Download I. Living Things A. Classifying Organisms 1. Why Do Scientists

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Living Things
A. Classifying Organisms
1. Why Do Scientists Classify?
a) for organization, since there are at least
1. ________________ kinds of organisms
on Earth
b) classification: the process of grouping
things based on their 2. ________________
c) many scientists, like biologists,
geologists, etc. use classification
d) the scientific study of how living things
are classified is called 3. _______________
2. Early Classification Systems
3. The Classification of Linnaeus
a) expanded Aristotle’s idea of classification
b) Linnaeus’ system was called
4. ________________________
c) the first part of the name, 5. __________
groups closely related organisms
d) the second part of the name, species
groups closely related organisms that can
mate and produce 6.
e) in this system, the name of the organism
is in Latin and is italicized
f) the 7.____________________ is capitalized and the
8. ____________ is lowercase
4. Levels of Classification
a) The Seven Levels of Classification
1) the seven levels of the classification
system used today (broad to specific):
b) Classifying an Owl
1) the owl Bubo virginianus, Bubo is
the 10. ____________
5. Evolution and Classification
6. Classification Today
a) scientists understand that certain
organisms are similar because they share a
11. ____________________
b) homologous structures provide evidence
that species with similar evolutionary
histories are classified 12. _______________
c) primarily, scientists rely on the
comparison of 13. _______________
between organisms to determine
evolutionary history
7. Using the Classification System
a) field guides are great tools for
b) another useful tool is the 14.___________,
a series of paired statements that describe
what a particular organism looks like