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Name: _________________________________________________ SCORE:________________
The Integumentary System
1. What are the functions of the Integumentary System? P. 936 & 938-939
2. What is the main organ of the Integumentary System? ______________
3. List the four tissues this organ is made up of and the functions: P. 936
a. ________________________: ___________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________: ___________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________: ___________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________: ___________________________________________________________________
4. What are the 3 layers of the skin? P.936 __________________________________________________________________
5. What is the function of your Epidermis Layer of the skin? P. 936 _______________________________________________
6. What is the function of your Dermis Layer of the skin? P. 937 _________________________________________________
7. What is the function of your Subcutaneous (“hypodermis”) layer of the skin? P. 937
8. Keratin is found in your epidermis. What is keratin? P. 936 ____________________________________________________
9. Your epidermal tissue contains melanocytes that produce a pigment protein called melanin. What does melanin do for your body? P.
The Skeletal System
1. How many bones does the average human adult skeleton have? P. 941 ____________
2. Besides bones, what else makes up the skeletal system? P. 941 _________________________________________________
3. What is the main function of the skeletal system? P. 941 ________________________________________________________
4. What is the difference between the axial and the appendicular skeleton? P. 941 _____________________________________
5. List the 2 types of bone marrow and their functions. P. 942
a. ___________ bone marrow: ________________________________________________________________
b. ___________ bone marrow: ________________________________________________________________
6. What 2 minerals do your bones store? P. 922
7. What are the skeletons of embryos made of? ____________________ What does it develop into? _________________ P.943
8. What is the function of an osteoblast: _________________________________________________________________P. 943
9. What is a joint? P. 944 __________________________________________________________________________________
10. What do ligaments do for our bones? P. 944 _________________________________________________________________
The Muscular System
1. What are the types of cells found within the body? What is the origin of each one? __________________________ P. 258
2. What is the main job of the muscular system? P. 947 _________________________________________________________
3. What are the three different types of muscle tissues? P. 947
a. ________________ muscle
b. ________________ muscle
c. ________________ muscle
4. Where do you find a. skeletal muscle? P. 948 ______________________________________________________________
b. Smooth muscle? P. 947
c. Cardiac muscle? P. 947 __________________________________________________________________
5. What 2 muscle types are involuntary? P. 947 _______________________________________________________________
6. What muscle type is voluntary? P. 948 ____________________________________________________________________
7. The striations in skeletal muscle cells are formed by alternating patterns of thick and thin filaments.
What are the thick filaments called? P. 948 _____________________ The thin filaments are called? P. 948 ________________
8. The tiny myosin and actin filaments are the force-producing engines that cause a muscle to contract. Below describe how a muscle
contracts: aka the Sliding Filament Theory. P. 949
9. The process described above takes a lot of ATP energy. What organelle would you find in high numbers within a muscle cell?
________________________________ (*HINT: this organelle performs cellular respiration)
10. What is a tendon? P. 948 ______________________________________________________________________________
The Excretory System
1. What is the function of the excretory system? P. 1005 _________________________________________________________
2. What organs are involved with the excretory system? P. 1005 ___________________________________________________
3. What do our kidneys do? P. 1006 __________________________________________________________________________
4. What is the filtering part of the kidney called? ________________ What is its function? P. 1006
5. What do the kidneys help the body to maintain? P. 1007
The Digestive System
1. What are the 3 functions of the digestive system? P. 1020
2. Where does digestion begin? P. 1020 _____________________ What type of digestion is this? ________________________
3. Where is food chemically digested? P. 1020 ______________ How does it work?
4. What is peristalsis? P. 1021_______________________________________________________________________________
5. What organ of your digestive system is your food absorbed into your bloodstream? P. 1023 ____________________________
6. What are villi? P. 1023 __________________________________________________________________________________
7. What lives within the large intestines and has a mutualistic relationship with humans? P. 984 ___________________________
8. What is food called that cannot be digested? P. 1023 __________________ What happens to it? P. 1024
9. What happens to excess water in the large intestines? P. 1024 __________________________________________________
10. How does the change in pH in the stomach aid in digestion? P. 1020
The Respiratory System
1. What is the main function of the respiratory system? P. 1000 ____________________________________________________
2. What is the difference between internal and external respiration?
3. What is the primary gas that the blood transports to tissues? P. 1002 ______________Gas blood gets rid of? _____________
4. List the 7 organs of the respiratory system: P. 956 ____________________________________________________________
5. What other systems or organs does the respiratory system combine with in order to function? P. 1003
(*HINT: this system transports gases and nutrients throughout the body).
6. Where does gas exchange occur within the Respiratory System? P. 1003
7. What muscle assists the respiratory system to allow air to enter and expel from your body? P. 1002
The Circulatory & Cardiovascular System
1. What is the circulatory system composed of? P. 992
2. What are the 3 main vessels of the body? P. 993
3. The smallest of blood vessels are capillaries. What is the function of capillaries? P. 993
4. What does the circulatory system provide for various organs around the body (List at least 4 things)? P. 943
 The Heart
1. What type of muscle is the heart made of? P. 994 _______________________________
2. How many chambers does the human heart have? P. 994 ________
3. What are the names of the top 2 chambers? P. 994 __________________What is their function? _______________________
4. What are the names of the bottom 2 chambers? P. 994 ________________What is their function? ______________________
5. Circle. Arteries carry blood (to / away from) the heart.
While veins carry blood (to / away from) the heart. P. 996.
6. What is the largest artery in the heart? P. 995 ____________________
7. What is blood pressure? P. 995 ___________________________________________________________________________
8. What is atherosclerosis and how does it affect blood pressure? P. 999
 Blood
1. What are the 4 components of blood? P. 997
2. What is plasma? P. 997
3. What are erythrocytes (HINT: RBC)? P. 952 ________________________
List their Function?
4. Red blood cells contain the protein called ______________________. What element is found in hemoglobin ______________, what
does it do? P. 997 __________________________________________________________________________________
5. The cells discussed in question 4 are not confined only to the circulatory system. What other system are they apart of?
6. What are leukocytes? P. 998 ____________________________List their function?
7. What are the functions of platelets in our blood? P. 997
The Nervous System
1. What is the function of the nervous system? P. 962
2. What cell carries information throughout the body in the form of electrochemical signals called impulses? P. 962
3. What is a sensory neuron? P. 963
4. What is a motor neuron?
5. What is a synapse? P. 967
6. Define reflex arc. _________________________________________________________________________________________
7. What is the difference between the central and peripheral nervous system? P. 968
8. What part of the nervous system has the responsibility for issuing nerve impulses and analyzing sensory data? P. 968
What does it include?
9. What are interneurons? P. 968 ______________________________________________________________________________
10. What part of the nervous system has the responsibility for carrying nerve impulses to and from the body? P. 971
11. What are the 2 divisions of the peripheral nervous system? P. 971 _______________________ & _________________________
12. What is the function of the somatic nervous system? ______________________________________________________________
13. What is the function of the autonomic nervous system?_____________________________________________________________
14. What are the 2 branches of the autonomic system?
The Endocrine System
1. What is the endocrine system? P. 1031 ________________________________________________________________________
2. What is a hormone? P. 1031 _________________________________________________________________________________
3. What is negative feedback? _________________________________________________________________________________
4. In general, the body’s responses to hormones are circle (slower / faster) & (shorter or longer-lasting) than the nervous system. P.
5. What is a gland? P. 998 _____________________________________________________________________________________
6. List the glands of the endocrine system. P. 1033-36 _______________________________________________________________
7. What hormones regulates metabolism? P. 1034
8. What hormone regulates blood sugar ____________________ What organ produces it? P. 1034 ________________________
9. What hormone regulates water balance __________________ What organ produces it? P. 1037 ________________________
10. The main endocrine organ that regulates many of the other endocrine organs is the pituitary gland. Where is the pituitary gland
located? P. 1033
The Reproductive System
1. What are the two types of reproduction (*HINT: one involves one parent and the other involves 2 parents)?
2. Circle. Mitosis / Meiosis is the cell division that creates the cells (gametes) of the reproductive system.
3. What is the main function of the reproductive system? P. 1048 ______________________________________________________
4. What part of the male body produces sperm and where is it located? P. 1049 ____________________________
5. What part of the female body produces the egg? P. 1050 ___________________________________
6. What is fertilization? P. 1054 _________________________________________________________________________________
7. What happens if NO fertilization occurs? P. 1051 _________________________________________________________________
8. What is a zygote? P. 1055 ___________________________________________________________________________________
9. After fertilization, the zygote undergoes the division of cells called ___________________ and implants on the uterine wall. At this
point of development the hollow ball of cells is called a blastocyst and these cells do not have a specialized function yet what kind of
cells are they? __________________
10. Where does the embryo develop? P. 1056 _______________________
The Lymphatic & Immune Systems
1. What is the function of the lymphatic system? P. 1086
2. List the lymphatic organs.
3. What do lymph nodes do? P. 1086
4. What is the function of the immune system? P. 1084
5. What are the barrier s of the immune system? P. 1084
6. What is an interferon? P. 1085
7. What is an antigen? P. 1088
8. The cells of the immune system that recognize specific antigens are 2 types of lymphocytes (white blood cells): B lymphocytes and T
a. What do B cells provide? P. 1086
b. What do T cells provide? P. 1088
9. What are antibodies? P. 1086
10. What major virus attacks Killer T cells, therefore destroying our immune response? P. 1045
11. What gives us immunity from viruses? P. 1089