Download Honors Biology: Final Review 1. All of the members of a particular

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Honors Biology: Final Review
1. All of the members of a particular species that live in one area is called what?
2. What is a community?
3. What are the two main sources of genetic variation?
4. What is a polygenic trait?
5. Genetic drift tends to occur to what types of populations?
6. What is genetic equilibrium?
7. What are the conditions needed to maintain genetic equilibrium?
8. What is geographic isolation?
9. On the Galapagos islands, why were the finches beak sizes different?
10. What does the fossil record show?
11. What is a half-life?
12. What did Miller and Urey’s experiment attempt to demonstrate?
13. The Earth’s first organisms were most like today’s _______.
14. When did a very large mass extinction in which many amphibians and trilobites
disappear occur?
15. The process in which two species (such as a flower and a pollinating insect) evolve in
response to change in each other is called what?
16. What is punctuated equilibrium?
17. What is the naming systems by which scientists classify organisms called?
18. How many taxonomic categories were there in Linnaeus’s system?
19. What is the most general and largest category of Linnaeus’s system?
20. What do scientists consider when they perform a cladistic analysis?
21. What does a cladistic analysis show about organisms?
22. What have scientists found about the relationship of humans and yeasts?
23. What does the presence of similar genes in very dissimilar organisms imply?
24. What is the main idea behind the model of the molecular clock?
25. What kingdoms contain eukaryotes?
26. What kingdoms made up the 3-kingdom classification uses by scientists in the late
27. What kingdom did Eubacteria and Archaebacteria used to be in?
28. What organisms make up the producers of an aquatic food chain?
29. What is an organism that uses energy to make its own food from inorganic compounds
30. Only 10% of energy gets passed from one organism to the next. What happens to the
other 90%?
31. What three ways do carbon cycle through the biosphere?
32. What is predation?
33. What symbiotic relationship exists between a flower and the insect that feeds on its
34. What is the difference between primary and secondary succession?
35. What is exponential growth?
36. What is carrying capacity?
37. A biotic or an abiotic resource in the environment that causes population size to
decrease is called a what?
38. Why are fossil fuels nonrenewable?
39. Why is biodiversity important to human society? (3 reasons)
40. What are three goals of conservation biology?
41. What are three health problems that can occur from overexposure to UV radiation?
42. What was the major cause of ozone depletion?
43. What are three ways carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere?