American Bison
... the American Bison Specialist Group (ABSG). The ABSG is committed to the development of comprehensive and viable strategies and management actions to enhance conservation and achieve ecological restoration of American bison as wildlife where feasible throughout the original range of the species. The ...
... the American Bison Specialist Group (ABSG). The ABSG is committed to the development of comprehensive and viable strategies and management actions to enhance conservation and achieve ecological restoration of American bison as wildlife where feasible throughout the original range of the species. The ...
namibian cheetah conservation strategy
... Legislation and policy on the cheetah 4. International. There is no international law mandating protection - that is, prohibiting hunting or fencing off habitat - for endangered species. It is up to each individual nation to determine how it wants to protect any endangered species occurring within i ...
... Legislation and policy on the cheetah 4. International. There is no international law mandating protection - that is, prohibiting hunting or fencing off habitat - for endangered species. It is up to each individual nation to determine how it wants to protect any endangered species occurring within i ...
NRCS Action Plan to Conserve: Identified Priority Fish and Wildlife
... III. State Fish and Wildlife Priorities A Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy (CWCS) for Maine has been developed by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW), Maine Department of Marine Resources (MDMR) and their partners (MDIFW 2005) to satisfy requirements of the Stat ...
... III. State Fish and Wildlife Priorities A Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy (CWCS) for Maine has been developed by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW), Maine Department of Marine Resources (MDMR) and their partners (MDIFW 2005) to satisfy requirements of the Stat ...
... where seed storage is the preferred genetic storage method, up to 50 seeds should be collected from each plant for storage. Because it is in the early stages of implementation, NRS felt it was important to show all plants that were at least halfway to this goal. This column shows the number of in si ...
... where seed storage is the preferred genetic storage method, up to 50 seeds should be collected from each plant for storage. Because it is in the early stages of implementation, NRS felt it was important to show all plants that were at least halfway to this goal. This column shows the number of in si ...
namibian cheetah conservation strategy
... by boreholes, and thickly covered with bush. Because these changes have actually benefited many ungulate species, leading to an increase in their number, the cheetah has benefited as well. The fact that large competing predators such as the lion and spotted hyena have been kept from populating the f ...
... by boreholes, and thickly covered with bush. Because these changes have actually benefited many ungulate species, leading to an increase in their number, the cheetah has benefited as well. The fact that large competing predators such as the lion and spotted hyena have been kept from populating the f ...
ACT Pest Animal Management Strategy 2012-2022
... Pest animals are exotic species that cause damage to valued social, environmental or economic resources. Pest animal damage typically includes loss of biodiversity, structure and function in conserved ecosystems, loss of crop and livestock production on rural land, and loss of public amenity and inc ...
... Pest animals are exotic species that cause damage to valued social, environmental or economic resources. Pest animal damage typically includes loss of biodiversity, structure and function in conserved ecosystems, loss of crop and livestock production on rural land, and loss of public amenity and inc ...
Status, management and distribution of large carnivores
... in a favourable conservation status, with special emphasis on a peaceful coexistence of humans and bears and the creation of necessary conditions to connect existing populations to allow the bears to expand into suitable habitats” (Coordination board for Bear Management in Austria 2005). 4. Populati ...
... in a favourable conservation status, with special emphasis on a peaceful coexistence of humans and bears and the creation of necessary conditions to connect existing populations to allow the bears to expand into suitable habitats” (Coordination board for Bear Management in Austria 2005). 4. Populati ...
Durham E-Theses The impact of land reform in Zimbabwe on
... e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk ...
... e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk ...
Exploring the causes of and mitigation options for human
... Cheetah Conservation Botswana (CCB) is responsible for the conception of the predator densities (Chapter 5), prey analysis (Chapter 6) and cheetah Acinonyx jubatus translocation studies (Chapter 8). Ann Marie Houser and Dr Vivien Kent on behalf of CCB designed the methodology for the 2007 spoor surv ...
... Cheetah Conservation Botswana (CCB) is responsible for the conception of the predator densities (Chapter 5), prey analysis (Chapter 6) and cheetah Acinonyx jubatus translocation studies (Chapter 8). Ann Marie Houser and Dr Vivien Kent on behalf of CCB designed the methodology for the 2007 spoor surv ...
Mapping of the Human-Leopard Conflict (HLC) Areas and
... The Kinnaur district (77° 45' and 79° 00' 35'' East Longitude and 31° 05' 50'' and 32° 05' 15'' North Latitude) of Himachal Pradesh, India is surrounded by Tibet in its north-eastern boundary and characterized by a mountainous landscape, alpine vegetation dominated by Cedrus deodara and diverse faun ...
... The Kinnaur district (77° 45' and 79° 00' 35'' East Longitude and 31° 05' 50'' and 32° 05' 15'' North Latitude) of Himachal Pradesh, India is surrounded by Tibet in its north-eastern boundary and characterized by a mountainous landscape, alpine vegetation dominated by Cedrus deodara and diverse faun ...
ABSTRACT Title of Document:
... polymorphisms (AFLPs). The degree of genetic differentiation varied greatly among markers, suggesting that divergent natural selection drives aphid divergence in all geographic locations. Three of the same genetic markers were identified as evolving under divergent selection in the eastern and weste ...
... polymorphisms (AFLPs). The degree of genetic differentiation varied greatly among markers, suggesting that divergent natural selection drives aphid divergence in all geographic locations. Three of the same genetic markers were identified as evolving under divergent selection in the eastern and weste ...
Feral Swine Impacts on Agriculture and the Environment
... nearby vegetation have been disturbed. Feral swine cause serious economic loss to the livestock industry, although exact numbers and values are largely unknown. This may be caused by misidentification of the cause of predation. For example, signs of coyote (Canis latrans) and feral swine predation a ...
... nearby vegetation have been disturbed. Feral swine cause serious economic loss to the livestock industry, although exact numbers and values are largely unknown. This may be caused by misidentification of the cause of predation. For example, signs of coyote (Canis latrans) and feral swine predation a ...
Feral Swine Impacts on Agriculture and the Environment
... nearby vegetation have been disturbed. Feral swine cause serious economic loss to the livestock industry, although exact numbers and values are largely unknown. This may be caused by misidentification of the cause of predation. For example, signs of coyote (Canis latrans) and feral swine predation a ...
... nearby vegetation have been disturbed. Feral swine cause serious economic loss to the livestock industry, although exact numbers and values are largely unknown. This may be caused by misidentification of the cause of predation. For example, signs of coyote (Canis latrans) and feral swine predation a ...
Ente di Gestione delle Aree Protette della Valle Sesia Wild Boar
... have 36 chromosomes, as opposed to wild boar in the rest of Europe which possess 38, the same number as domestic pigs. Boars with 36 chromosomes have successfully mated with animals possessing 38, resulting in fertile offspring with 37 chromosomes. Feral pigs Domestic pigs quite readily become feral ...
... have 36 chromosomes, as opposed to wild boar in the rest of Europe which possess 38, the same number as domestic pigs. Boars with 36 chromosomes have successfully mated with animals possessing 38, resulting in fertile offspring with 37 chromosomes. Feral pigs Domestic pigs quite readily become feral ...
Integrating animal temperament within ecology and evolution
... of individuality. Individual animals often behave in a way that distinguishes them from other members of their species of the same sex and age class. When such differences are consistent over time, they can be referred to as ‘personalities’ or ‘behavioural style’. Coping style: a coherent set of beh ...
... of individuality. Individual animals often behave in a way that distinguishes them from other members of their species of the same sex and age class. When such differences are consistent over time, they can be referred to as ‘personalities’ or ‘behavioural style’. Coping style: a coherent set of beh ...
Opens external link in new window
... ecological complexes of which they are part, including diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems. [Article 2 of the CBD] ...
... ecological complexes of which they are part, including diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems. [Article 2 of the CBD] ...
It has been said that “habitat fragmentation and physical barriers
... Southern African countries have experienced an upsurge of disease outbreaks in recent years (FAO, 2005), including within fenced zones. Although the efficacy of fences has long been questioned (Owen & Owen, 1980; Ross, 2003), fences are still regarded as an essential component of disease control bec ...
... Southern African countries have experienced an upsurge of disease outbreaks in recent years (FAO, 2005), including within fenced zones. Although the efficacy of fences has long been questioned (Owen & Owen, 1980; Ross, 2003), fences are still regarded as an essential component of disease control bec ...
Bison as Keystone Herbivores on the Great Plains
... how they are typically managed, yet, often these two questions lead to confounded conclusions. Cattle herds are typically associated with ranches that are managed for optimum commodity production. Operations commonly rely on herds where animals are separated for most of the year based on sex and age ...
... how they are typically managed, yet, often these two questions lead to confounded conclusions. Cattle herds are typically associated with ranches that are managed for optimum commodity production. Operations commonly rely on herds where animals are separated for most of the year based on sex and age ...
Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Greater Mapungubwe TFCA: A case
... area in the Kgalagadi with internal movement and temperature loggers to understand how herbivores adapt their movement patterns in response to climate change. A point was made in plenary that currently, most wildlife research is carried out by radio collaring or tagging wild animals and that there i ...
... area in the Kgalagadi with internal movement and temperature loggers to understand how herbivores adapt their movement patterns in response to climate change. A point was made in plenary that currently, most wildlife research is carried out by radio collaring or tagging wild animals and that there i ...
Conservation review of the dama gazelle
... and fragmented subpopulations are thought to survive and numbers in the wild are estimated to total less than 300 (Figure 1). The main threats include unsustainable hunting and loss and degradation of habitat due to competition with and overgrazing by domestic livestock. Prolonged droughts in the Sa ...
... and fragmented subpopulations are thought to survive and numbers in the wild are estimated to total less than 300 (Figure 1). The main threats include unsustainable hunting and loss and degradation of habitat due to competition with and overgrazing by domestic livestock. Prolonged droughts in the Sa ...
Extreme Wildlife Declines and Concurrent Increase in
... range of many wildlife populations worldwide [1] especially in Africa [2,3]. The magnitude and extent of these declines as well as their suggested underlying drivers vary widely regionally. The extreme declines in wildlife numbers in Africa have become widely recognized and documented in recent year ...
... range of many wildlife populations worldwide [1] especially in Africa [2,3]. The magnitude and extent of these declines as well as their suggested underlying drivers vary widely regionally. The extreme declines in wildlife numbers in Africa have become widely recognized and documented in recent year ...
Ecology and Evolution of Poeciliid Fishes
... an excellent opportunity to consider genetic management of protected species. This species was once widespread but is now restricted to a small number of remnant populations (Minckley 1999). Because gene flow must be accomplished by translocation of fish, delineation of evolutionarily significant units ...
... an excellent opportunity to consider genetic management of protected species. This species was once widespread but is now restricted to a small number of remnant populations (Minckley 1999). Because gene flow must be accomplished by translocation of fish, delineation of evolutionarily significant units ...
Appendix 3-2 Rare snail reintro guidelines
... reintroduction of a species back into a site where it had been previously observed but where it is not close enough to any wild sites for there to be genetic communication between the new reintroduction and the existing population. o Augmentations of an existing wild population. This involves introd ...
... reintroduction of a species back into a site where it had been previously observed but where it is not close enough to any wild sites for there to be genetic communication between the new reintroduction and the existing population. o Augmentations of an existing wild population. This involves introd ...
Alarm substance from adult zebrafish alters early embryonic
... in response to predation threat are common place (e.g. Tollrian 1995) but may have associated costs (Peckarsky et al. 2002). Alternatively, the early occurrence of developmental events could relate to later physiological or behavioural traits, as has been demonstrated in tadpoles, which learnt to re ...
... in response to predation threat are common place (e.g. Tollrian 1995) but may have associated costs (Peckarsky et al. 2002). Alternatively, the early occurrence of developmental events could relate to later physiological or behavioural traits, as has been demonstrated in tadpoles, which learnt to re ...