______________________
8) Jumping genes across kingdoms
* Name three species in which transposons have been identified: ________________________
* Name three species in which retroposons have been identified: ________________________
9) Jumping genes across millenia
* When can Alu insertions serve as polymorphic markers? ______________________________
* Which allele is ancestral, the one that carries an insertion or the one that doesn’t? __________
11) Links
* (Lesson materials)
* (Background info and wet labs)
* (Sequence alignments)
* (DNALC homepage)
* (Bioinformatics Central)
* Instructor: Uwe Hilgert, PhD - [email protected]